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  Images are still upscaled when attached
Posted by: Espermaschine - 11-01-2016, 07:46 PM - Forum: Gimp-Forum.net - Replies (1)

Why does the site blow up images ?

EDIT: i know why...chrome bug...its not the site, its my browser.
This started a week ago, i must zoom to 80%, then its correct...:\

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  Is there a decent filter to make some sort of lens distortion for text ?
Posted by: Espermaschine - 11-01-2016, 03:33 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (22)

I was thinking of something like that:
(the logo in the middle).

Thats an effect from the late 90ies so shouldnt be too exotic.

I tried mapping text to a sphere, but Gimp's 'Map To Object' filter doesnt look good.
The 'Lens Distortion' is not extreme enough.
'Apply Lens' makes it all jaggy edged.
G'MIC doesnt seem to have the right filter...'Fisheye' distorts parts of the text too much in an ugly way.

I downloaded Mathmap, but im new to this filter pack, so i dont know.

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  An image I hope you won't see too often
Posted by: Ofnuts - 11-01-2016, 03:02 PM - Forum: Gallery - Replies (4)


Not that easy to achieve realistic TV snow. Of course, who remembers what that looked like? Big Grin

Edit: better with scan lines
Edit2: better without spelling errors and more lens distortion

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  Working with Paths
Posted by: Blighty - 10-31-2016, 08:44 AM - Forum: Tutorials and tips - Replies (17)

When I first started working with paths I made a How To list. I printed this and kept referring to it whenever I was working with paths. It helped me, so I am sure it will help others just starting to use Gimp paths.

Consider this a Work In Progress. ie it is not complete and not guaranteed to be 100% correct. Please feel free to correct and add to it. I would like to see it posted somewhere permanent when completed.


Create a new Path:
Design: Click, Click, Click, Click, ...

Close a Path:
Design: Ctrl-Click on first node.

Move a Node:
Design: Drag Node

Add a new node:
Design: Ctrl-Click on segment
Edit: Click on a segment

Delete a node:
Design: Select node, then Shift-Ctrl-Click on the node
Edit: Select node, then Shift-Click on the node (or Shift-Ctrl-Click on the node)

Delete a segment:
Design: Select Segent, then Shift-Ctrl-Click on the segment
Edit: Select Segent, Shift-Click on the segment

Join two nodes with a segment (close a path):
Design: Click on one node; Ctrl-Click on the next node.
Edit: Click on one node, Click on the next node.

Open (Extract) a handle:
Design: Select node: Ctrl-Drag square
or Edit: Drag square

Open (Extract) handles while creating a path:
Instead of just clckng, Click-Drag.

Close (Delete) a handle:
Design: Shift-Ctrl-Click on the handle
Edit: Shift-Click on the handle

Make handles symmetrical:
Design or Edit: Press Shift while dragging a handle
Design or Edit: Press Ctrl-Shift while dragging a handle

Bend a segment:
Design:  Click on the segment and drag
or Edit: Click on the segment and drag (Caveat: this adds a new node!)

Start a new section in the same path
Design: Shift-Click
(Can be used to create an O shape path with inner and outer sections)

How to tell Gimp that this path is complete and I want to start a new path:
Paths Dialogue: Click on New Path (similar to creating a new layer in the layers dialogue.)

How to smooth nodes or a complete path:

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  Painless use of selection tools
Posted by: Ofnuts - 10-30-2016, 03:30 PM - Forum: Tutorials and tips - Replies (6)

A couple of  techniques that work with all selection tools, once you know that:

  • You can save your current selection (Select/Save to channel)
  • Channels can operate on the current selection: bluntly replace it, but also be added, subtracted, intersected with it
  • Channels appear in the "Channels" dialog   (Windows/Dockable Dialogs/Channels)
Then, you have two modes of operation:

The "cumulative":
  • Do some selection
  • Save selection to channel
  • Start new selection part in "addition"/"subtraction"/"intersection" mode, with some possible overlap with current selection (shift-click, usually, but for scissors you have to "shift-enter" at the end (instead of plain "enter"))
  • Save the new selection to a channel (and keep the old one)
  • Etc...
With this method you can undo by just restarting with a previous step, and you see your final selection coming, but you cannot easily rework the first selections.

The "stitched pieces":
  • Do some selection
  • Save selection to channel
  • Repeat (with some overlap most of the time)
  • Once done, use the Channels dialog to add/subtract/intersect the channels to the current selection
Slightly more manual at the end, and I recommend to name each selection. But you can redo any selection easily, and have each selection with a different feathering amount.

For all methods:
  • Since you spent so much time doing these selections, save the final selection, too. May come in handy.
  • As long as you save the image with as XCF, the selections that you saved as channels are saved with it. You can interrupt your work... or at least do periodic and useful saves of the image.
  • Nothing says you have to use the same selection tool all along... you can use the best tool for each partial selection.

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Posted by: Ofnuts - 10-30-2016, 02:19 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (33)

A quick script to automate the background erasure when the background is uniform.

To use:

  • Make a selection on the background using the fuzzy selector with a threshold big enough to include small irregularities
  • Use Layer>Erase background
The script uses the now-classic color-to-alpha-on-grown-selection with a couple of enhancements:
  • Most of the background is completely deleted and is guaranteed to be totally transparent (thanks Blighty)
  • The color used for color-to-alpha is deduced from the erase background color, and so doesn't ned to be specified.
Script is at the usual place: Ofnuts' Gimp Tools downloads

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  Gimp selection tools for beginners
Posted by: rich2005 - 10-30-2016, 02:09 PM - Forum: Tutorials and tips - No Replies

For Beginners to Gimp, a look at the selection tools and briefly how they work.

To keep these demonstration videos to a sensible length, the subject is split into three parts.

Do not like videos? then the Gimp manual references are

Chapter 14 starting https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-tools-selection.html
Chapter 7 starting https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-using-selections.html

1. The various selection tools, plenty of them, rectangle, elliptical, free-select, fuzzy, color, scissors, foreground and quickmask.

2. Modifying a selection with the selection modes and Selection Menu options.

3. Selections and the transform tools: move, rotate, scale...etc.

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  Impaint & Content Aware Filling
Posted by: Espermaschine - 10-28-2016, 07:56 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Has any of you guys figured out how to use the various G'MIC Impaint filters ?

I dont do much photo manipulation but content aware filling is something i need to use from time to time but i find it hard to use it properly.
Most of the time i end up using 'Heal Selection' (resynthesizer) instead.

David Tschumperle seems to be unwilling to answer questions as to what the individual sliders do and that Pat David tutorial didnt help much either.
Changing the sliders without knowing what im doing, doesnt work very well, and the preview is inaccurate anyway, so experimenting with the filter is time consuming and frustrating.

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  Box of tricks, aka adjustment layers
Posted by: Espermaschine - 10-28-2016, 01:37 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

The idea for this thread comes from a conversation with CRogers on G+ and a script package from deviantart.
Somebody was asking when we finally gonna get non destructive adjustment layers as in Photoshop, and i remembered the deviantart script pack which is basically a memory aid for people who dont understand layermodes.

So here are some tricks how to imitate adjustment layers for non destructive image manipulation:

Saturation Adjustment:
create a new black layer on top of your (color) image and set the Mode to 'Color' (you will get a b/w image).

Inversion Adjustment:
create a new white layer on top of your image and set the Mode to 'Difference' (you will get a negative)

Sharpening Adjustment:
get RobA's HighPass Filter script (registry.gimp.org/node/7385), run it on your image and set the new layer to 'Grain Merge' or 'Hard Light' (this will sharpen your image)

Adjust Lights, Darks or Mids:
use this tutorial (clownfishcafe.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/color-pop-on-midtone-grayscale.html) to manipulate specific value parts of an image with a layermask.

Any more non destructive tweaking tricks ??

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  The little forum that could
Posted by: Ofnuts - 10-27-2016, 09:45 AM - Forum: Gimp-Forum.net - Replies (100)

Alexa ranks us at 10,964,287. GimpForums.com was around 100K, so we just have to pass a bit over 10 million other sites.

[Image: challenge_accepted_rage_face_comic_meme_...vr_324.jpg]

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