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Trying to create curved text
I've got something wrong!!!
[Image: o8TAGt8.png]
You have got to be kidding me, this is not 'school'.

How else do people learn but mess with things.
Are you one of those people who get a new TV etc.. and read the manual cover to cover before even pluging the TV in and turning it on.

The only way to learn is to mess with stuff. It's the only real way to learn what stuff can and can't do.

...Where are there any 'GIMP School' tutorials anyway?
(02-14-2018, 11:58 PM)pooky2483 Wrote: I've just tried and something's gone wrong, why is the 'circle' yellow and not 'pooky2483'?

The circle is yellow because you had an active selection on the circle and filled the selection with yellow.

You need to create a selection from the path and then fill that selection with yellow.

In your post #11 you are nearly there. In Espermaschine's post #12 he explains the next step. Follow those instructions.
NB Make careful note of the little red square at the bottom of the paths dialogue.

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