09-23-2018, 03:30 AM
(09-22-2018, 10:35 AM)Espermaschine Wrote:thank you very much I think you shold have a reputation of 100+(09-22-2018, 07:41 AM)something Wrote: well that's nice care to tell me how or post a link to somewhere that shows how
Gimp doesnt have smart objects or a texturizer filter like PS.
Basically the effect adds texture by bumpmapping noise into a 50ies gray layer.
So one way of imitating this is (in 2.8):
01. create a new layer and fill it with #808080
02. add RGB Noise 0,10 (with Independent RGB unticked to get monochromatic noise)
03. duplicate and set to 'Grain Extract'
04. Offset up and to the right by 1px
05. Gaussian Blur the upper layer until you get the texture effect you like (1-3px) (this step is a lot more convenient in 2.10 because of live canvas effect)
06. merge down
07. set Layer Mode to 'Hard Light'
08. adjust texturizing effect with a layermask
another way is using the Bumpmap filter which is probably a bit more flexible when it comes to direction of light and depth
01. create 50ies grey layer
02. create white layer on top and add the Noise, then Gaussian Blur for the Bumpmap
03. apply Bumpmap to grey layer and set the values to your liking
04. set the bumpmapped layer to 'Hard Light'