(08-30-2023, 05:09 PM)silverbirch2003 Wrote: many thanks for that info
I saw the large colour icons in your pic and thought
of mine... small white icons
I downloaded 2 10 34 but no larger colour icons ..... seems its the same old set up
Im just not getting a drop down option like in your illustration .... you must have a diff version
I think I ve got the lates t 2 10 34
Go to Edit > Preferences, a window opens... just follow my screenshot

If you don't see the Tool Options, go to the top menu Windows > Dockable Dialogs > Tool Options (it the first on the top of the list), if it was already open but don't know where it will flashes for a second or 2 and be in focus in the middle of the other dialog
(08-30-2023, 05:09 PM)silverbirch2003 Wrote: another prob ......... I go to tools then hit ... toolbox... a toolbox used to come up that
I could extend etc..... now nothing.... I have to use the tool box crammed in the narrow column on
the right
could there be some other method of getting a tool box window up ?
Give a screenshot of the GIMP interface,
So just guessing (without screenshot), you should be able to put your mouse moving slowly near the bottom of the tool box until you se the pointer changing for a double pointed arrow, click and drag down if it's squeezed laterally do that process on the side.