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Explain Gimp 3.0 AppImage to me
as if I have no idea wth is going on.

I waited patiently for about 40 years for Gimp 3.0 to arrive, with high expectations of image altering bliss as the ultimate reward.  I thought once 3.0 was released, things like plugins and scripts that were re-designed specifically for 3.0 would work flawlessly.  

It's confusing to me, a user of Linux Mint, as to what exactly is the proper way to make the Debian based AppImage provided by to do much of anything correctly.  Are there "Debian based" plugins for extensions like Resynthesizer and G'Mic and Beautify while using the AppImage?  I ask this because none of these plugins, which have already been altered to work with my version of the Gimp 3.0 AppImage, work with the Gimp 3.0 AppImage supplied by

Is this because I'm using Linux Mint, an Ubuntu based version of Linux, instead of Debian?  I can download the official Gimp 3.0 AppImage and things like Render/Fractals/Fractal Explore throw up errors and will not work right out of the box.

I have to get Rich to modify Gimp 3.0 AppImage plugins to make them work; they don't work with the official Debian based AppImage.  Thanks a million for that, btw, Rich.

Will there be a time when I can just download the AppImage on's site and get any plugin already Gimp 3.0 modified to work properly or will they always have to be specifically modified to work with Ubuntu/Linux Mint also?

Lastly, I don't even know if what I'm saying makes sense.  Someone make it make sense for me.

Messages In This Thread
Explain Gimp 3.0 AppImage to me - by CtrlAltDel - 03-21-2025, 07:43 AM
RE: Explain Gimp 3.0 AppImage to me - by rich2005 - 03-21-2025, 09:27 AM
RE: Explain Gimp 3.0 AppImage to me - by rich2005 - 03-21-2025, 04:01 PM
RE: Explain Gimp 3.0 AppImage to me - by lewisc - 03-22-2025, 05:37 PM

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