Hi everyone 
I'm new here; have been trying for a couple days to get this to work properly, and I've finally given up and decided to ask for some help, haha.
Basically, I'm attempting to curve an image (not a path, just an image) along a path. Curve bend seems to me to be the way to go, but I'm having all sorts of trouble actually using it...mostly because the grid with the points in the dialog box is so TINY. Like...idk if it's meant to be so small, but the grid is like...an inch long maybe? And the mouse movements I have to make to adjust are absolutely infinitesimal. My hand-eye coordination isn't good enough for that! XD
Anyway...the ideal solution would be to be able to load the points data from an SVG or something, so I could edit my path in Inkscape. If there's no way to do that, are there alternatives that allow me to edit the points either like...with the arrow keys or something, or in another program, or even (as big a pain as it would probably be) in a text editor or something? Is Curve Bend even the best way to do this? Tbh I'm still finding GIMP a bit counterintuitive in a lot of ways, so I have a difficult time with it sometimes.
Thanks for any help you can give!
Oh, and so that you don't have to check my profile--OS is Windows 10, GIMP version is 2.10.20 (revision 1).

I'm new here; have been trying for a couple days to get this to work properly, and I've finally given up and decided to ask for some help, haha.
Basically, I'm attempting to curve an image (not a path, just an image) along a path. Curve bend seems to me to be the way to go, but I'm having all sorts of trouble actually using it...mostly because the grid with the points in the dialog box is so TINY. Like...idk if it's meant to be so small, but the grid is like...an inch long maybe? And the mouse movements I have to make to adjust are absolutely infinitesimal. My hand-eye coordination isn't good enough for that! XD
Anyway...the ideal solution would be to be able to load the points data from an SVG or something, so I could edit my path in Inkscape. If there's no way to do that, are there alternatives that allow me to edit the points either like...with the arrow keys or something, or in another program, or even (as big a pain as it would probably be) in a text editor or something? Is Curve Bend even the best way to do this? Tbh I'm still finding GIMP a bit counterintuitive in a lot of ways, so I have a difficult time with it sometimes.
Thanks for any help you can give!
Oh, and so that you don't have to check my profile--OS is Windows 10, GIMP version is 2.10.20 (revision 1).