11-18-2021, 12:58 AM
I am trying to install startrail.py in Gimp 2.10
This is some of what I have tried:
Any help would be appreciated Thank you
This is some of what I have tried:
joe@joe-GA-78LMT-USB3:~$ sudo cp startrail.py /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/
[sudo] password for joe:
joe@joe-GA-78LMT-USB3:~$ sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/startrail.py
joe@joe-GA-78LMT-USB3:~$ cd /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/
joe@joe-GA-78LMT-USB3:/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins$ ls
alien-map file-gih metadata
align-layers file-glob mosaic
animation-optimize file-header newsprint
animation-play file-html-table nl-filter
antialias file-ico noise-hsv
apply-canvas file-jpeg noise-randomize
blinds file-mng noise-rgb
blur file-openraster.py noise-solid
blur-gauss file-pat noise-spread
blur-gauss-selective file-pcx nova
blur-motion file-pdf-load oilify
border-average file-pdf-save pagecurl
bump-map file-pix palette-offset.py
cartoon file-png palette-sort.py
channel-mixer file-pnm palette-to-gradient.py
checkerboard file-ps photocopy
cml-explorer file-psd-load pixelize
color-cube-analyze file-psd-save plasma
color-enhance file-psp plugin-browser
color-exchange file-raw polar-coords
colorify file-sgi print
colormap-remap file-sunras procedure-browser
color-rotate file-svg pyconsole.py
color-to-alpha file-tga py-slice.py
colorxhtml.py file-tiff-load python-console.py
compose file-tiff-save python-eval.py
contrast-normalize file-uri qbist
contrast-retinex file-wmf red-eye-removal
contrast-stretch file-xbm ripple
contrast-stretch-hsv file-xjt rotate
convolution-matrix file-xmc sample-colorize
crop-auto file-xpm screenshot
crop-zealous file-xwd script-fu
cubism film selection-to-path
curve-bend filter-pack semi-flatten
decompose flame sharpen
deinterlace foggify.py shift
depth-merge fractal-explorer sinus
despeckle fractal-trace smooth-palette
destripe gfig softglow
diffraction gimpressionist sparkle
displace gradient-flare sphere-designer
edge gradient-map startrail.py
edge-dog gradients-save-as-css.py text-brush.py
edge-laplace grid threshold-alpha
edge-neon guillotine tile
edge-sobel help tile-glass
emboss hot tile-paper
engrave ifs-compose tile-seamless
file-aa illusion tile-small
file-bmp imagemap unit-editor
file-cel iwarp unsharp-mask
file-compressor jigsaw value-invert
file-csource lcms value-propagate
file-desktop-link lens-apply van-gogh-lic
file-dicom lens-distortion video
file-faxg3 lens-flare warp
file-fits lighting waves
file-fli mail web-browser
file-gbr map-object whirl-pinch
file-gif-load max-rgb wind
file-gif-save maze
joe@joe-GA-78LMT-USB3:/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins$ cat startrail.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Gimp Startrail Compositor
# https://github.com/themaninthesuitcase/gimp-startrail-compositor
# Version : 1.8
# Christopher Pearson
# www.cpearson.me.uk
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
from gimpfu import *
import gettext
locale_directory = gimp.locale_directory
gettext.install( "gimp20-template" , locale_directory, unicode=True )
allowed_import_types = ["jpg","jpeg","tiff","tif","bmp","png"]
def file_is_image(file_name):
is_image = 0
ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] # get the extension
ext = ext.replace(".", "") # rip off the . from the extension
if ext.lower() in allowed_import_types: # is this an image?
is_image = 1
def get_new_image(raw_image, fade=None):
image = None
if hasattr(gimp.Image, "precision"):
image = pdb.gimp_image_new_with_precision(raw_image.active_layer.width, raw_image.active_layer.height, 0,
image = pdb.gimp_image_new(raw_image.active_layer.width, raw_image.active_layer.height, 0)
# When using "fade in and out" we need to add a black layer to the image:
# this will ensure the light frames (with opacity < 100) will be stacked on
# a dark background.
if fade != None and fade == 3: # fade in and out
layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new(
image.add_layer(layer, 1)
pdb.gimp_drawable_fill(layer, FILL_WHITE)
pdb.gimp_drawable_invert(layer, 0)
return image
def process_dark_frame(file_name, image, layer_count):
dark_frame = pdb.gimp_file_load(file_name,"")
# have we got a base image to work with?
if image == None:
# create a base image based on the dark frame
image = get_new_image(dark_frame)
# get the main layer of the new frame
dark_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new_from_drawable(dark_frame.active_layer, image)
# set the opacity to create an average image:
# formula taken from http://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/image-averaging-noise.htm
dark_layer.opacity = 100.0 / layer_count
# add the new layer and flatten down to keep memory useage down.
# Get rid of the image we loaded up.
def create_dark_image(dark_frames):
dark_image = None
layer_count = 1
images = os.listdir(dark_frames)
for file_name in images:
file_name = os.path.join(dark_frames, file_name)
if file_is_image(file_name):
dark_image = process_dark_frame(file_name, dark_image, layer_count)
layer_count += 1
return dark_image
def save_intermediate_frame(image, image_count, directory):
# build a save file_name pad the number to 5 digits which should be plenty for any timelapse.
intermediate_save_file_name = os.path.join(directory, "trail" + str(image_count).zfill(5) + ".jpg")
def process_light_frame(file_name, image, dark_image, merge_layers, image_count, subtract_skyglow, opacity, fade):
# load up the light frame into an image
light_frame = pdb.gimp_file_load(file_name,"")
# have we got a base image to work with?
if image == None:
# create a base image based on the light frame
image = get_new_image(light_frame, fade)
# did we make a dark frame?
if dark_image != None:
# As we have a dark image we need to subtract it from the light frame.
# create a new layer from the dark image
dark_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new_from_drawable(dark_image.active_layer, light_frame)
# set the layer to layer_mode_difference
dark_layer.mode = SUBTRACT_MODE
# add the layer to the light_frame
light_frame.add_layer(dark_layer, 0)
# flatten
if subtract_skyglow != 0:
glow_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new_from_drawable (light_frame.active_layer, light_frame)
glow_layer.mode = SUBTRACT_MODE
if subtract_skyglow == 1:
glow_layer.opacity = 25.0
elif subtract_skyglow == 2:
glow_layer.opacity = 50.0
elif subtract_skyglow == 3:
glow_layer.opacity = 75.0
glow_layer.opacity = 100.0
# add this as new layer
pdb.plug_in_gauss(light_frame, glow_layer, 500, 500, 0)
# Set the light frame to layer_mode_lighten
light_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new_from_drawable(light_frame.active_layer, image)
light_layer.mode = LIGHTEN_ONLY_MODE
light_layer.opacity = opacity
# add this as new layer
if merge_layers == 1:
light_layer.name = "layer " + str(image_count).zfill(5)
# clean up our temp bits.
def compute_opacities(fade, fade_in_amount, fade_out_amount, n_images):
opacities = []
image_indexes = list(range(n_images))
if fade == 1:
opacities, _ = opacities_from_fade_amount(fade_in_amount, n_images)
elif fade == 2:
opacities, _ = opacities_from_fade_amount(fade_out_amount, n_images)
elif fade == 3:
# to avoid jumps between fade_in and fade_out:
# 1. chose a parameter to control the other: fade_out_amount controls fade_in_amount
# 2. requires fade_in_amount + fade_out_amount <= 100
# "less than" means that there may be a certain amount of trail where opacity = 100
if fade_in_amount + fade_out_amount > 100:
fade_in_amount = 100 - fade_out_amount
opacities_in, N_in = opacities_from_fade_amount(fade_in_amount, n_images)
opacities_out, N_out = opacities_from_fade_amount(fade_out_amount, n_images)
# the stack is setup to use the fade out formula: we need to reverse the opacities to get the fade in
opacities = [opacities_in[i] if i < (n_images - N_out) else opacities_out[i] for i in image_indexes]
opacities = [100.0 for i in image_indexes]
return opacities
def opacities_from_fade_amount(fade_amount, n_images):
opacities = []
image_indexes = list(range(n_images))
N = int(fade_amount * n_images / 100.0)
if N == n_images:
opacities = [100.0 - (i * 100.0 / N) for i in image_indexes]
opacities = [100.0 if i < (n_images - N - 1) else 100.0 - ((i - (n_images - N - 1)) * 100.0 / (N + 1)) for i in image_indexes]
return opacities, N
def startrail(frames, use_dark_frames, dark_frames, save_intermediate, save_directory, live_display, merge_layers, subtract_skyglow, fade, fade_in_amount, fade_out_amount):
#Do some santity checking before we start
# Light frames
if len(frames) == 0:
pdb.gimp_message("No light frame path provided.")
if not os.path.exists(frames):
pdb.gimp_message("Light frame path doesn't exist.")
# Dark frames
if use_dark_frames == 1 and not os.path.exists(dark_frames):
pdb.gimp_message("Dark frame save path doesn't exist.")
# Intermediate frame path
if save_intermediate == 1 and not os.path.exists(save_directory):
pdb.gimp_message("Intermediate frame save path doesn't exist.")
# create 1 dark frame averaged from all of them
dark_image = None
if use_dark_frames == 1:
dark_image = create_dark_image(dark_frames)
# Define an image to work in.
# This will be created from the first light frame we process
image = None
images = os.listdir(frames)
# reversing the list is necessary in order to be able to use the same opacity formula
if fade == 1: # Fade in
# compute the opacity values based on the selected fade options
opacities = compute_opacities(fade, fade_in_amount, fade_out_amount, len(images))
for image_count, file_name in enumerate(images):
file_name = os.path.join(frames, file_name)
if file_is_image(file_name):
image = process_light_frame(file_name, image, dark_image, merge_layers,image_count + 1, subtract_skyglow, opacities[image_count], fade)
if save_intermediate == 1:
save_intermediate_frame(image, image_count + 1, save_directory)
if live_display == 1:
# If first frame display the image to screen.
if image_count + 1 == 1:
# Update the display
# show the new image if we managed to make one.
if image == None:
pdb.gimp_message("No images found to stack")
if image != None:
if live_display == 1 :
if dark_image != None:
gimp.delete(dark_image) # we don't need this any more so get rid of it so not to leak.
"Christopher Pearson",
"GPL v3",
(PF_DIRNAME, "frames","Light Frames",""),
(PF_TOGGLE, "use_dark_frames","Use dark frame",0),
(PF_DIRNAME, "dark_frames","Dark Frames",""),
(PF_TOGGLE, "save_intermediate","Save intermediate frames",0),
(PF_DIRNAME, "save_directory","Intermediate save directory",""),
(PF_TOGGLE, "live_display","Live display update (much slower)",0),
(PF_TOGGLE, "merge_layers","Merge all images to a single layer",1),
(PF_OPTION, "subtract_skyglow","Subtract skyglow (much slower)",0, ["None", "Light", "Moderate", "Heavy", "Full"]),
(PF_OPTION, "fade", "Fade trails", 0, ["None", "In", "Out", "In and Out"]),
(PF_SPINNER, "fade_in_amount", "Fade In amount [%]", 100, (1, 100, 1)),
(PF_SPINNER, "fade_out_amount", "Fade Out amount [%]", 100, (1, 100, 1))
domain=("gimp20-template", locale_directory)