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  Merry Christmas
Posted by: sallyanne - 12-24-2022, 05:03 AM - Forum: Watercooler - Replies (1)


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  The perspective plane
Posted by: locked - 12-23-2022, 04:06 AM - Forum: Watercooler - No Replies

The perspective tool in Gimp is great. It would be even better if the perspective plane displayed crosses to represent the vanishing points of perspective planes as already happens in CorelDraw version 8. I have not used later versions of Corel Draw because I believe they dropped the perspective tool from later versions although now appear to have reinstated it in the latest version. 

I am an experienced technical illustrator and have previously used CorelDraw up to version 8 to produce lots of excellent 3-D technical illustrations, and although CorelDraw is a brilliant application I am now ready to move on to using open-source applications to create illustrations, and then I can make YouTube videos using those applications to help teach anyone who is interested,  how to create a broad range of perspective and other types of 3-D illustrations.

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Sad Trying to open reinstalled GIMP, without success
Posted by: The Mouse Avenger - 12-22-2022, 06:50 PM - Forum: Older Gimp versions (2.8, 2.6....) - Replies (9)

Hello, everyone! My name's The Mouse Avenger, & this is my very first post here! ^_^

So, I'm having a bit of a dilemma...I'm gonna try & break this down as simply as possible:

1. So, I use the Windows 10 OS. I had to move the contents of my hard drive to a new computer, & reinstall of my programs & apps. I accidentally installed GIMP 2.10 initially, but then I remembered that all of my XCF files were saved on version 2.8, & files from any GIMP version earlier than 2.10 won't open, so I had to uninstall 2.10. THEN, I looked for GIMP 2.8 -- which I knew I had on my hard drive -- but I didn't pull up the file when I first searched for it. Thus, I ended up installing version 2.9...

2. Eventually, I found my 2.8 installer, & uninstalled 2.9. I ran the installation wizard for 2.8, but every time it tried to, it made my computer go into a BSOD -- more than once. Finally, I remembered what the BSOD error was, & looked up how to fix it. There were several methods that I tried, & after a quick reboot (plus Windows updates), the GIMP installation worked perfectly without making my computer crash!

3. But, THEN, I had another problem. When I tried to open 2.8, there came error messages that told me certain DLL files in my GIMP program folder were corrupted or missing. So I looked for those 5 DLL files, copied & pasted them into my GIMP program folder, & tried again. I didn't get THOSE error messages anymore, thankfully, BUT....

4. NOW, I'm getting ANOTHER error message when I try to open GIMP 2.8. Even after uninstalling & reinstalling the program, I still get the same error that prevents the program from loading. You can see it in the attached picture.


Sooo, what should I do to make GIMP 2.8 open & run successfully on my computer, like it did on the last hard drive? Any assistance would be GREATLY appreciated! :-) Thank you very much! ^_^

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  Selection information window vanished!
Posted by: malcolm - 12-22-2022, 04:26 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

As you select an area of an image, then a dialogue on the LHS would tell you how big your selection was.
You could then fine tune before the crop.
I've accidently pressed something and this dialogue of information is no longer showing.
How do I turn it back on?

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Star Gimp is no longer opening Images
Posted by: leonnova - 12-22-2022, 12:45 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (12)

Please I am in need of help. Gimp is no longer opening images Jpg, PNG or PSD again. Please how do I fix this ??. It keeps writing unknown file type when I try to open those file type Blush

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Posted by: meetdilip - 12-22-2022, 09:32 AM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (9)

I have rembg installed locally on 22.04 and it is working fine through Terminal.


It would be nice to know how to use the GIMP plugin though. Any help will be great.

PS: I am using the GIMP AppImage.  


I added the file from GIMP Chat to the plugins folder for the AppImage, but I do not see any PythonFu entry in the menu

I think the script is for Flatpak and I am using AppImage

There is a line in the script which says

cmd = "flatpak-spawn --host %s i %s %s %s" % (aiExe, option, jpgFile, pngFile)

Not sure which is the right command for the AppImage

There is also a part which says remove temporary files

if removeTmpFile:
        if osName == "Windows":
            del_command = "del \"%s%sTemp-gimp-0000.*\"" % (tdir, exportSep)
            del_command = "rm %s%sTemp-gimp-0000.*" % (tdir, exportSep)

Is the right command for Ubuntu?

I replaced the Chinese text with English. Not sharing because I have no intention to remove parts of original code distribute.

Looks like I have to install Python2 to get gimpfu working. Because there is a line saying

from gimpfu import *

Tried installing Python 2 and it says

python2 is already the newest version (2.7.18-3).

Not sure how to get the PythonFu working inside GIMP AppImage. Maybe Flatpak version is the only option.

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  How do you copy paste in a normal human way?
Posted by: tonedef - 12-22-2022, 02:53 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

I have two layers. I use the lasso tool in one layer to select some portion of an image in layer 1. I now want to copy it and paste it into layer 2. This seems utterly impossible. Ctrl+c should copy what's lassoed. Ctrl+v should paste what was copied into whatever layer I have selected no? Why doesn't it? This seems overly complicated to perform in Gimp.

Really what I want to do is select the inverse of what I select in layer 1 and DELETE it. E.g. I trace the edges of a flower, select the inverse of it, and delete it, and should now be left with a intricate flower, with no background beyond the border I just drew, so that whatever image lies underneath it shines through (i.e. what I deleted is now transparent). But that seems impossible. I have to choose an actual color? Why doesn't delete, delete and fill, fill?

There has to be some menu/option system I'm missing. There is no way this is how it's designed.

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  How to get a PDF to print at 600 DPI
Posted by: Muzician - 12-21-2022, 01:16 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

The place I want to have print my image says they prefer pdf, the maximum dpi they can print at is 600 dpi. However, pdf doesn't save at anything but 100 dpi even if I convert a 600 dpi .jpg or .xcf file. 

If I want the maximum 600 dpi quality at the particular dimensions I want with a pdf file, what's the process when going from a jpg or xcf file?


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  COPYing Layers
Posted by: gaystan - 12-21-2022, 12:02 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Hi everybody :

  I'm running GIMP 2.10......Windows 10 64-bit.
  I have a "drawing" of two leaves, joined on the bottom. This is on the background 
  layer.  How do I COPY this to a new layer (with the purpose of rotating /flipping the
  copy ?  And then, using OPACITY, to adjust the two layers into the correct 
  position. After that, use the the FLATTEN command.
  Advice ?
document.oncontextmenu = null; document.body.onpaste = null; document.body.onselectstart = null; document.onselectstart = null; document.ondragstart = null; document.body.oncut = null; document.onmousedown = null; document.body.oncontextmenu = null; document.body.oncopy = null; document.body.ondragstart = null; document.body.onmousedown = null;

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  Best way to remove glare
Posted by: Muzician - 12-20-2022, 05:25 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (9)

I've got a photo of a painting that has an irregularly shaped glare reflection. I've been getting decent results using the Free Select tool and mild stages of brightness/contrast reduction on progressively smaller areas of the image to avoid an obvious border where the filter has been applied but wondering if there's a better, quicker more effective way to do it. 


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