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Python Fu Image Creation - Slight Issues |
Posted by: BaconWizard17 - 12-31-2022, 06:00 AM - Forum: Scripting questions
- Replies (10)
Hi all,
I decided to finally start learning Python-Fu (I'm already familiar with Python), and I've been getting a feel for it by converting some of my older Script-Fu scripts to Python-Fu. It's going well so far, and I've been able to convert a few. Currently, I'm working on one of my scripts to create a preview image template. Formerly, I had a series of scripts that I could use to create different sized previews. I've streamlined it to one single new Python-Fu script with two sliders that allow me to customize how big I want the preview image canvas. The sliders determine the number of rows and columns, and then the image and guides are generated from that. The script works well, but there are two issues:
- When I don't have any images open, and I run this script, the dialog for it appears, and there are two dropdowns at the top for "Input Image" and "Input Drawable", above the sliders for number of rows and columns. Both say "(Empty)," and that's the only option. If I already have another image open, these dropdowns don't appear. Is this normal? Is there any way to prevent these from appearing?
- The image, when created, is black. The older script-Fu scripts (that essentially had the same coding) would create a white image. I'm sure there are many ways to make the image white, but how do I default to that?
Here's the Python-Fu code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from gimpfu import*
def multiSkinPreviewAny (theImage, theLayer, columns, rows):
# Establish the dimensions of the image based on the number of rows and columns
theImageWidth = 543 * columns
theImageHeight = 1080 * rows
# Create the image
theImage = pdb.gimp_image_new(theImageWidth, theImageHeight, 0)
# Create the main layer
theLayer = pdb.gimp_layer_new(theImage, theImageWidth, theImageHeight, 0, "Background", 100, 28)
# Add the layer to the image
pdb.gimp_image_add_layer(theImage, theLayer, 0)
# Add guides at the top left and bottom right
guide = pdb.gimp_image_add_vguide(theImage, 0)
guide = pdb.gimp_image_add_hguide(theImage, 0)
guide = pdb.gimp_image_add_vguide(theImage, theImageWidth)
guide = pdb.gimp_image_add_hguide(theImage, theImageHeight)
i = 0
# Add 1 vertical guide for every column
while i < columns:
xcoord = i * 543
guide = pdb.gimp_image_add_vguide(theImage, xcoord)
i += 1
# Re-initiate the counter
i = 0
# Add 1 horizontal guide for every row
while i < rows:
ycoord = i * 1080
guide = pdb.gimp_image_add_hguide(theImage, ycoord)
i += 1
# Display the new image
display = pdb.gimp_display_new(theImage)
"Create template grid for skin preview images.",
"Create template grid for skin preview images.",
"December 2022",
"<Image>/Marvel Mods/Skin Previews/Multi Skin Showcase/Custom Size Skin Preview",
(PF_SLIDER, "columns", "Number of Columns:", 2, (1, 8, 1)),
(PF_SLIDER, "rows", "Number of Rows:", 2, (1, 8, 1))
And here's one of the Script-Fu scripts for comparison:
; 2x2 grid skin preview for XML2/MUA1 skins
(define (script-fu-mua-xml2-2x2-preview)
; define our local variables
; create a new image:
(theImageWidth 1086)
(theImageHeight 2160)
; background layer
) ;end of our local variables
; add the layers
(gimp-image-add-layer theImage theLayer 0)
; add the guides
(gimp-image-add-hguide theImage 1080)
(gimp-image-add-vguide theImage 543)
; show the new image on the screen
(gimp-display-new theImage)
; populate script registration information
"2x2 Skin Preview"
"Creates an image for a 2x2 grid preview for 4 skins."
"September 2021"
; register the script within gimp menu
(script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-mua-xml2-2x2-preview" "<Image>/Marvel Mods/Skin Previews/Multi Skin Showcase")
Any input is appreciated!
Adjust Color Levels Menu Problem |
Posted by: OKCarl - 12-31-2022, 12:11 AM - Forum: Windows
- Replies (2)
Every time I try to 'crop to content' the 'Adjust Color Levels Menu' pops up in front of my project. Consequently, I am unable to crop my image. How do I turn off the 'Adjust Color Levels Menu'?
Speeding up gimp scripts |
Posted by: DaltonCalford - 12-30-2022, 06:18 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP
- Replies (1)
I have a process that runs, but is very slow.
I am looking for ways to speed up gimp - such as stopping the gimp UI from updating for every step it is performing.
I am running Script-Fu and the process itterates through a series of layers called "textures" and another series of layers called "templates"
and it performs a series of steps based upon the template and for each step, saves the result to a file in the appropriate directory.
It takes about 2 seconds per file output, but, given the number of files to be generated, it could take weeks, so even a small optimization would make a large difference.
I am running on linux, writting to a ssd, with 64GB of ram which is barely touched. I have a high end amd cpu (12 core) and a high end video card, but, it is still running slow.
So if it is trying to say, keep a undo log or any other unnessary steps, how do I shut those off?
Any help is appreciated.
Microsoft ICE like stitching |
Posted by: meetdilip - 12-30-2022, 01:03 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (9)
Hi, is it possible to stitch images into a seamless one like Microsoft ICE using GIMP?
Trying to stitch multiple images into one for Blender texture. Thanks
PS: Is there any tiled view like in Krita? - View > Wrap Around Mode
Clone brush not going active |
Posted by: Muzician - 12-30-2022, 06:33 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (5)
I'm trying to use the Clone Tool and keep getting the not active status icon - i.e. the circle with a slash through it image next to the tool pointer and nothing happens on the image when I click on it. Tried various images, tried shutting down and re-opening Gimp. I'm sure it's something simple I'm overlooking.
Any suggestions?