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Assist pls-how to merge 2 images |
Posted by: Low_tech_gimper - 01-09-2023, 07:42 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (5)
Hi, I'm a gimp novice & would appreciate some help. I have 2 photos: a nice portrait with a poor background & a photo with a lovely lighthouse & bay at dusk. Using intelliigent sissors I've clipped the person's portrait in first photo & have it as a layer w/checkerboard background. I have the background photo as a layer & then position the portrait into the photo w/lighthouse background. The background photo has the flashing dotted lines of the portrait silhouette but image isn't completely visible only the very bottom of the portrait which I moved to get the lighthouse into view, even when I "chain" them together. The portrait & the background are where I want them but cant seem to get the entire portrait to become visible. Could someone please suggest a solution as this is my first time gimping or perhaps order of ops from the beginning. Please be overly explicit in explaining. Thank you!!
Scanners and Windows 11 |
Posted by: archiel - 01-09-2023, 07:35 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
I am using GIMP 2.10.32 and Windows 11 22h2 and have 2+ scanning questions
Does GIMP recognise 64 bit scanner drivers?
+ If it does not will this be added in 2.99 / 3.00?
How can I use scanners with the portable version of GIMP (Create>Scanner/Camera)?
+ Create>Scanner\Camera does not bring up the scanner selection box. Can I resolve this by running Regsvr32 against the relevant gimp-scanner dll, and if so which file do I want?
Thank you. Archiel
Automatic text fill |
Posted by: taholmes160 - 01-08-2023, 04:53 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
HI folks:
I am building some game assets for a railroading game, and each one has a unique number on it in 2 different locations. the number itself is random, is there a way to automate the process some how?
It takes about 30 seconds or so to create a livery (Its a bit tedious) and by the time this is done, I will have several hundred of them
Any suggestions?
I had 2.8 years ago, can I still get that version? |
Posted by: Brushstroker - 01-07-2023, 08:46 PM - Forum: Older Gimp versions (2.8, 2.6....)
- Replies (1)
Years ago, I used a version that had halftone ability to images. I know there is newsprint in the newer versions but, I remember how easy it was with the old version which, color seperated too. Or, at least, was similar to color seperations.
Is that version still avaiable or can someone send me the file for that version.
Thanks in advance, working on DIY t-shirt designs..