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Photo Interface is inversed
Posted by: Ps2Gimp - 04-27-2022, 02:43 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (7)

Hi. Trying to reset interface did a Edit>Preferences> ...reset. But the interface remains inversed right & left.

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  Python2 Gimp AppImages for Ubuntu Jammy and Focal
Posted by: Tas_mania - 04-25-2022, 10:34 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (31)

Python2 was dropped in Ubuntu 20.04 but is still used by Gimp plug-ins and coders. These AppImages launch the system installed Gimp or the PPA installed Gimp and add Python2.7.18 and MathMap.

There is an Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy version and Ubuntu 20.04 Focal version of the AppImage.
Edit: There is an updated link with the appimage. The 22.04 Jammy version works with 20.04 Focal. No need for separate versions
-- rich
A byproduct of the appimages is a minimal 'tree' collection of necessary Python2 files. This tree can be dropped-in to the system in /usr or added to appimages. I could make this into a deb file but at the moment like the idea of having it isolated from Python3 which is used by gmic.

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  Draw and print exact dimensions
Posted by: Schoppe - 04-25-2022, 07:14 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Hi everyone,

I hope this is an easy question and someone can help.
I'm trying to draw and print a picture with exact dimensions using this steps:

1. I create a DIN A4 page with 300 PPI resolution.
2. I add a rectangle at the position X: 20 mm, Y: 20 mm, which is 12 mm wide and 33 mm high.
3. I fill the rectabgle black
4. I print the image.

-> The rectangle on the printed page is only 11 mm wide and 30 mm high. 

Is there any possibility to get this more precise?


Solved Smile. I found a page that explains the issue very good.

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  Having major superimpose problems!!
Posted by: samweisberg - 04-25-2022, 06:47 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)


Hoping someone can help me with this problem! I am new to Gimp 2.10.30 and I'm trying to superimpose several black and white photos over a bigger one. I followed all the instructions, used "color to alpha" mode on the smaller/superimposed photo, erased all the parts I didn't want included in the photo, opened up both the background photo and superimposed photo as layers...and still it looks like the photo below. As you can see, the superimposed photo is barely visible (all you see are the guy's legs!), and I've tried all sorts of lighting/shadow/opacity fiddling to make it work, to no avail. Can someone please help me fix this?? Thanks!

[Image: 2zmdxk4demv81.png?width=813&format=png&a...8ea3efe5aa]

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  Tools aren't working
Posted by: SBH514 - 04-24-2022, 11:48 PM - Forum: General questions - No Replies

I'm trying to use some tools such as clone and eraser. The icon/symbol displays and nothing freezes, but when actually doing the task, they don't work. I added some text and completed, but the dotted text outline/box still remains around the text. This happened before and I couldn't figure out how to end using text, so I undid the entire adding of text and was able to use clone and other tools. I don't want to undo the text I just added, but I don't know how to rid of that dotted box, which I strongly believe is the reason I can't use the other tools. I've tried ctrl shift A, esc, clicking other tools, clicking outside the box, etc. I have no idea how to get rid of it.

I'm using version 2.10.30

Any help appreciated.

Thank you

I figured it out. I had to click on the layers.


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  Grid Rearrangement
Posted by: bigtino24 - 04-23-2022, 01:38 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (10)

Hi, I've got a kind of strange task I need to do, and I was wondering if there was a way to use GIMP to do it more efficiently. Basically, I've got a chart of images and I need to rearrange those images into a different order, only I need to do it many times and I'd like to find a way to streamline the process. As an output for one process, I get a 13x21 chart of images, and I need to select certain images from within that chart and arrange them into a 9x6 chart as an input for another process. 

For example, I'd need to take the image in Row 2 Column 6 of Chart A and put it into Row 1 Column 4 of Chart B, and I need to do that for 54 images from Chart A in order to fill Chart B. I can copy/paste individual images from Chart A to Chart B one at a time, but it takes about 15 minutes to transfer the images from Chart A to the arrangement I need in Chart B, and I've got potentially dozens of input/output charts to go through, so I was really hoping there was a way to expedite the process. Is there any sort of template I could apply to Chart A that would allow me to quickly copy the images in the selected spaces over from Chart A to selected spaces in Chart B? Both Chart A and Chart B are just .PNG images, and the Chart A and Chart B formats are identical across all of the pages I need to process.

I know this is kind of an esoteric request, and it's for work so I'll end up doing it manually one image at a time if I need to, but if anyone knows any way to complete this process quickly, I'd really appreciate it.

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  open a certain .psd file
Posted by: exil - 04-22-2022, 12:22 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)


This is hopefully very basic for you guys, but I am a very basic user of Gimp.

I usually receive a file, any format basically. Then I may hide some layers, move some layers, re-size the image, export it and use it.

I have never had Gimp having trouble opening a PSD file before, but today it got stuck and does not open the image. No error message, it is just hanging there.

At first I thought it was an error with the actual image, so I had a college open in (with photoshop on windows) and she had no issue. Then I though perhaps it was something with my computer, so I tried Gimp (v 2.10.20) on a windows home 11.
They both got stuck and did not open the image.

My version of gimp is and I am on Manjaro linux v 21.2.6

The image in question is a psd of 106 MB aprox

I have retested opening other psd files I have received earlier and they do open.
I even downloaded Krita to open the file and Krita did open it.

I am at a complete loss

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  Adjusting perspective of a lower layer
Posted by: Stargazer - 04-22-2022, 11:25 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Hi, forum newbie here (although I've been using GIMP for a few years on and off) Smile

I have a specific task that I'm struggling with...

I'm working on producing an overlay of two old maps. One of them is rendered accurately to correspond with modern mapping (this is the one I want to use as a reference), the other a photo of an older map which is distorted.

I need to have the 'modern' map on top and have made it transparent so the older map can easily be seen through it when the modern map is overlaid on top of it. The modern map is more or less monochrome with a white background so is the obvious choice for the top layer (the older map is multicoloured and dirty so would be a poor choice for the top layer).

I now need to adjust the perspective of the older map, which is in the lower layer, to remove the distortion and line it up precisely with the modern map. This is possible, but when I try to do it I can't see the modern map on top, which I need to get the registration between the layers correct - it disappears when I select the perspective adjustment option (Shift-P).

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Many thanks, David.

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  How to turn off fuzzy selection mask?
Posted by: AVLSTU - 04-22-2022, 01:03 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (10)

I'm new to Gimp and cannot figure out how to get rid of a fuzzy tool selection mask I created (see attached photo).  I've tried various resets and unchecks, and shift-ctrl-A, and even uninstalled and reinstalled Gimp 2.10.  The mask is still there in the new installation.

I believe I was using the fuzzy selection (magic wand) tool so as to select all areas of a photo that are similar in color, so that I could change then all to a single color and then make this color transparent.  The cursor then changed into a dotted map of all these areas.

The problem is that I cannot figure out how to turn off the fuzzy selection map.  If I try to use the clone tool, I still get the fuzzy selection map (which moves around as I move my cursor). 

What I want to get is the usual circular clone cursor for selecting an area and then cloning with it.

I'm sorry if this is an idiot question but sure would appreciate some kind soul telling me what I'm doing wrong.  Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Attached Files Image(s)
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  Smoothing a path: a better algorithm
Posted by: Ottia Tuota - 04-21-2022, 01:31 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (8)

Among my plugins there are two rather similar ones which can be used to smooth a (straight-edge) path: the simple plugin


and the better algorithm


which makes very smooth paths (continuous curvature).

It came to my mind that some people may miss the better plugin just because it is called "G2-continuity" and hardly anybody knows what that means. So, just to draw peoples' attention to the plugin, I made this new thread where the title contains the words "smoothing" and "better". I hope this is not against any netiquette or forum rules. The two plugins are found at:


under the names "Simple smooth" and "G2-continuity". The sites above contain some instructions and discussion.

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