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Help with scaling a layer - image vanishes |
Posted by: GloriaGlitter - 05-01-2022, 07:03 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
Hello there - I am a novice user of Gimp and I'm having a problem that a friend of mine doesn't and we wonder if it is a Windows 11 issue. What I am doing is the following:
First I open an image that is size 1024 x 1024.
Then I open as a layer another image but this much larger at 3054 x 3054
It seems I can only see a 1024 x 1024 section of this larger image
I then use the scale tool and replace the width 3054 with 1024
As soon as I click into the height box, this 2nd image vanishes just showing the first image
I hit the 'scale' button anyway
I suspect my 2nd image rescaled has moved to outside of the visible area - on one occasion I was able to bring this rescaled image back by using move tool and keeping finger on right cursor key and slowly this image slid back into view but it doesnt do this each time.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a Windows 11 quirk since my friend on Windows 10 doesn't get this result - on her computer the rescaling acts as one would expect.
Grateful for any advice
Darken a lapel that was lightened by healing |
Posted by: brucemc777 - 05-01-2022, 12:02 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
I am VERY ignorant on the use of GIMP.
My daughter asked me to touch up some pictures of her if i could.
I found a quick tutorial on using "Healing" to get rid of "fly away hairs".
Some of these blond hairs were across a black jacket lapel. Now the lapel that should be black has a golden glow to it, especially where there might of been a grouping of hairs to make disappear.
I would like to keep the texture, but darken the lapel, if possible, back to the original color (and there are areas of the lapel that are the original color).
Could any of you good folks give me a shove in the right direction, and i am sorry to say, the large print and pictures version if at all possible?
Thank you VERY much for your time, consideration and knowledge!
Can someone recommend me a handheld scanner for textbooks? |
Posted by: Chemist116 - 04-30-2022, 05:45 PM - Forum: Watercooler
- Replies (9)
Hi, this is my first post. I need some advise on a portable or handheld scanner for textbooks. You see, I have a 10 volume set of math textbooks which are hardcover, the paper size is A4. I have used a flatbed EPSON model in the past and it had good image quality in all their modes from color, grayscale and black and white.
However, I am looking for something portable which can be swept or rubbed over the surface of the textbook without putting much strain on the spine. Do you know any brand or model which I could use for this purpose? I am intending to get a reasonable quality as the content has some graphics as it has geometry as part of the set and that the document can be digitalized as pdf.
I did some research and found Iris 3 Book scan seems to be what I look for, but I don't know if it would work well with GIMP and which other models comparable to this you guys have tried and got nice results?.
I don't know if GIMP can create pdf files. My current version is 2.10.6 so can you guys help me here?. Please guide me with some recommendations because I don't know which to choose from as sites like amazon reviews have mixed opinions. Please don't say to use my android or phone device with some app installed. I am specifically asking for an advise on an actual scanner and the image quality of a phone will not provide enough resolution to letters and equations found in mathematics. So, can you guys help me?
changing complex roof color and texture |
Posted by: alano9999 - 04-30-2022, 01:50 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (5)
Hi - I am new to Gimp and am using 2.10.30. In my image, I have a winter tree ( branches but no leaves) against one of the roof sections. There are many non contiguous sections of this roof in this image of approximately the same color but different shapes. Unfortunately the tree and roof clash on one section and the tree is not as visible. I am having problems using various tools to perhaps change the color of the roofs and textures to show off the complexities of the tree. What tools should I use to change the color and texture of the non contiguous roof shapes to have the tree in front of the roofs as it is now? Thanks
Export webp with transparent background |
Posted by: WoodSmoke - 04-30-2022, 12:01 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (13)
I'm trying to export a multi-layered, animated .xcf which is a POAP (Proof of Attendance Protocol).
I've flattened the layer groups into 6 layers and converted the image from RGB mode to indexed color mode.
In 'GIMP > Filters > Animation > Playback' the animation runs smoothly with a transparent background.
I just cant figure out how to export the animation and preserve the transparency.
I either get animation with a white background (no transparency) with .webp, or no animation but transparency preserved with .png.
I just can't seem to figure out which setting I've got wrong.
I'm using GIMP 2.10.30 on Windows 10 Pro.
22.04 kills AppImages |
Posted by: meetdilip - 04-29-2022, 07:39 AM - Forum: Linux and other Unixen
- Replies (6)
Hi, I had a very comfortable setup with GIMP 2.10.25 AppImage
Now that I upgraded to 22.04, AppImages are not working at all.
During the upgrade, even my .deb based Inkscape was also uninstalled. Now I have GIMP and Inkscape from the Store.
Not sure how to add G'MIC and other additions to GIMP. Any help will be great. Thanks.