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  .webp Musings
Posted by: rickk - 05-11-2022, 03:01 AM - Forum: Gallery - No Replies

[Image: Angryhanks-Persp-Sm.webp]

This surprised me a bit. I wanted to add the "illuminated" red text to the above cartoon. And of course .gif does not support partial transparency, so the glow around the letters was a problem.

See my "work in progress" screen here (large)  https://i.imgur.com/aHVH8nA.png

As you will notice, I was planning on using the full sized background file, with just a smaller layer to show the reddened text. Utilizing the (combine) attribute on both layers. This strategy  has worked well for me with gifs numerous times...but alas the partial transparency....so I decided to go with .webp

And, it worked.  But I was surprised to discover that gimp automatically generated a duplicate of the back ground layer in it's entirety, and combined that with the red letters to create a new second layer, at full size. You can download the above image and open it in gimp to verify.
Basically it "deoptimized" the animation, in conventional .gif parlance

Which gave me sort of a "duh" moment, realizing that I could have done the same thing with a gif, and managed the partial transparency in a way that .gif would not plunder.

But, there is a silver lining.  The .webp version is still half the file size compared to a "doctored" gif version.

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  Washed-Out Inversions
Posted by: Seasider4747 - 05-09-2022, 03:38 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

After scanning a 35mm strip of Ilford Ortho B&W (negative) film, VueScan does a fairly decent job of displaying the inverted end result (VueGrab attached). BTW they're stereo pairs, hence the repetition. But on importing the RAW file into GIMP 2.10 and invoking the Colors/Invert function, that presents a very washed out version (GimpGrab attached). Any ideas as to why that's happening? I'm familiar with using the RGB Adjustment panel in the case of color negative film but I presume that doesn't have a place when it comes to B&W. Perhaps I'm wrong about that. My thanks in advance for any enlightenment.

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  Leopard Pattern
Posted by: MissAA - 05-09-2022, 03:59 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Hello.  I have a question or two please?
Gimp leopard pattern.  I need to make the spots small so when I print them they can fit on something that is 1 and a 1/2 inch in length and a 1/4 inch wide.  How can do I do that? Also what is the last full version where the patterns were already installed? Any help would be greatly appreciated ❤️

Oh the print size paper is 24x36 I don’t know if this info is needed

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Photo merge .png files in vertical sequence and printing
Posted by: Dawna_R - 05-08-2022, 07:10 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Hi. I'm trying to find out how to merge a series of different .png files using GIMP  You can see the layout I want to use in the attached image.  If I were to create a file with the typical horizontal width of 8.50 letter size, and a vertical measurement of 11.0 x the total number of .png images, and then pasted them one after another on the newly created file, what would happen if I print it on 8.50 x 11.0 paper?  This might be obvious to some people , but I don't know.  I'd be grateful for any solution.


Also when registering for this forum, my O.S wasn't listed.  It's Windows 8.1 Home Version

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  Crop Multiple Images to Different Sizes in a Script
Posted by: BaconWizard17 - 05-08-2022, 04:47 PM - Forum: Scripting questions - Replies (3)

Hi all!

I was hoping to get some insight about a script I'm trying to work out. I wanted to see if it was possible to create a script to crop images to different sizes. It's always going to be the same number of images, always in the same order, and the size they need to be cropped to is always the same based on the order (i.e., the first image is always cropped to dimensions of A x B, the second is always cropped to dimensions of C x D, etc). If possible, I would also like to have these cropped images assembled in a particular way into a sixth image, and also (if possible) have them all be exported to a folder of my choice under a specific naming convention (again, one based on the order). 

Currently, I have separate scripts to individually crop each size of image, but since the order is always the same, the final assembled image is the same, and the naming convention is the same, I was hoping to be able to speed up this process even more so it could be done with a single click of executing a script. 

Is this something that GIMP can handle? I know that it can't natively batch process the same operation without external tools like BIMP, but I wasn't sure if it could do something like this. If GIMP can't do it, is there something that can? I've been trying to find another program that could do something like this, but so far I'm out of luck.

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  Move blocked
Posted by: Pejamide - 05-07-2022, 07:11 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

In the new version 2.10 it appears, that I cannot move an item within an image via the first menu 'Move'. For example, I created an new item in lettres and I want to move that item to another position in the same image, but it is not possible because of the combination of three signs: plus, prohibition sign and square.

I am using the GIMP version 2.10 running under Windows 10. In the older versions I am able to move an item.

What to do now?

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  watermark on a layer
Posted by: aka - 05-07-2022, 06:59 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (7)


Does please GIMP have some tools to do a watermark, but on a layer ?

Thanks !

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  Command/API to move to particular coordinate?
Posted by: Ken Shirriff - 05-06-2022, 04:57 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

Is there a command / plugin / API that will center the window on a particular coordinate? E.g. I enter 2000, 3000 and it moves the window to that coordinate.

My use case is that I have a 10000x10000 image and a list of coordinates where I need to fix things. Currently I scroll, then stop to read the cursor position in the lower left, scroll some more, and repeat until I find the desired location, which is tedious. I'd like to be able to jump directly to a position.I looked through script fu but couldn't figure out if there is a  better way.


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Question Script-Fu: gimp-image-get-filename does not return string?
Posted by: bliss - 05-06-2022, 03:26 PM - Forum: Scripting questions - Replies (1)

I'm probably doing something stupid?
(Scheme and Script-Fu first timer)


(gimp-image-get-filename 1)
not return a string?
Script-Fu Procedure Browser says so at least.

> (string-length (gimp-image-get-filename 1))
Error: string-length: argument 1 must be: string

Thank you for your time and effort kind stranger!

I had to do:

(string-length (car(gimp-image-get-filename 1)))

Where the (car x) is the important part.

Seems to be a Lisp thing where everything returns a  pair or a list and car selects the first element of a pair/list.

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  How to resize a selected object to a hd
Posted by: eedwards68@ymail.com - 05-06-2022, 12:37 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

I play this space game where you can create your own races but the final size of the species pics have to be 1920x1080. I find some cool pics of alien races but they may be of different file size and want to move of copy them to a blank pic that is 1920x1080.  Not sure on how to do that. 

I have a cool pic that is 739x1080 but I want to move the specific creature into a pic sized 1920x1080....  I have transparency, and alpha channels created.  Am new to this and would really like some help. Thank you in advance.

With the attached file I want to take that alien pic and move it to a sized 1920x1080 without distorting the pic of the alien....

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