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  Creating seamless patterns with beveled or raised edge components
Posted by: eepjr24 - 01-17-2021, 04:45 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

So I am playing with making some seamless patterns for flooring. I have the base pattern done, and now I am moving on to coloring and texturing the pattern. I have a variety of colors and textures I want to use, and I would like to use bevels on the cobbles to give a more realistic feel. In doing so, the bevels are of course added to all edges of the cobbles, even those that are at the edges and should join to their counterpart on the opposite edge. I think I have an idea for how to make this work but the number of steps and manual work involved will be higher than I hoped given that I want to use this template to provide several different color options. Does anyone know of a simple way to achieve this effect?

Example of a pattern with the bevels in the wrong place.

Single tile:
4x4 square:

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  Color issue with old negatives shot with DSLR
Posted by: oldserverguy - 01-17-2021, 03:01 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (9)

I have +100 122 film negatives that my Dad took in the 1920s and maybe 1930s.  I built my own light table and have a Nikon D7000 mounted such that I am shooting them slightly oven the negative size.  They have a washed out appearance and are yellow and somewhat blotchy after I'm done editing.  They are blue from the camera as the film is orange/yellow base.  I'd like them to be more correct B&W and the file size is larger than the original.  I'm running the current Windows version 2.10.22 on a multi-core Xeon workstation with 10 Pro and an uncalibrated Dell 3011 photo editing monitor but it closely matches reference prints and when I print photos on my Epson ET-4750 they match the real world .  My process is:

first prompt is the color profile - I've tried both convert and keep - no obvious difference - I stick with keep
image - transform - rotate if needed
image - transform - arbitrary rotation to get it exactly straight
crop tool - just slightly trim the border and then double-click
colors - auto - white balance
colors - invert
export as a JPG

Thoughts on how to fix the color issue?  Also the export .jpg file is from a 11 MB when the input is 8 MB - not being a photog I thought it would actually be smaller - as expected?

I'd attached before and after files but I'm getting POST errors.  Note that I can dim the LEDs in my light box if that would help.

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  ofn-extract-objects usage
Posted by: TheWaveWarden - 01-17-2021, 01:19 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)

Hi I'm using Gimp 2.10 on Debian. I'm trying to use the ofn-extract-objects script, but can't get it running.

I am fearly certain I installed it correctly, since when putting the .py file in the userspace plug-ins folder as well as the system folder, Gimp will say "Ignoring duplicate plugin". I also checked that the execution bit is set on the .py.

So maybe I am just blind? The documentation says

The script is called using the entries in the

Layer>Extract objects
sub-menu in the image window.

I assume the "Layer" menu in the top-bar between "Image" and "Color" is meant? I have no "Extrace objects" menu in there. Am I looking in the wrong direction? Undecided

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  Size change error
Posted by: jediguitar101@yahoo.com - 01-16-2021, 04:10 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)

I'm using 2.10.14...and when I switch from pixels to inches...the scale is WAY off.  (1665 px to 23+" ?!) I'm figuring it's the dpi the image is in...can I adjust the dpi of a copied image? If I rescale it...will it essentially do this...or would it keep the same dpi?

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  "Fatal Error: Unhandled Exception"
Posted by: Abdullah - 01-15-2021, 07:40 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (6)

Ever since a few months ago, I've had this issue where the two functions: saving a file and using the scale tool take exceedingly long amount of times to complete, and often result in the error message "Fatal Error: Unhandled Exception" which then causes the app to become unusable and unresponsive (so it must be manually turned off through the task manager) and also causes me to lose all my work since my last save.
Before the issue my file saving and scaling was quick, maybe a second maximum, and I used to save my work almost compulsively, every few strokes or changes while working, but now it takes between 30 seconds to a minute (even for the smallest changes!)
I don't know when or what exactly caused this issue (I have a feeling it might've been a certain application update or Windows update but I'm not sure), this just started happening one day out of the blue and for the past few months I've been dealing with this bug.
Has anyone here ever dealt with this problem before and/or knows how to fix it?
I've searched the internet for this problem, but this seems to be a pretty rare issue. Most instances of this error I've found online happen upon startup, and not during the times I receive the message.
I also use Windows 10 64-bit, always updated to the latest version, and I use Gimp 2.10.14 (not sure if that's the latest version).

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  define polygons on image and export points?
Posted by: mixedup - 01-15-2021, 03:16 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Could GIMP help me out with the following?  (re a tool that could do this).  If yes any pointers re what GIMP feature to dive into to try: 

  1. Open a background image and scale to standard background size I need.
  2. Define Areas - Define multiple areas on the image (e.g. Rect, Circle, Polygon) by tracing around key items (e.g. light, button, chair etc).
  3. Export Area Data - Can export the data that describes these tracings (e.g. x,y co-ordinates for Polygon, position & radius for circle) when required.  Would provide a list of data for each traced object, then can import into my application and read this.    [could be just polygons only]
  4. Export images for the areas defined from (2) - so after exporting for one images there might be several smaller images that would be exported (e.g. clipped image of the chair)
  5. Can come back later and load/still have the areas defined, and adjust them and re-export data and images.
  6. Overall output from one background image with areas defined on the image:
    • Exports a data file defines the different areas (polygons etc)
    • Exports the “cut out” images for each of these 

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  Merge / Blend
Posted by: Bobins - 01-15-2021, 12:13 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (11)

Hello folks

I'm new to editing and heavily dependant on yotube and the net in general for help. I have a logo design that I would like to tweak slightly but not sure how to go about it. Across the EA and I in the logo, there is a "Hard Line" and the rest of the image has a gradient fill. I would like to get rid of the hard line and have the image all matching.

Any ideas what procedure I shoudl look up tips please?

Here is a direct link to the image on facebook


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  make all paths visible ?
Posted by: denzjos - 01-14-2021, 10:19 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

I saved a file in Libre Cad as a svg file. I imported the svg file in gimp as paths. When the file was imported, all the paths are imported but not visible. Can I make all the paths visible in one action ?

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  Count number of mosaic tiles occurencies per color
Posted by: aquilinux - 01-14-2021, 08:59 AM - Forum: Scripting questions - Replies (3)

Hello, i'm trying to easy the process of making mosaic (real mosaics) from photos with the use of GIMP.
So far i have:

- Created a custom 37 colors palette of solid colors i use with mosaic tiles
- Created a Distort/Mosaic preset with the preferred mosaic settings (i use one color oper tile)
- Imported Image -> Distort Image -> Indexed image with palette colors (see attachment)

Now that i have a mosaic, how can i count the number of tiles i need per color (based on my palette)? (ex. 30 Black tiles, 57 Green tiles)

I'm familiar with basic programming but i'm no programmer.
Can anyone give me hints on this or does already exist a script/plugin/extension for this?


Attached Files Image(s)
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  'Colorify' tool - discontinued or just renamed?
Posted by: quiverpigeon - 01-14-2021, 08:46 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

Hi all

Just updated to 2.10  - I used to rely pretty heavily on the Colorify tool in the Color menu and now can't find it. Hoping it's just been renamed something else and not made obsolete?

Any pointers gladly accepted!


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