If you want to convert yout GPS .gpx files to .svg files and use the .svg file as a path in gimp you can then Maperitive is the free software can help you : http://maperitive.net
1 - load the .gpx file in Maperitive
2 - tools / export to SVG (Inkscape)
3 - make a new image and load the saved .svg file as a path in gimp
As an example I've used a bike map from the Ypres Bow 14-18 convert to a path and set poppies on it.(https://www.westtoer.be/nl/doen/ieperboog-0)
Hi everyone, I used Gimp many years ago but am now quite rusty. So if someone could explain how I can remove a white background that would be great. I have tried but the image loses quality...TYIA
Good day I am a newbie to Gimp attempting to import a .pat file using a Zorin platform with 2.10, having tried a number of the tutorials I come unstuck pasting the .pat file into the share folder. It appears that I do not have permission to make that addition.
Any help appreciated I have trawled to forum but found nothing relating to this issue.
I have a pixelart image that I try to scale in gimp. This is probably just a button I need to toggle, but I have searched for more than an hour (also on this forum and on Google) but I have yet to find the answer.
When I try to scale the image everything goes well, but when I click enter it suddenly loses a huge amount of quality.
I added the unscaled image, scaled image before clicking enter and scaled image after clicking enter.
J'ai créé une «NOUVELLE IMAGE » en A4, blanche, sur laquelle, je voudrais disposer des lignes( ici, de musique)
Ensuite, je vais chercher ma "partition":
Pour ce faire ,Je fais FICHIER>OUVRIR en tant qu'image( 1 page de musique dans le cas présent); il s'agit d'une page jpeg en A4 comme la NOUVELLE IMAGE.
je la laisse au même format
je découpe une ligne, je la garde telle qu'elle( au même format)Je fais un copier-coller sur ma NOUVELLE IMAGE en A4...dans l'intention de mettre d'autres lignes aprèsEt voilà, la ligne fraîchement déposée disparaît comme par enchantement sur ma page blanche...Elle n'est visiblement plus au même format( 297,..mm de largeur)
****Ceci est le cas pour des lignes de musique, , mais ce serait pareil pour des images
Que puis je faire pour éviter ça ?
*La dernière fois, ça s'est arrangé tout seul
***je peux trouver « des trucs » pour y remédier, sans doute, mais ce n'est pas une solution!
Je suis désolé, je n'arrive pas à joindre des images! c'est en Anglais
*****Vous avez bien compris: je ne veux pas que ma pièce découpée change de format en cours de roure
I'm making a thumb for my yt channel, so I was editing this image, but, some how i Cant see the full image like before. Is there some way i can see the full image no only on the project default size, but on whole speace?
Okay, including memory profile, bump image, and original images as jpg. Swap file is on C:, which has about 90 GB free. GIMP says the bump maps and image are both at 57 MB. When I click AUX and select the BUMP map to apply to the image, memory usage jumps from about 25% to about 75% then slowly climbs to 100%. The disk starts swapping for 10-15 seconds then GIMP crashes and werfault crashes as it attempts to recover the error. Am I asking too much of the machine or is there maybe a memory leak or something else?
I have this image and I want to reduce the size of the stars, but without the small ones disappearing. I mean, there are stars that are very big and those are the ones that I want to be smaller.
I have been trying several things and the only solution left is to go star by star manually, but before doing that maybe someone knows how to achieve this in a faster way than doing it manually.
I was trying to convert a picture to 2 channels, Stereo-chrome, only 2 colors like blue-yellow, red-cyan or green-magenta (similar to color-blindness, inbetween black-and-white and color,) but only had Gray/Alpha. I also tried to use 4 channels for IR-R-G-B, but I don't know how to convert to that from R-G-B-A. All I want to do is make a picture with any amount of channels, any amount of color. Yes, I tried duplicating the channels to the custom channels, but that isn't doing what I want, and won't make yellow-blue or so. Yes, I could mix the channels R with G and have B unchanged, but it still remembers 3 colors, wastes extra space. Yes, I could take the channel number for the picture in HEX and change it, but I tried and it didn't work. And yes, I googled how to do it, but could not find what I want. I'm using GIMP 2.10.8, and Windows 10. Any help would make me happy, or even adding a feature to do that. Do I need to write 'These colors' in HEX when set to 2 channels? Could I set the colors from R-G-B to Y-B? How to hide some invisible channels (like IR)? Is there already a similar format that has only 2-pixels of color? Note: I'm not colorblind, but it is a useful idea if you want to save space but have some color, as it uses less data, or another idea, convert the 2 pixels to audio-spectrum (TFFT stereo audio file), and back.
The attachment is an example of "Blue-And-Yellow" pixels.
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