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Combine two images into one image |
Posted by: fixit7 - 06-16-2020, 03:05 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
I can figure out how to take two images and paste them into a new image.
I opened both images along with a new image and tried pasting the 2 images into the new image.
Can someone please help me ?
PyGimp on Focal Fossa |
Posted by: Ofnuts - 06-15-2020, 10:52 PM - Forum: Linux and other Unixen
- Replies (3)
When I was on (K)Ubuntu 16.04 and sentenced to use 2.10 in a flatpak I found it too limited compared to the standard version, so since I plan to upgrade my 19.10 ot 20.04 before year end I just hacked my way to "full" Gimp-cum-Python support in a 20.04 VM, by adding required files copied from my 19.10. The final boss is having the Python console working (not killed that one yet).
I heard that some folks where installing from Debian repos (where Pythonv2 is more alive than on Ubuntu)?
Unpacking a Gimp appimage |
Posted by: rich2005 - 06-15-2020, 11:37 AM - Forum: Tutorials and tips
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Using an older version of Linux with an equally older version of Gimp? Want to update Gimp but find the alternative flatpak / snap versions limited?
At the moment there are excellent portable Gimp 'appimage' versions. Downloadable from the Assets folder here:
These work by making the file executable and running. More than adequate for occasional use but if you want to create a more permanent version, the appimage can be unpacked. That gives certain advantages, a little more flexibility.
That is the purpose of this demonstration video https://youtu.be/F1epWY5SYn0 duration 8 minutes. Shown in LinuxMint 19
2.10 layer composition options and modes |
Posted by: Ofnuts - 06-15-2020, 09:09 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
The 2.10 release notes say:
Quote:Compositing options for layers are exposed to users now, and all layer-related settings are finally available in the Layer Attributes dialog.
If I sort of guess the Blend space/Composite space, I wonder what the "Composite modes" do?
These notes also mention new blend modes, but I'm still wondering what these do: Erase, Exclusion, Merge, and Split. Exclusion seems to be some kind of "xor", but I can't even find an case where the other three have a visible result.
Stylizing GtkNotebook Tabs in Theme (gtkrc) |
Posted by: migf1 - 06-13-2020, 06:41 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (23)
I actually subscribed to ask you guys this, but frankly I don't know if this is the right forum. If not, I would appreciate some pointers to the right place(s). Thanks in advance.
Long story short (and for the name of the loving God) I cannot find which widget corresponds to the tabs of a GtkNotebook in the gtkrc file (and hence to the GimpDockbook, since according to the docs it inherits the styles of the GtkNotebook).
With lots of trial & error attempts, I figured that the widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>.<GtkWidget>.<GtkLabel>" affects the labels of the tabs (their text title) but what I'm after is how to highlight the active tab, as shown in the Gtk2 docs: https://developer.gnome.org/gtk2/stable/notebook.png (that little blue stripe, at the top of the active tab)
Btw, the full docs are here: https://developer.gnome.org/gtk2/stable/...ebook.html
I can colorize the actual pane of the active tab (the white area in the image above), as well as the background color of the inactive tabs., But I cannot find how to make that little highlight at the top of the active tab.
The funny thing is that I had done that, like 6 years ago, in a collection of themes for Gimp 2.8 I had released on DeviantArt. I had many requests to update them for v2.10.1x, which I kindly declined, because I have never dealt with the GTK2 theming engine since then.
However, like a week ago, I decided to give it a go (using Gimp 2.10.18) but I found that things I've done in the old themes do not work now (most probably because GTK+2 has evolved since then and/or because newer versions of Gimp probably use some things differently).
I've almost finished a Dark theme for Gimp 2.10.18, for which btw, v2.10.20 broke the ComboBox drop-down lists style. Most notably the appears-as-list property (which has been reported as problematic and it's deprecated in GTK3). In Gimp 2.10.18, with that property set to FALSE, all ComboBox drop-down lists were using the styles of the menus, so they were looking like popup menus. You know, the ones with the scrolling butons at their top and bottom, like the list of the layer Blend Modes in v2.10.18. In Gimp 2.10.20, regardless of how I set the "appears-as-list" property, all ComboBox drop-down lists look like regular TreeView lists, and once again I cannot find how to disable the border/shadow around the popup: https://prnt.sc/sz5e7a
So, that's a second thing I would like to know how to solve, if possible.
I've tested Gimp 2.10.20's default dark theme, and I confirmed that indeed the layer Blend Modes list has been brought back to be a regular list (its appears-as-list property is set to FALSE, but changing it to TRUE doesn't make any difference, just like it doesn't with my theme anymore). The reason it looks as a popup menu is because the default themes overlay everything with images (found in the ./ui/ folder). I guess going for uniform looks across different OSes, so menus and TreeView lists are both using the same background image. But if you look for it you will see that in Gimp 2.10.20 the layer Blend Modes list does NOT have top & bottom scrolling buttons. Instead, it uses a regular vertical scrollbar, so it is a just a list.
Please excuse my long post, I tried to be as precise as I could, about my questions. Once again, if you know a better place I should ask, please let me know.
Greetings to all!
Windows + Wacom problem |
Posted by: bschu - 06-13-2020, 03:17 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
Hello! First post.
I'm trying to track down a very annoying and persistent problem with GIMP in windows. Using latest most stable version. 2.10.18 I believe.
The problem is not really GIMP though. It is something to do with the Wacom tablet... OR... something to do with GTK or something which I know nothing about
When the problem happens, GIMP completely freezes. AND I get the same behavior with Krita software... HOWEVER... I found that I can still run Autodesk Sketchbook.
So here's a bunch of info.
1 - If I leave my usb Wacom tablet plugged in, things are normally fine.
2 - If I have to unplug the tablet, this is where the problem usually begins.
3 - When the bug happens, both GIMP and Krita will completely freeze up when I try to use the tablet pen. If I use the mouse it will still be ok, but the moment the pen touches the tablet it freezes.
4 - Other softwares seem to work fine all the time, including pressure sensitivity and everything.
5 - If I reboot the computer, and plugin the tablet AFTER windows is loaded, it will go back to being normal and everything works great (~~er... sometimes have to close and open GIMP again to make pressure sensitivity work... but I can live with that).
What is special about GIMP and Krita that makes this happen? They both freeze up "SOMETIMES" when something happens to the tablet. I was reading somewhere that GIMP uses GTK and GTK is a problem in Windows? Is it possible that both GIMP and Krita depend on GTK and that is why this is happening? If so, is there a way to restart GTK?
That you in advance for ANY INFO you can give me.
And here's some of my GIMP illustration if you are into that! https://www.bschu.net