Not so hard to do
I Removed all of Ubuntu advantage, Ubuntu Pro, snaps, snap.d and Apparmor as well as the gnome updater. (which is broken and uses snaps)
Now I update with 'sudo apt-get upgrade'
I like this up to date system. Just a reminder that Snaps are AppImages and a lot of our data is collected and often lost by software companies.
I trust AppImages from reputable sources more than I trust some faceless company that wants my data.
Hello everyone.
I recently purchased a book on restoring old photos with Gimp. Good book, learning a lot.
However, I've ran into some questions trying to follow the outlined procedure for replacing the background of an image. Yes, I know there are other ways to get the job done. However, getting the job done isn't the point of the exercise. Learning the software is. And to do that, I need to process more input to fix in my mind just what each step is doing.
If anyone is interested in tackling the questions I have, there is a .txt file attached outlining the procedure with my questions inserted after the puzzling steps.
Thanks in advance!
J’aurais besoin d’un peu d’aide si toutefois cela est possible, car je ne trouve pas et n’arrive pas à faire ce que je veux sur GIMP.
Je voudrais appliquer la texture, ton, couleur, saturation d’une zone de mon image sur une autre zone de celle-ci, mais après multiples tentatives je n’arrive pas au résultat escompté
Je m’adresse donc à vous, car je ne pratique pas vraiment ce logiciel et malgré avoir regardé plusieurs tutos je sèche...
Je vous joins une capture vous indiquant la zone à prélever et la zone où je voudrais que se soit appliqué. (flèche bleu zone à prélever, flèche noir zone à appliquer)
Je ne sais pas si cela est possible, mais si parmi vous quelqu’un à une solution je suis preneur, sinon j’abandonnerais cette idée
Merci de m’avoir lu et merci par avance pour vos retours !
I am struggling to figure out how to do something and can't seem to find the appropriate tutorial.
I have a template for a playing card box and i want to paste an image onto the shape of the box (imagine a card box unfolded out - its not got a shape i can refer to).
Is there a tutorial anyone can recommend, i know i can add layer masks, but its the shape of the template that throws me once these are added. I need the excess of the image removed, leaving just the shape of the template, ready for it to go to print.
Any help would be appreciated as it is for a gift.
I have added the template i am using in svg format.
I figured it out, select area and paste into selection.
Hi everyone,
I am a new user of GIMP.
As you can see in the attached picture, I am trying to remove the overpowering green lines by changing the level of saturation for the green channel only.
When I try this using the Hue-saturation window and selecting the green channel, it work but also applies it to the red and blue so I lose the information from the other channels.
I need to modify the red also, but I have no idea how to achieve this.
Any suggestions on this would be much appreciated.
Downloaded latest version of Gimp (2.10.36) in march 2024 to run on Mac OS Sonoma. It appears to run fine, but it's hard to say because I can't read any of the UI text! All I see are boxes containing unicode numbers.
I have 2 macs running Sonoma and have the same issue on both of them. I've also seen other Mac Sonoma users online reporting the same issue. Seems like it would not be that hard to fix for a Gimp developer who's aware of the problem. I'm hoping such a person will see this or hear about the issue and correct it. It'd be nice to be able to use Gimp on my Mac!
I am wondering if there is something like an online Gimp Script Fu collection, where you can see what others are doing, get some insights etc.
and also are able to share it?
I created my first script and wanted to share it somewhere because it was quite some work creating it.
So these are all from imagination, so they turn out a little funny sometimes, I have changed styles from intentional to accidental.
It seems to add qualities I dont think of when drawing intentionally alone.
They are actually made out of the textured brushes, and I apply them to the canvas very carefully in a certain way to maximize the liklihood of the picture im after.
Its kinda interesting, I can talk more if you want.
So do you any of you guys gamble a little when you do art?
I have 15 images that go from this
to this
middle like this
and finally to this
I want to change the colors from orange and black to blue and purple. Is there an easy way to do this perhaps in BIMP or is there a way to create these images from scratch? I see them used as temperature gauges in many pc stat displays like here.