I tried using Python-fu clothify(). It worked the first time and it works great.
First I tried it on a smaller image, 1,000 x 1,000 px (viewed in a 6 x 6 in area on my monitor). Then I tried it on a larger image, 2,000 x 2,000 px (still viewed in a 6 x 6 in area on my monitor).
The resulting 'larger' image looks different when viewed in a 6 x 6 in area, but if I zoom in the 'clothify' effect looks the same. So what I see in this is that clothify() is image size agnostic. The result can be seen on a per area basis, not per image area. Is there a way to adjust clothify() so that its effect is spread out over a larger area... for a larger image ?
Quote:Admins and moderators can use every means at their disposal to keep obnoxious users at bay: temporary or permanent user banning, IP banning... This may also include reporting user name, email address and IP address to StopForumSpam.org.
its com, not org.
Just wanted to let you know as i was checking what other forums do for registration agreements.
I installed the Development version GIMP 9.8X and that version could not open after the installation was complete. The software hangs during the process of looking for the files it needs to open, apparently.
I noticed the installer placed the GIMP files in C/Program Files, whereas I thought I read someplace the Development version installes into C/Roaming/ Program Files.
As can see, I'm not typing the path correctly, but that's all of the path I can remember at this moment.
Case in point for the old saying...."A little knowledge is a dangerous thing..!"
I had downloaded the version from Partha, and noticed during the installation a notification that stated Partha was the author of the software.
Has anyone else here had troubles installing the Development version, and does anyone have a comment regarding whether or not the Partha notification indicates a valid version of GIMP?
Another post asked about using the PhotoShop NIK collection of filters with Gimp and was a bit baffled about the necessary modifications to the shellout.py plugin.
The easiest way by far is install the Gimp 2.9 development from http://www.partha.com It has pre-configured 'launchers' for each filter. Unfortunately these do not work with the regular Gimp 2.8.x so a quick modification to shellout.py attached. To avoid any confusion it is called NIKshell.py
First though you need the monster 450 MB NIK collection installer.
1. Go to https://www.google.com/nikcollection/ and click on download.
2. You need to enter an email address, where they send a down load link. It can be a disposable email address, it is try-and-see what works.
3. With Nikcollection installer and NIKshell.py downloaded, Run the Nikcollection installer. Choose language.
4. Just continue
5. The usual license agreement that nobody ever reads
6. The important bit, accept the default Destination folder. The NIKshell.py script is setup for there.
7. Almost at the end, nothing to do here, Click on Install.
The NIKshell.py plugin This is a regular Gimp plugin. Unzip it. Put it in your Gimp profile, usually:
Start Gimp, open an image, bottom of the Filters menu is NIKshell, which opens a dialogue. Choose a filter and ok
Looks like this, these are monsters and might run a little slow. When complete a "Save" takes you back to Gimp.
I found a good font in online editing program, exported as raster, opened in GIMP and decided to change color.
Used bucket-fill and upon closer zoom, it has edges which are not smooth, more like pixelated a little:
What would be the correct way of doing that without losing quality?
So, I want to make the lines of this diamond render thinner than they are.
I'm planning to use it as a border for another image, so really the thinnest line possible would be great. I've tried using the eraser, but it ends up being uneven. I've also tried just using different selection tools so I could cut it, but I can't find one that will select it in the shape I need (ie not in a horizontal rectangle/circle).
I have downloaded a deck of playing cards that has been printed to 151 pdf files, each with 9 cards printed in a 3x3 grid. I need to separate each card on all of the PDFs into separate images, so I can send each individual card image to a card deck printer. I have gotten as far as combining all pdf files into a single PNG, with each 3x3 page as a separate layer. I have setup guillotine and/or web slice to pull apart the pictures correctly on the first layer. Is it possible to script either of these so they cut the same 3x3 grid out of all 151 layers and save each individual card as a seaparate .jpg?
Hi, I'm searching for a plugin that converts a layer's non-transparent items/islands to multiple layers with each layer an item/island.
Please help, I am non-programmer and tried very simple python script but am very novice.
Actions/steps should be:
1. make sure tranparency is already mask layer, else make mask layer with right-click Layer > "Add Layer Mask..." > "Layer's alpha channel"
2. make duplicate of current layer as backup named temp_layer.
3. select temp_layer
4. go to every pixel in every row in temp_layer, if pixel's transparency is 0 (mask layer pixel is black) than do nothing
if transparency is not 0 (mask layer pixel is not black) select "fuzzy select tool" on position of that pixel with settings "Threshhold" at 254.9 and checked off "antialiasing", "feather edges", "select transparent areas" and "sample merged".
5. duplicate temp_layer and call it item### or island### for example island001.
6. crop to selection in island001 layer (Layer > Crop to Selection).
7. go back to temp_layer and make selection fully transparent in mask layer by filling selection with black color
8. update temp_layer and repeat from step 3 or 4 to 8 untill there are no more islands in temp layer and temp layer is fully transparent (mask layer is fully black).
As I said I'm no programmer so I hope someone will make this or point me to script that already does this, I haven't found one on the internet, only for photoshop but I don't have photoshop.
Here's link for photoshop version: https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/...yers-batch
Theres also a guy here, who claims that the gtkrc can be hacked to get bigger previews: http://www.gimpusers.com/forums/gimp-user/11966-how-do-i-increase-the-size-of-the-little-preview-window