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cut shapes out of digital paper |
Posted by: kbrown2509 - 10-04-2017, 11:18 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (1)
Hi, I am very new to GIMP and I am wanting to use it for digital scrapbooking. I have downloaded some papers and elements and can add them to my photos to create a page. What I want to do now is to create a shape (flower) or trace an existing one and then cut it out of my exisiting digital papers. Can anyone advise how this can be done. Cheers
clone tool in xubuntu 16.04 |
Posted by: petter5 - 10-04-2017, 02:49 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
clone tool in xubuntu 16.04
Hi ! My first post to this forum. When using windows, the clone tool works as expected. Using Xubuntu 16.04 - the clone tool does not perform any clone operation after pressing ctrl+click as usual and start to clone - you can see the +is following, but the area to clone does not fill up with the cloned area.
According to google search "xubuntu show mouse position on Control" there could be due to a mouse pointer setting, but really - I have been unable to find any solution to get this to work. Since I prefer Linux 99% over windows, I would appreciate help to get this to work also under Ubuntu.
Cropping - Custom Crop Guides |
Posted by: SpiDeeWebb - 10-04-2017, 07:33 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (5)
Hello All,
Bottom Line Up Front: I want to create a new cropping guide for passports.
I'm having a little trouble with terminology.
I can't figure out what the heck developers refer to these as.
I'm seeing under the presets they're just referred to simply as 'guide center-line' 'guide rule-of-thirds.'
I thought it'd be a simple matter of loading it up in GCC searching the right term, and playing around with it.
I just can't for the life of me find them to begin with.
How to introduce Title and description to a Photo? |
Posted by: silc - 10-03-2017, 03:30 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (1)
Hi experts,
I'm new in the forum and also in Gimp. I've been following several tutorials and I made some changes to a photo and I think the photo is now better.
I would like to ask how can I give a title, description, keywords and copyright to my photo in Gimp (Metadata)?
I would like to upload my photo to a Stock Photography website, but I'm not seing where I can introduce all these necessary data in Gimp.
Thanks for your help.
Arc an image |
Posted by: johna1954 - 10-03-2017, 11:41 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
Looking to see if there is an easy way or a plugin that will allow me to take an image and warp in the shape of an Arc similar to the 'Warp' Arc feature in our well known rival. I have tried various 'Warp' options that GIMP offers, 'Curve Bend', 'iWarp' and 'Polar Co-ordinates'.
I am trying to take a photographic image and shape to fit on a Latte shaped mug. I can create a template of the overall required shape but unable to get the image to fit correctly.
All searches on Google point to Photoshop. I run Linux and quite happy with GIMP. Is there possibly a plugin? I have searched for one but came up empty.
TIA for any help, hints etc.