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Scheme: reading Extended ASCII files |
Posted by: nbeaudet - 10-03-2017, 11:15 AM - Forum: Extending the GIMP
- Replies (2)
Hello to all!
I am attempting to read Ascii files into Scheme. For some reason unknown to me, accented letters (ExtendedASCII) are ignored.
I am using the following statements:
(define inFile (open-input-file "E:/SomeFile.txt"))
(read inFile)
(read inFile) will properly read words with punctuation.
But lines like :
Lods: redevance féodale
Tourer: préparer pâte feuilletée
will be read in as :
Lods: redevance fodale
Tourer: prparer pte feuillete
Labelling of layers/channels/LayerGroups, in stand-alone scripts I have programmed, have shown no difficulties with accented letters.
What is missing from my code above?
Thanks in advance,
Nicolas Beaudet
Gimp.2.8.22 / Windows 10 64-bit / Notepad++ as Script editor.
Silhouette with transparent Background help! |
Posted by: RachelA - 10-01-2017, 07:42 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
I have started using the software and have managed to create silhouettes from three images, I want to place them on a beach scenes, however the background of the silhouette images are white, is there an option to have them transparent so I just get the silhouette and no background?
Hopefully I've explained what I'm trying to do clearly ?
BigTiff TIFF64 File Export |
Posted by: tsiolkovsky - 09-30-2017, 09:53 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (1)
I have an xcf project which is so large that when it exports to tiff it fails due to reaching the tiff file limit size. This is due to the 32bit tiff file size limit. I would like to be able to export my image to BigTiff, the 64bit tiff file type. Currently, I am able to work around this by cropping the file into pieces, saving them each as 32bit tiff files, and then using ImageMagick to append the files into a TIFF64 BigTiff output file.
How do I get GIMP to export as TIFF64?
How to make a circle or ellipse image |
Posted by: Ofnuts - 09-30-2017, 08:21 AM - Forum: Tutorials and tips
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Word of caution: there are no circular images. There are images where corners are transparent, so that only a circle shows.
First make sure that your layer has an "alpha channel" (menu: Layer/Transparency/Add alpha channel)(if it's grayed out, it means you already have one)
Then create a circular selection ("Ellipse select tool", the 2nd one in the toolbox). You can check the "Tool options" dialog: menu: Windows/Dockable dialogs/Tool options (top of list). If you want a true circle, check the "Fixed" option, select "Aspect ratio' and enter "1:1". Depending on what kind of marks you have, you can use the diagonal framing (default) where you click one corner, and release at the opposite diagonal corner, or the radial one (check "Expand from center" in the Tool options) where you click where you want the center of the circle and release where you want the border.
Once the selection is done, you can move it (click around the middle) or extend it (click inside, but close to the sides).
One you are have the required selection, invert the selection, so that everything is selected, except your circle: menu: Select/Invert (or Ctrl-I)
Erase the selection (menu: Edit/clear or "Delete" key). You should have your central circle left, surrounded by a checkerboard pattern.
Reduce the checkerboard to the minimum by auto-cropping the image (menu: image/autocrop image)
Export the image in a format that supports transparency, like PNG. JPEG doesn't support transparent images...
If you are going to work further on the picture, save it as XCF (Gimp native format).