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  .FIT file 'seized' by GIMP
Posted by: Careybird - 07-16-2023, 10:03 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Greetings, help shall surely be appreciated, please.

I have a Lezyne bike computer which logs ifles with a .FIT extension. Somehow, GIMP has 'captured' these files and created them to be opened by GIMP. Lezyne's o/s does not recognised them so I cannot load them onto the Lezyne site. I have un-installed GIMP hoping that might cure the problem but, alas, it hasnt.

Is someon able to help me, please? A priivate reply is welcomed, if allowed, @ careyskanda@gmail.com


PS I tried to attach a copy of a file from Lezyne but apparently it has been forbidden

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  Pixls.us down...
Posted by: Ofnuts - 07-15-2023, 06:57 PM - Forum: Watercooler - Replies (10)

Ain't just me, and I can ping the host but the server hasn't answered since this morning. So anyone know what is happening?

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  How to propagate changes from source layer to its duplicates?
Posted by: challenger - 07-14-2023, 08:24 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

Lets say I'm designing a board game cards. I have a kind of master layer group, where I have designed and hid all layer groups, needed for certain card types.
We have coins and workers. There may be certain amount of coins (so I have a layer for each occurrence , like 1, 2, 3 & 4 coins). I'm going to create a number of duplicates of that master layer as a separate cards and align them in a grid. Then I'll just turn visibility on for the required coin layer. It will create a coin cards set (1coin, 1 coin, 2 coins, 3 coins, 4 coins on the same image to be printed).

And here I want to make some changes to coin layer, lets say change margin between coins, resize or even replace the coin image (lets assume that image itself is a child layer). And I want the to be made to master layer and propagated to all duplicates, created from that layer.

Is there any way to do this in gimp?

Maybe someone knows a better tool supporting such functionality. I'll appreciate any help.

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  The boiler room
Posted by: denzjos - 07-13-2023, 07:05 PM - Forum: Watercooler - Replies (2)

After a MS windows 10 update, my MS Office XP no longer works (on startup, the acces the screen appears and then disappears) Angry . I often make backups, after installing my last backup, I could start Office XP again and could export the data. I used the access database since 1996 and I want to import the data in LibreOffice Base. As I started with gimp a few years ago and first did'n like it (now, after learning it, I do like it). Using LibreOffice, I found it very basic and did'n like it : it's like I was in the boiler room. After reading several sollutions and tested them out, I could import my data in Libreoffice Base (after export access--->  dbase4). A few lines were not imported, but I inserted them by hand. Now I had to learn how to use tabels / query's / forms and rapports. Hard to do when be microsoft brainwashed, but I persevered. After a few solutions that ended in the dust bin, I felt my brain learned to think the Libreoffice way. Now, my database is working fine and MS Office landed in the dust bin (because it died again today) . OO software isn't bad at all (and it's free). That's why I post this in the watercooler, again on normal temparture. Big Grin

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  Divide straight line with "notches" (e.g. graph scale)
Posted by: TobyEggitt - 07-13-2023, 05:17 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (14)

Hi all, I'm looking to put a "scale" on an image. It's actually a map that I'm cropping a region from. So, I need to be able to draw a straight line on the full size original, between two known points, and divide that into a specific number of subdivisions (e.g. miles, but more likely minutes of lat/long in my situation).

Ideally, the result would put "tick marks", or "notches" along the line, in the manner of a graph scale, but as long as the points are identifiable I could do that by hand. 

After all that, I would then crop the image, leaving some part of the line in the crop to act as the new scale.

I found this thread:

which I think I could make work, but I suspect it's unnecessarily complex, since the target of "equal division" is an arbitrary path. I'm hoping there's a better/simpler/faster approach for the straight line situation?

Any pointers?


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  Changing the default screen color
Posted by: pinnerite - 07-13-2023, 03:34 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

I am using Gimp 2.10.30 on Linux Mint 21,2 beta.
I don't like this version's white on black window.
Can I change it?

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  change size and resolution
Posted by: Hall - 07-13-2023, 12:31 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)


I'm using Gimp for the first time.
I would like to change the size and the resolution of my image.
So I open the image, I select 'image scale and size' . there I can choose the width, the height and the resolution(72ppi), which is for me the quality of the jpeg, then I clic on 'scalling' . 
After that I clic on 'export under' then 'export' and there a new window propose me to choice a quality between 0 to 100.

What is the différence between the resolution (72ppi for the web) and the quality 0 to 100 ?

I feel like I've been asked the same thing twice.

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  The Hand Of Fate Glass Vignette
Posted by: Tas_mania - 07-13-2023, 07:24 AM - Forum: Gallery - Replies (6)

[Image: Hand-Of-Fate-Glass-Vignette.webp]

Just seeing if I can insert a webp image here. Looks like I can Smile Gimp-Forum changes the speed a bit. Original is here.

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  Pressure sensitivity is not working
Posted by: Marscaleb - 07-13-2023, 03:31 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

I'm using my wacom bamboo tablet, and I can't get the paintbrush tool to respond to the pen's pressure.

I recall on my old computer, I had to actually open GIMP with the pen or else it wouldn't recognize the pen apart from the mouse, for some reason.  But I tried that here and it didn't make a difference.

I tested with microsoft whiteboard and it is responding to the pressure in my pen, but GIMP is not.

Any thoughts here?

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  translating every text layer
Posted by: jacques_duflos - 07-12-2023, 11:42 PM - Forum: Scripting questions - Replies (8)

Hi there,
I made this script that translates every text layer of the layer group selected, or the text layer selected.
As you can see  at lines 50 to 54, I had to skip the text layers witches text are None because it generated an error and interrupted the script. But I don't understand why some of my text layers return the None value when I ask them their text. All those text layers have a text. Any clue anyone ?

               # lines 50 to 54
                # Vérifier si le texte n'est pas de type NoneType
                if text is not None:
                    # Traduire le texte en utilisant la bibliothèque translate
                    translated_text = translator.translate(text)
                    translated_text = "ERREUR TEXTE NON TRADUIT\n{}".format(text)

Another question I have is about the libraries I had to include. I added them directly next to the .py that needed them and it works. But I guess it is not the elegant way of doing so. If I do another script needing the same libraries, I would have to include them once more. Is there a way to include libraries in the gimp specific python installation ?
the dependencies are as followed :
traducion.py (my script) needs translate
translate.py needs providers
providers/mymemory_translated.py needs requests

the main script is :

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from gimpfu import *
from translate import Translator

def translate_text_layers(image, drawable):
    translator = Translator(to_lang="fr", from_lang="es")
    # Recuperation du groupe de calques selectionne
    group = pdb.gimp_image_get_active_layer(image)
    # Récupération du groupe de calques "text-fr" s'il existe
    group_text = None
    for layer in image.layers:
        if pdb.gimp_item_is_group(layer) and pdb.gimp_item_get_name(layer) == "text-fr":
            group_text = layer

    if group_text is None:
        # Créer un groupe de calques nommé "text-fr" s'il n'existe pas
        group_text = pdb.gimp_layer_group_new(image)
        pdb.gimp_item_set_name(group_text, "text-fr")
        pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer(image, group_text, None, 0)

    if pdb.gimp_item_is_group(group):
        print("----------layer is group-------------")
        # Creer un groupe de calques nommé "text-fr"
        group_text = pdb.gimp_layer_group_new(image)
        pdb.gimp_item_set_name(group_text, "text-fr")
        pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer(image, group_text, None, 0)
        # Parcours de tous les calques du groupe
        for layer in group.layers:
            # Vérification si le calque est de type texte
            if pdb.gimp_item_is_text_layer(layer):
                # Dupliquer le calque
                duplicate = pdb.gimp_layer_copy(layer, True)
                # Ajouter le calque duplique au groupe "text-fr"
                pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer(image, duplicate, group_text, 0)
                # Récupérer le contenu texte du calque dupliqué
                text = pdb.gimp_text_layer_get_text(duplicate)
                # Vérifier si le texte n'est pas de type NoneType
                if text is not None:
                    # Traduire le texte en utilisant la bibliothèque translate
                    translated_text = translator.translate(text)
                    translated_text = "ERREUR TEXTE NON TRADUIT\n{}".format(text)

                # Mettre à jour le texte du calque dupliqué avec la traduction
                pdb.gimp_text_layer_set_text(duplicate, translated_text)

        # Actualisation de l'affichage de l'image
    elif pdb.gimp_item_is_text_layer(group):
        print("----------layer is text-------------")
        # Si le calque sélectionné est un calque de texte
        # Dupliquer le calque
        duplicate = pdb.gimp_layer_copy(group, True)
        # Ajouter le calque duplique au groupe "text-fr"
        pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer(image, duplicate, group_text, 0)
        # Récupérer le contenu texte du calque dupliqué
        text = pdb.gimp_text_layer_get_text(duplicate)
        # Traduire le texte en utilisant la bibliothèque translate
        translated_text = translator.translate(text)
        # Mettre à jour le texte du calque dupliqué avec la traduction
        pdb.gimp_text_layer_set_text(duplicate, translated_text)
        print("--------Veuillez sélectionner un groupe de calques ou un calque de texte.----")
        gimp.message("Veuillez sélectionner un groupe de calques ou un calque de texte.")
    # restore stuff

    "Translate text layers from French to English",
    "Translate text layers from French to English",
    "Your Name",
    "Your Name",
    "<Image>/Filters/Language/Translate Text Layers",


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