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Terminate for loop in console |
Posted by: pwiecek56 - 07-04-2023, 03:55 PM - Forum: Scripting questions
- Replies (7)
I'm trying to learn python scripting. I'm working in the Python-fu console
How do I terminate a loop?
list = gimp.image_list()
for x in list:
No matter what I try, the console tries to include the next line in the loop
Open source auto photo enhancement |
Posted by: danboid - 07-02-2023, 04:40 PM - Forum: Other graphics software
- Replies (8)
My dad has used a program called Ashampoo Photo Optimizer under Windows for several years to batch process photos to (usually) make them look slightly better with zero effort on his behalf.
We've both had a search but we've been unable to find a similar open source program for Linux. Imagemagick has this command:
convert inputfile -channel rgb -auto-level outputfile
but that doesn't really do anything to enhance the image at all.
Is there a plugin for GIMP that can be combined with something like BIMP to auto batch enhance photos or does anyone know of a FOSS program might be a suitable replacement for Ashampoo Photo Optimizer?