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  China throw away thousands of electric cars
Posted by: PixLab - 06-16-2023, 03:35 AM - Forum: Watercooler - Replies (12)

You can pass/jump between 1:17 to 3:00 (it's a product/wallet advertising)
I got shock Angry Angry

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Photo Drop Shadows
Posted by: gaystan - 06-15-2023, 05:15 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Hi everyone :
    I'm still learning GIMP.  I'm  trying to learning how to add SHADOWS to text and objects.
 I open GIMP>OPEN AS LAYER> select .jpg file.  Then I use the SCALE tool to "enlarge" the file.  After that, I click on ADD ALPHA CHANNEL. Then select FUZZY tool. After that,  I select the box next to the one that shows the object. I use that one to do the "erasing" of the bacground. Sometimes the DROP SHADOW/LONG SHADOW options are greyed out. But if I select the box (in LAYERS) showing the object, the background won't erase.  The other problem is....if I DO get the shadows to work.....it's cutoff ( I used the LAYER BOUNDARY SIZE / LAYER TO IMAGE SIZE).
Advice ?


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Question How to make a palette using solid color layers
Posted by: AngelH - 06-13-2023, 06:03 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (7)

I have layers with single color layers as I really like these colors.

I want to make a palette from these colors.

I've followed the instructions at https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-palette-dialog.html#gimp-palette-new

I made sure all of the color layers were visible

I selected ALL

Import Palette


  • Sample merged: When this option is checked, colors are picked from all visible layers. If unchecked, pixels are picked from the active layer only, even though not visible.
  • Selected pixels only: As the name says, pixels are picked from the selected area only, in the active layer or all visible layers according to the status of the previous option.
Here are the settings I used.
You can see several of the visible layers

And you can see the palette only has one color in it.

Help would be appreciated. I have over 180 layers and don't look forward to color picking each one in order to create a palette.


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  Merge lightening strike video frames into one image
Posted by: jnoake - 06-13-2023, 01:18 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (6)

I have 7 video frames (saved as PNG) of a lightening strike who's main 'vein' persists over most of the frames but is also producing 'tendrils' that are different in each frame.
I want to make a single image that includes all parts of that strike over time.

I have imported each image in GIMP as a separate layer.
I have tried 'Merge Visible Layers', that basically gives me just the first image.
I have tried setting each image to 50% Opacity and then each image Mode to 'Merge' - which is the closest I can currently get to the desired end-point, unfortunately the grey in the clouds where the image does NOT include the 'tendril' tends to erase that from the image where that tendril IS present.

I have experimented with Add Subtract and Multiply but they all badly effect the overall background image.

I have no doubt that this has been done before, but Google and this forum search does not result in anything awesome.

Attached are a couple of the (reduced to 20%) frames that the effect is visible in.

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  Will we get a Gimp AI?
Posted by: Xogroroth - 06-13-2023, 06:52 AM - Forum: Watercooler - Replies (5)

Hail all:

So, AI driven sites (and even few releases of the software) are becoming mainstream.

Does this translate soon to Gimp as well?
I mean, it would be neat, to see a Gimp with AI support, for things like cleaning up an old picture, or to improve the quality of a less great picture, things like that.

Or, for others, to "generate art from scratch", not that so my thing, but hey, to each his own.

"Simple" support tools to "auto-improve" pictures is good for me, based on AI-algorithms.

Thank you:

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  gimp_drawable_curves_spline control points range.
Posted by: teapot - 06-11-2023, 06:41 PM - Forum: Scripting questions - Replies (4)


This question came out of the following posts:

Does pdb.gimp_drawable_curves_spline want the spline control points to be in the range 0.0 - 1.0, or 0 - 255, or can it cope with either?

As far as I can make out, the deprecated pdb.gimp_curves_spline takes 0 - 255 and calls the C function curves_spline_invoker() that divides each point by 255. The replacement pdb.gimp_drawable_curves_spline calls drawable_curves_spline_invoker() that looks very similar but without the divide.

In summary these both work for me:
pdb.gimp_curves_spline(layer_copy, HISTOGRAM_VALUE, 6, [0, 0, 157, 110, 255, 255])
pdb.gimp_drawable_curves_spline(layer_copy, HISTOGRAM_VALUE, 6, [0.0, 0.0, 0.615, 0.431, 1.0, 1.0])

This doesn't work for me, as it makes the layer all black, but works for David and Issabella:
pdb.gimp_drawable_curves_spline(layer_copy, HISTOGRAM_VALUE, 6, [0, 0, 157, 110, 255, 255])

Should the latter work and why would it work for them and not me?

Many thanks for any help.

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  Mysterious problem with selection and copying
Posted by: Koivu - 06-11-2023, 09:02 AM - Forum: Linux and other Unixen - Replies (9)

Hello all! I'm having mysterious problem with Gimp that occurred first time around 30.5.2023. Been using Gimp about 15 years now.

The problem: after reopening xcf file, can't select anything.

 - The dotted line of selection doesn't show up, even if "Show selection" is checked.
 - When copying the selected area and creating new file or layer out of it, the result is empty transparent layer. (Copy visible has the same result.)  
 - This never occurs on new files, only reopened xcf files.
 - Not all my xcf files have this problem when opening. But it seems to occur randomly, even in files older than 30.5.23.

Solutions I've tried but didn't fix this:

 - Reinstall Gimp
 - Reverting into older Gimp version
 - Remove Wacom tablet
 - Remove G'mic
 - Use Cinnamon instead of Xfce working environment
 - Opening the file straight from SSD instead mounting hard drive first
 - Saving as with the option "Save this XCF file with better but slower compression" unchecked

Solutions that kind of worked (a.k.a. more info about the problem) :

 - Removing the Gimp's "2.10" config folder (home/username/.config/GIMP/2.10).
At first time this worked. I opened the Gimp and configurated the settings while testing that it was working. (By testing I mean I had opened a xcf file that previously had the problem and successfully selected and copy&pasted part of it.) I configurated the settings in small sections, every now and then shutting down the Gimp, to see which one was the problem, but the problem didn't occur anymore on the session I had the computer open. How ever at next day when I opened the computer again, the problem was present like I hadn't ever resetted the settings. I tried this trick again, but even starting with the "2.10" folder removed, the problem occurred.

 - Saving the file as.
I saved the problematic file as filename_test1.xcf and closed the Gimp. Then reopened it and then filename_test1.xcf and it was working. BUT! If I do the same thing while the Gimp is RUNNING, for example save as filename_test2.xcf, it has the problem. (Well, it kind of solves the problem, but it's really impractical to have to do this every time...)

 - Using different computer. My spouse has the same operating system, working environment and version of the Gimp. The problem doesn't occur on his computer, even my problematic files work just fine. (...But I need it to work on my computer since it's mine... :D )  

If it mattes, I'm using Linux Manjaro, kernel version 6.1.31-2. Used Gimp 2.10.34-1 when this problem first time occurred, today reverted to Gimp 2.10.32-2 but it didn't fix it.

Any further questions are welcome, I'll try to answer the best I can.  

I really hope someone can find a way to fix this!

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Posted by: novalore40 - 06-10-2023, 09:32 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

I have just upgraded to the most recent gimp that is stable 2.10 i think and i have some plugins like redfield and i can't get the plugins to install what am i doing wrong i have them in app data but they aren't showing up pls help

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  How to write Chinese
Posted by: renemolbo - 06-10-2023, 12:47 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

I have been looking for already made practice sheet for learning to write Chinese. They either cost money or have random characters, and usually those that cost money are also missing random yet important characters.

My goal is to have:
1) Something that looks like the attached picture. The one on the right is pretty good, but I would like all the like to be dotted. Besides that I would like that the centre looks neat (the one on the left has a strange centre). 
So my questions are very basic usage of Gimp I guess.
a) How do I make the frame to be a perfect square?
b) How do I make the horizontal and vertical lines perfectly in the middle?
c) How do I make dotted lines?
d) How do I make the diagonal lines perfectly from corner to corner?
e) How do I make the centre of where all the lines meet look nice?

If someone knows of a tutorial on how to get the job done please refer me to one. 
I did all of this 15 years ago on Windows XP/7 version of a Corel Paintshop Pro. But later my computer got stolen and I lost all of it. Corel then made it impossible to use the version I had paid for on Windows 10, so then I decided to go with Gimp, but I have forgotten many of the techniques I learned back then and now I am also using a different program.
If you don't know on any tutorial that can help me do this, then please let me know where I can upload a tutorial. I would love to share how to do it as I am learning it.

When I am done with this step then I will post about the next step in my "how to write Chinese"

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  It's funny i make this thing and then don't know where to post it?
Posted by: TumbleRocks - 06-09-2023, 06:51 PM - Forum: Gallery - Replies (8)

So for anyone who needs a catch up on Supreme Court:


IDK, maybe you wondering why i picked this subject out of all the current issues right now with SCOTUS, but anyway this is what i did. Thoughts? (edit: file too big; i indexing+downsizing - max file size 500kb)

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