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[split] Rotating on Y axis like Map Object (Plane) |
Posted by: nachocoin - 06-08-2023, 03:47 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP
- Replies (3)
(03-09-2023, 11:47 PM)Ofnuts Wrote: Map object is not unusable (or even that hard to understand).... until you want to map something to an existing cylinder in your image, that elicits considerable amounts of trial and error, first for the size/position/rotation, then for the lighting. If/when they redo Map object with a live preview on the canvas then things will be a lot easier.
I have been looking to map the y axis of plane mode via a python script
any help would be greatly appreciated
specifically try to get orientaion y to rotate(-180, 180, 5)
but all attempts so far have given the incorrect results. I can do this manually but when i need to create so many layers it becomes too time consuming.
her is the last script i tried:
import math
from gimpfu import *
def rotate_image_on_y(image, drawable):
for angle in range(-180, 185, 5):
# Create a duplicate of the drawable (layer)
duplicate_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new_from_drawable(drawable, image)
# Add the duplicate layer to the image
pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer(image, duplicate_layer, None, -1)
# Rotate the duplicate layer on the Y-axis
pdb.gimp_item_transform_rotate(duplicate_layer, math.radians(angle), True, 0, 0)
"Rotate Image on Y-Axis",
"Rotate image on the Y-axis",
"Your Name",
"Your Name",
"<Image>/Filters/MyScripts/Rotate Image on Y-Axis",
Crashes on first launch |
Posted by: promisem - 06-07-2023, 03:48 PM - Forum: Installation and usage
- Replies (1)
I reinstalled 2.10.34 after an earlier version started having plugin crashes. The new install freezes when loading tile.exe. I have tried reinstalling it and confirming that the directory was deleted before trying again. Windows 10.
EDIT: The program launched after 3 or 4 tries.
Python Fu |
Posted by: DoggoOfSpeed - 06-07-2023, 12:03 PM - Forum: Scripting questions
- Replies (3)
Tried to create my first script to save all open files and while it works, I've encountered a strange issue.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: DoggoOfSpeed
from gimpfu import *
import os
def save(image, path):
for layer in image.layers:
image_name_clean = os.path.splitext(
full_path = os.path.join(path, image_name_clean + '.xcf')
pdb.gimp_xcf_save(0, image, layer, full_path, full_path)
def save_all(path_type, custom_path, x, y):
open_images = gimp.image_list()
for single_image in open_images:
location = os.path.dirname(single_image.filename)
location_parent = os.path.dirname(location)
if x == 0:
save(single_image, location)
elif x == 1:
if not os.path.exists(location + "/Saved"):
os.mkdir(location + "/Saved")
save(single_image, location + "/Saved")
elif x == 2:
if not os.path.exists(location_parent + "/Saved"):
os.mkdir(location_parent + "/Saved")
save(single_image, location_parent + "/Saved")
elif x == 3:
save(single_image, y)
"Save All",
"Saves all opened images",
"<Image>/Save All Images",
"RGB*, GRAY*",
(PF_OPTION, "path_type", "Save Path", 0, ("Next to Original",
"In Sibling Folder", "In Parent", "In Custom Folder")),
(PF_DIRNAME, "custom_path", "Custom Path", os.getcwd())
For some reason, the function save_all() receives 4 arguments instead of the 2 requires (I added the variables x and y to accommodate that). Not only that, those variables actually contain the data from the PF_Option (in y) and PF_Dirname (in x) when I'd expect them to be in path_type and custom_path respectively. So my question is why and how do the 2 unwanted parameters appear there?
Why don’t my custom palettes persist? |
Posted by: tomory - 06-06-2023, 07:05 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (6)
Hi, everyone,
I created a custom palette for a design I’m creating but when I quit and reopen The Gimp, it’s not in the list. This has happened twice in a row now. Do I need to do something special to make Gimp save my custom palette?
It’s not a huge deal because my design has only five colors in it. Still, it’s inconvenient to have to keep recreating it.
(I’m using Gimp 2.10.34 revision 1 on Mac OS Ventura.)
How can I overwrite .blp files in GIMP? |
Posted by: jpcmg5t - 06-02-2023, 07:33 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
Hello, I like to play this game called Speedy Eggbert.
I wanted to mod this game using GIMP, but the files are all in .blp format instead of .png. GIMP allows me to open the files and edit them, but it doesn't let me overwrite them. I have another program called XNView which allows me to overwrite the files. but I much prefer using GIMP than XNView as I'm familiar, know how to use all the editing tools and find it easy. And copying the files from GIMP to XNview is too time consuming.
So if XNView can overwite .blp files, then why can't GIMP do it? And is there an extension that can allow me to do this?