If it is a bug I don't know where to put this under
2.10.38 doesn't give the option of using a chosen gradient/spherical maps? It only uses the default map, and 3 Release Candidate 1 doesn't have it at all!
I have just finished creating my first gimp plugin and I wanted to see if there was anything I should do differently, like best practices to follow, etc. The plugin works as is, but is there any way to improve it?
Hi. I need to remove this blue border around planet which arose from sharpen Wavelets in the other program.
I tried blending pictures like this:
Made two pictures, which I call:
First picture, blurred, made without sharpening, where no border
Sharpened picture, with border.
In Gimp I place Less_Wavelets on the bottom, and More_Wavelets at the top Layer.
- then click on upper Layer-Fuzzy Tool and make auto selection around planet
- Select-Feather: 165, that will move selection little inside, behind border which must be removed
- Layer-Transparency-Add Alpha Channel
- Select-invert
- Eraser Tool or Delete key pressing more time.
Now, the problem is, why my eraser tool/delete key passing from outside of selection to inside of selection, and deleting part what I don't want? If I am selected „invert“, that means I want to delete only from outside?
Can I somehow decrease or turn it OFF, that deletion not pass selection?
When I delete with the Eraser Tool, just close to the edge of the border, it is a slow process. But if I just click „Delete“, it can remove it fine „in circle shape“ and fast. But If I press delete many times, deletion is going inside of selection. If you understand me.
I have a fully functional gimp - PandaJim 2.10.38 running on Ubuntu 20.04 with Python 2.7 and G'mic.
But I can find no evidence of an Appimage loader and my .desktop file points directly at gimp 2.10.
The .desktop file is attached.
The reason I enquire is because I am considering putting a second SSD in my laptop and then trying to achieve the same result with Ubuntu 22.04 or even 24.04.
Hi! I would like to create some 8-bit pixel art, and I'm considering using GIMP for it.
The image I'm creating uses index color with a 256-color palette. My question is the following: I would like to recolor all the pixels in a selected part of my image from one color to another, without changing the palette nor the rest of the image.
I've learnt how to use the Color Selection tool (Shift-O) to pick a specific color, and to replace it with the foreground color (Command-,). However, by doing this, the color is replaced over the entire image. I tried to select a rectangular area before ®, but then, right after I pick the color to be changed, my selection is gone and the replacement takes effect over the whole image.
Is there a way to restrict the swapping to just part of my image?
When I export a 300 ppi image to tif, Gimp generates a file with 72ppi only and not 300 ppi as desired. But when I export the same source image do jpg, the target jpg image is 300 ppi.
Gimp 2.10
Ubuntu 24.10
Print size: 300ppi
How can I solve this problem and export a target tif file with 300ppi?
New to gimp. Im trying to download a plug-in to measure a path but I'm running into a problem where when a go to select the file after going to Edit > Preferences > Folders > Plug-ins and then selecting my folder and entering my file manager, I am unable to select the .py file that I need.
My version of gimp is 2.10.38 and my computer is macOS.