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Denoise? |
Posted by: Moreach - 11-07-2022, 05:27 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (10)
I have a photo with a lot of noise, mostly white, and I've tried "denoise" some of the blurs and everything "smooth" in GMIC, mostly to little or no result or heavy blurring. I seem to be stuck with years of hand-painting them in. Surely I am overlooking something?
Problem getting a plugin to work on Linux mint |
Posted by: Bob_H - 11-06-2022, 09:19 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP
- Replies (7)
On windows 10 I’m running GIMP 2.10.20
I have a ShellOut.py in the plug-in directory (C:\Users\....\GIMP\2.10\plug-ins) and everything works perfectly. I use the ShellOut to launch the Nik collection
I recently installed GIMP 2.10.30 on Linux Mint ver 21, and I cannot get the ShellOut.py to work or even be recognized by GIMP. By not being recognized I mean it doesn’t show up under the filters option in GIMP. I placed the ShellOut.py into /home/…/.config/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins
Does anyone have any advice? I’m stuck. One thing I found online suggested it maybe do to Linux mint being on version 3 of Python, but I’m not sure what to change for that.
one bit transparency |
Posted by: bitrat - 11-05-2022, 02:37 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (14)
in CorelDraw, it is (was?) possible to render a one bit (b&w) image as an arbitrary solid colour for black and transparent for white. Note that this involved no blending or increase in bit width of the image.
I'm trying to do the same thing with GIMP and Inkscape (which sadly lacks this incredibly useful and probably not too difficult to implement feature).
So far all I've managed is an RGBA exported to png with a constant RGB and a high contrast alpha. It seems to be impossible to prevent some degree of 'anti-aliasing'.
I can import this into Inkscape and lay it over a coloured background, but when I export it, it's alpha blended, even though I didn't ask for that. Again, it seems to be impossible to prevent 'anti-aliasing'.
Also, for some reason, Inkscape adds a transparency checker pattern to the background (which is not visible in the edit window).
Surely there's a way to create a one bit transparency in GIMP and render it in colour in Inkscape, then export it without alpha or checkers!
Even better would probably be to do it all in GIMP, but I still need the absence of blending, just the one bit transparency.
UPDATE: I've figured out how to do this in GIMP, but I'd still really like to know if and how I can create and export a one bit colour + transparency image.
Heelp me.... heelp meee... pleeezzzzz.....
Troubles with guide position |
Posted by: alvk - 11-05-2022, 12:19 AM - Forum: Scripting questions
- Replies (5)
Hello everyone!
I'm using gimp to make figures for my scientific papers. Often I need to place a guide in a certain position relative to a selected layer. I'm trying to write a pretty simple script, that do the job. However, I have a problem with it. I want to have a checkbox, with indicates whether the guide should be placed within the selected layer or not. But it doesn't work. Every time, the script return negative value for guide position. If I have a multilayer image, this means that the guide is placed outside the active layer, regardless of the state of the checkbox. If I have a single layer image, I get an error, that the guide is outside the image. Could anyone help me to solve this problem? The full script is below. Thank you!
(define (script-fu-custom-guide image
(let* (
(lwidth (car (gimp-drawable-get-width image)))
(lheight (car (gimp-drawable-get-height image)))
(offx (car (gimp-drawable-get-offsets drawable)))
(offy (cadr (gimp-drawable-get-offsets drawable)))
(if (= in_toggle TRUE) (position (* -1 position)))
(cond ((= orientation 0) (- offx position)) ; guide on left
((= orientation 1) (+ offx lwidth position)) ; guide on right
((= orientation 2) (- offy position)) ; guide on top
((= orientation 3) (+ offy lheight position)) ; guide on bottom
(if (< 1 orientation)
(gimp-image-add-hguide image guide_position)
(if (> 2 orientation)
(gimp-image-add-vguide image guide_position)
(script-fu-register "script-fu-custom-guide"
_"_Custom guide"
_"Adds a vertical or horizontal guide to the image"
SF-IMAGE "Input image" 0
SF-DRAWABLE "Input drawable" 0
SF-OPTION _"_Orientation" '(_"Left" _"Right" _"Top" _"Bottom")
SF-ADJUSTMENT _"_Position" (list 20 0 MAX-IMAGE-SIZE 1 10 0 1)
SF-TOGGLE _"Within a layer?" FALSE
(script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-custom-guide"
Plugin Darktable |
Posted by: benoit - 11-04-2022, 07:24 PM - Forum: Installation and usage
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The interoperability feature with Darktable, which allows to open a RAW file in Darktable from Gimp, does not work.
Gimp is not able to open the RAW file modified by Darktable.
Here is the error window:
GIMP Message :
Calling error for procedure 'gimp-file-load':
Error opening file '/tmp/gimp/2.10/gimp-temp-253451.exr' for reading
GIMP Message
Opening '/home/benoit/RAW/D7100/DCIM/111D7100/NII_2044.NEF' failed:
Raw Nikon plug-in could not open image
I am running Debian GNU/Linux
My Darktable version: 4.0.1
Of Gimp : 2.10.22
I specify that it works on another computer under Debian GNU/Linux in Testing, therefore with other versions of Gimp and Darktable.
Thanks in advance
Installing Third Party plugins in GIMP |
Posted by: Laco - 11-03-2022, 11:59 AM - Forum: Extending the GIMP
- Replies (4)
I am new to the forum and new to GIMP.
I tried researching the subject of how to install plugins in GIMP, but every tutorial I could find was in reference to GIMP plugins only—plugins designed specifically for GIMP. Can anyone tell me if third party plugins can be installed in GIMP? Specifically, I am wanting to use Topaz Photo AI as a plugin in GIMP.
I know how to find the GIMP plugins folder, but I don’t know which part of the Topaz Photo AI folder to put in there.