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  How to fill entire image from gradient outline
Posted by: ahsaul - 11-02-2022, 02:27 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (10)

I have an outline from an image that is gradient and I'm trying to make the entire image (square) match the gradient. Is there a fairly easy way to accomplish this?

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  No icons in drop-down pull-down menus
Posted by: MichaJo - 11-02-2022, 08:56 AM - Forum: Gimp 2.99 & Gimp 3.0 - Replies (2)

Is it intentional not to have icons in the drop-down / pull-down menus of GIMP 3.0?
Or is it just the development status of GIMP 2.99 and it's themes?


Does anybody know?


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  Hotkey issue
Posted by: Amy Lu - 11-02-2022, 04:30 AM - Forum: Older Gimp versions (2.8, 2.6....) - Replies (8)

So I asked about this a few years ago, and as I had to reinstall GIMP, I'm running into the issue with creating custom hotkeys.

What I want to do is assign 'P' as the path tool, but no matter what I do, GIMP still has 'B' as its hotkey. I've gone to preferences and tried defining them there, and even keyboard shortcuts, but nothing works. It still has 'B' as the shortcut.

I'll attach an image showing this. But you can see I have it assigned as 'P', but it's not applying whatever key I insert.

Any help would be awesome.

Edit: Just to add; I'm using GIMP 2.8.22

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Photo pen tablet input, wrong "aspect ratio" (XP Pen Deco Fun)
Posted by: jakobtritten - 11-01-2022, 05:43 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)


I have no problem using my XP Pen Deco Fun tablet in Gimp — except for the "aspect ratio" (which may or may not be the best terminology). The pressure sensing feature works wonderfully, and I'm really excited about using a pen instead of a mouse. It's important to note that I've never experienced problems using this pen tablet with any other app. //UPDATE: I just discovered that it does the same thing in Krita. It does not do it in MS Paint or web apps (such as Kleki.com).// I have experienced this same drawing problem on two different laptops (different, and yet both are running Win 10 Home 64). This is a really obvious problem (as you will see in the attached gif), but I've been unable to track down anyone else with a similar problem. I feel like there ought to be a setting somewhere for this. Why do such advanced programs like Gimp and Krita have a problem when basic applications (like Paint) have no issue? It's mysterious to me. 

Thank you in advance for any advice. 

I forgot to mention that, in the gif, I am tracing a round object. What comes out as an oval ought to be a circle.

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  How to move a background image
Posted by: Rosa - 10-31-2022, 05:51 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (9)


I a newbie and here is my question:

I do have layer of 200X200 pixels with some big text in it
I use the Fill option to put a jpg picture (from my pattern folder) which is 500x500 pixels in the background of my text
The problem is that I cannot move this 500x500 picture to choose which area of it I want to choose for my background...
Is it possible ? And how (in simple term, I'm french speaking)
Thank you

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  Issue with paths tool
Posted by: DisAn - 10-31-2022, 11:41 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

Hello everyone!

Firstly I would like to clarify that this is not a software issue or a bug. It is my first time using Gimp, and while playing around with the different tools I managed to mess something up and now I cannot use the paths tool. I do not know what exactly I messed up, but now when I select the paths tool and I try to left click (to start making the path), the cursor changes and a prohibition sign is added next to it.
Also, the message on the bottom of the screen reads: "Clicking here does nothing, try clicking on path elements".
This message is shown when I click on the .jpg I have open (I am trying to trace the outline of the sun in the image). 
I know it is something I did, because the paths tool was working as expected the first time I opened an image file.
All other tools and brushes are working fine.

I also attached a screenshot, so that you can see the cursor and the message.

So far I have tried: 
- opening another image
- creating an image from scratch
- trying the paths tool on a new layer
- uninstalling and re-installing gimp
But nothing seems to undo the problem. 

Thank you so much in advance!

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  Image Overlay
Posted by: mdg61313 - 10-30-2022, 09:50 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

Is there a way to do this in Gimp ? I can figure out how this is done.

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  Anti-Alias Functionality
Posted by: rickk - 10-29-2022, 08:17 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

At the core of this question is curiosity why the anti-alias function for lines drawn with gimp, is so much more robust than the anti-alias function available via Filters>Enhance>Anti-alias.....just didn't want that to get lost in the following details. Smile

In the following sketch (magnified 8X)  are two pairs of lines. The black lines are drawn by stroking two paths, each in line mode, with anti-aliasing enabled. The pairs of black lines are identical in both the "before" as well as "after" frames.

The blue lines, drawn for comparison, in the "before" frame ...the same two paths are stroked, but with anti-aliasing disabled. Then in the "after" frame,  anti-aliasing has been added via the Filters>Enhance>AA function.

Notice the difference in the broad range of transparency used on the straight black line, compared to it's blue counterpart. Same for the curved parts of the other line.

AM I NOT doing something properly, or is there just this much difference in the way Gimp delivers anti-aliasing? (filter vs built in functionality)   FWIW, drawing with a pen seems to likewise offer superior AA, compared to that provided by the enhance filter, 

Additional curiosity, but the enhance filter (Anti-Alias) seems to only work for me when the target line is drawn on a  solid background. If/when the target line is drawn on an otherwise transparent layer, then the Enhance>Anti-Alias function seems to contribute nothing to the line.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts

[Image: XXPHqtT.gif]

What might appear to be the obvious solution, just saying "draw the lines with anti-aliasing, if that's the way you want them", really doesn't work for the project I am on. What I'm doing is trying to extract select details from a published map, via the fuzzy select tool, and then smooth out the extracted data with the anti-alias filter

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  Several saved files are missing
Posted by: rllron - 10-29-2022, 07:16 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

I have been using Gimp for awhile and have several photo files saved in the program.  However today I can only open a few of the files, the rest are no longer visible.  When I select 'open' file at the bottom it shows Select File Type (Automatically Detected).  It won't let me select 'Show All Files'. 

I would appreciate some assistance.

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  Gifs and Long Frame Delays
Posted by: rickk - 10-29-2022, 07:06 PM - Forum: Watercooler - Replies (2)

While searching another topic on this forum, I came across some posts where an observer mentioned that "not all browsers" were capable of  properly displaying gifs where long frame delays had been employed. They recommended doubling-up frames with a shorter interval, to achieve the same effect.

This was news to me.  So, I made a test gif where 1700 ms was specified for each frame. And, it seems to run fine for me (at least locally)  on Chrome, Firefox, and Konqueror.....making me curious as to which browsers are incompatible.

On the following graphic, there should be a succession of 4 identically sized squares, each in a different color, with a 1.7 second pause between each transition in color.   Is there anyone who this is not working for? And what browser are you using? (curious)

[Image: it19pCS.gif]


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