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Problems with Export as. |
Posted by: edmorse@currently.com - 10-15-2022, 10:11 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (5)
I'm trying to export a project with 2 layers as a png or jpg and it looks like only one of the layers( or even part of one layer) is being exported. I tried to "merge down" the layers and then use the rectangle selection tool to select the entire image. no workie. would appreciate any help/advice. GIMP 2.10.32 on windows 10 64 bit. total newbie. please be gentle.
Cutting is not working properly. |
Posted by: DearDeparted - 10-15-2022, 12:36 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
Every single time I cut an image in half and paste the half there's a small line of pixels removed.
I legit do not understand why this stupid-ass program is removing pixels that have been cut. PAINT doesn't do this.
This program is hot garbage. Cutting+pasting doesn't work. Colour select selects colours that ARE NOTHING ALIKE.
Railroad tracks and other parallel lines made easy |
Posted by: Ofnuts - 10-14-2022, 10:31 AM - Forum: Tutorials and tips
- Replies (3)
In general drawing parallel lines following arbitrary shapes is complicated, so making good looking railroad tracks in fantasy maps is difficult. But with the help of the ofn-gradient-along-path script this becomes quite easy.
Create a gradient which is one half the track and where the left side is transparency:
You can test this gradient with the blend tool, using Shape: Bi-linear and Repeat: Truncate. This should produce two parallel lines:
(Note that the rail width is scaled with the track width)
Your tracks are defined with a path which is the center of the track:
Then you add a layer and use ofn-gradient-along-path to render the gradient centered on the path, thus creating two curves that are parallel to the center path (the red line is just to show where the path is, it is not part of the final image).
background of the program itself |
Posted by: path - 10-14-2022, 12:30 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (1)
Sorry I don't know how to ask this properly, but the background of the whole everything, before I even try to do everything, is black and it's really difficult for me to read. Is there a way to change it so the text and icons and stuff are black on white, instead?
Sorry if this is repetitious, but I didn't know the correct term to search for.
repair file associations |
Posted by: MichaJo - 10-13-2022, 02:05 PM - Forum: Windows
- Replies (2)
I've installed GIMP 2.99.12 in parallel to GIMP 2.10.32. Automagically the file associations changed to 2.99.
So doubleclicking on a XCF or JPG etc. opens 2.99.
A few years ago the installer had a window "Select file associations".
That's gone.
In the Windows settings for the Standard Apps the file types remain "GIMP 2.10.32".
The App is "GIMP" but you cannot see if it's 2.10 or 2.99.
I cannot change the file types (was possible in Windows-XP).
How can i repair the file associations so GIMP 2.10 is standard (as it was before the installing of GIMP 2.99) ?