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  Business Card help
Posted by: nova - 10-12-2022, 10:43 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (34)

[attachment=8835][attachment=8835]Using version 2.10
I'm trying to produce a business card for a WWII veteran.
I have a photo of his medal that I masked off in After Effects that is currently 600x1500.  The original medal size was 2400x3000.
I downloaded a business card template and shrunk it down to fit but it looks terrible.
Then I opened both in Gimp and have not been able to figure out how to resize the 600x1500 medal to fit in the template.
There is also text; name, etc. that I used on the After Effects business card version which also looks terrible.
The After Effects forum suggested I can produce a better version in Gimp.

I would greatly appreciate any and all suggestions that will allow me to make this 98 year old Normandy veteran happy.
(by the way, I'm 74 and kind of technically challenged)

Thank you!

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  Aligning irregular pictures
Posted by: phipeco - 10-12-2022, 02:24 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (11)


maybe somebody can help me with this: I have non rectangular, polygonal pictures that I need to assemble - like a puzzle, each part roughly fits to the next one. Now what is the easiest way to align the parts for merging? Moving and rotating by hand is quite imprecise and takes a lot of time. Is there maybe a way to mark/use the corners that are supposed to align?

Thanks everybody.

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  Add selection to layer mask
Posted by: MichaJo - 10-11-2022, 08:51 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

Hi everyone,
i'm a long time user of GIMP.
But this i don't know:
How can i add a selection to an existing layer mask?
How can i subtract a selection from an existing layer mask?
Currently i make "Mask to Selection"
then i add or subtract a selection
then i delete the existing mask
and "Add Layer Mask..." with "Selection"

Second method:
Make an selection while editing the layer mask and bucket fill this selection with white or respectively black.

is there a shorter way such as "Add selection to existing mask" ?



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  Like Photo Stiching but Not Exactly
Posted by: BillPhoto - 10-11-2022, 07:57 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)

New to GIMP. Previously used Composite Editor and Photo stitch.
So..Camera on tripod and I take a pix. Subject moves 3 ft right and I take second pix. Move three more feet and take last pix.
Now I have a 3 pix and want to 'blend-layer' them into a GIF.  Photos taken outside with woods background. Same light,no wind. Should be simple but can not find any tutorials on this process. Need shot as part of a larger project. Please oh please advise.
And thank you.

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  How do I get the full toolbox back?
Posted by: RhinoCan - 10-11-2022, 06:48 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

I'm running Gimp 2.10.30 on Windows 10 Home.

I haven't used GIMP very much the last couple of years but used to use it fairly regularly. I'm frustrated to find that I've forgotten something very basic: how do I get the full toolbox that used to come up when I created or edited an image?

If I go to Windows/Toolbox (or simply do a CTRL-B), I get a subset of the full set of tools but I don't get *all* of the tools the way I used to. If I hover over one of the tools in this partial toolbox, it will typically say that it is one of the members of a given family, e.g MyPaintBrushTool will indicate that it is a part of a group with the Pencil tool, the Paintbrush tool etc. but if I try to click on one of the other group members, like Pencil tool, the hover menu just disappears and I don't get the Pencil tool to come up.

Is there some way to get GIMP to display all of the tools in the toolbox, not just one member in each group, or, failing that, to select OTHER members of the group once I've clicked on another member in the same group in the (partial) tool bar?

Just to be clear, when I refer to the "full" toolbox, I'm referring to the one that you see in this short video:

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  How to match colour tone across several photos?
Posted by: Andy_C - 10-11-2022, 02:43 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

Hi everyone, I’m trying to adjust several photos with Gimp (V2.10.22) to look like they have the same colouring.
I have several photos of the same piece of wood furniture, but the colour of the wood is a slightly different shade of brown in each photo.
I understand that the camera will take a different white balance reading each time a photo is taken, and this leads to colour variations between different photos. However, I’m not in a position to retake the photos with a fixed white balance, and so I need to edit the images to get them looking the same.

I’ve included three sample images to illustrate the problem (there are many other photos that I need to colour match too). You can see the colour difference between images 1 and 2.
Image 3 is edited, and the colours look the most like the actual wood colour. However, editing the other photos in the same way is not an option because it’s very difficult to get the colours looking the same by eye.

Is it possible in Gimp to take a colour profile/map/palette (I’m not sure of the correct terminology) from one photo, and apply it to the other photos so that they all have the same colouring?

Many thanks,


[Image: P1260611-623-623-Coladj-With-Numbers-For...arison.jpg]

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  Reducing Palette History Size
Posted by: MMMunia - 10-11-2022, 04:08 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

Hi there!

I've just figured out how to clear the palette history by deleting entries in the 'colorrc' file. I was wondering if there was any way to limit the amount of colors saved to something like 30 entries rather than 3K+?
I know I could clear it every now and then, but it does feel a little ham-fisted to edit the file every time.

I've been using gimp for years, and it's been a very reliable companion. Big Grin

Thank you for your time!

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  My Bucket Fill Isn't Working Right
Posted by: JoReSmi - 10-10-2022, 10:38 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (6)

When I use the bucket fill tool, a lot of the image where the bucket fill happened is still the original color. In the attached photo, you can see that in areas that I filled grey, there are still blue or yellow specks. How do I fix this?

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  darken an image
Posted by: lopsided - 10-10-2022, 10:40 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Hi, I wanted to get an effect like the one you get with Elementor when adding a background layer to an image. The original image would be the one in the first photo, and the result I want to achieve is the one in the second photo.

All the best.


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  filter menu missing
Posted by: novalore40 - 10-09-2022, 08:00 PM - Forum: Older Gimp versions (2.8, 2.6....) - Replies (2)

my filter menu is missing and only has reset all filters i have clicked that nothing happened also i can't export i have unistalled cleaned my registery and reinstalled nothing works help

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