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Color change on importing |
Posted by: Bassman - 09-12-2022, 06:19 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
When I import an image to an existing image as a new layer many times the color red is brought in as gray. I have changed my preferences and color management many times but nothing seems to work. How do I get the image to come in true?
DDS file wont open |
Posted by: shrimp - 09-10-2022, 11:28 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
Im modding DarkSouls right now and have custom icons for custom items.
The problem is for the icons:
DDS files can be saved with paint.net - but wont open or be displayed in the game
DDS files cannot be opened in GIMP.
When this occurs Error message reads: "DDS Image Message / Unsupported DXGI format (98)"
making blur work |
Posted by: RobertFrick - 09-10-2022, 10:41 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (6)
earlier today, I clicked on the blur tool, clicked on my picture, and it blurred that part of my picture. (size depending on size)
I would like to do that again, but it doesn't work -- no blurring occurs. (I do get a "convolve" added to the left of my screen.) I have tried, well, starting with a no picture with no layers, adding layers, using picture select, using other pictures, google, the search engine here, turning Gimp off and then back on, holding the shift key, getting to blur from the menu and reducing opacity at the top. I guess I could try pushing all the keys at once and turning my whole computer on and off, but I will send this first.
Getting the Tool options back, once for all |
Posted by: Ofnuts - 09-10-2022, 05:08 PM - Forum: Tutorials and tips
- Replies (9)
So, you have lost the Tool options dialog which is the part of the UI where you can set parameters from the current tool (brush size in the PaintBrush, font in the Text tool, fill type in the bucket...). We are talking about this, the dialog with an easel/chalkboard icon in the tab:
This happens because some unfortunate mouse moves over it detach it from the UI, and when this happens most people just close the dialog instead of re-docking it. The result is, no more Tool options:
You can re-open the dialog with Windows ➤ Dockable dialogs ➤ Tool options. However this opens a "detached" dialog and you have to re-dock it, but there is a simpler way to get it back at the right place. Click the |<| icon on the right of the tab line:
And select Add tab ➤ Tool options
And you are done:
Well, almost, because the Tool options dialog is at the end of the line instead of being at the beginning. If that bothers you, just drag its tab index over the first tab index in the line to move the Tool options tab to the first position.
Saving Workspace Layout |
Posted by: Ritergeek - 09-09-2022, 02:37 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
I just installed GIMP 2.10 on a new computer. I fiddled around and got my workspace set up the way I want with the toolbox in a column down the left, etc. The computer arbitrarily restarted overnight and everything went back to the default layout. I know there's a way to save the workspace, but I've looked everywhere and can't find that "save workspace" option I'm sure I've previously used.
What am I missing?