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How to use selecting mult...
Forum: Gimp 2.99 & Gimp 3.0
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11 hours ago
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Troubles with porting a s...
Forum: Scripting questions
Last Post: alvk
03-09-2025, 09:51 AM
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Can't get a clean Select ...
Forum: General questions
Last Post: Ofnuts
03-09-2025, 08:39 AM
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currently planning to cre...
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03-09-2025, 01:57 AM
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Print an image (2480x7016...
Forum: General questions
Last Post: Fleshus
03-08-2025, 03:59 PM
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Text to path query
Forum: General questions
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03-08-2025, 03:51 PM
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G'MIC 3.5.3 released
Forum: Extending the GIMP
Last Post: Ofnuts
03-07-2025, 08:28 PM
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Getting emotional with my...
Forum: Gallery
Last Post: Ofnuts
03-07-2025, 04:19 PM
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A reasoning on what you c...
Forum: Gimp 2.99 & Gimp 3.0
Last Post: vitforlinux
03-07-2025, 12:45 PM
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Cutting image along guide...
Forum: General questions
Last Post: azar
03-06-2025, 09:36 PM
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Colour->Compose Only 1 Layer(?) |
Posted by: 4Rajas - 09-01-2022, 11:49 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
Hi all - hope someone can help!
After I import 3 monochrome .tif files as separate layers and go to the Colours->Components>Compose i only see the top layer to select for each channel not the other 2 layers. Tried opening as layers; openeing separately and copying as layers, etc but no luck. This process works on other laptop with GIMP. This is a fresh install of GIMP. Is there a setting I am missing or ...? thx
Jpeg file loaded with script-fu not considered imported |
Posted by: cyril42e - 09-01-2022, 04:25 PM - Forum: Scripting questions
- Replies (6)
When I open a JPEG file with Gimp 2.10, either from the menu File/Open or with the command line "gimp file.jpg", the image is considered imported (this is in accordance with the spec), and there an entry "Overwrite file.jpg" available in the Menu entry (with the hint "Export the image back to the imported file in the import format").
But when I load the same JPEG file with script-fu:
(define (myload file)
((image (car (gimp-file-load RUN-INTERACTIVE file file))))
(gimp-display-new image)
gimp -b '(myload "file.jpg")'
then the image is not considered imported: the Overwrite menu item is not available, the image name when trying to close Gimp is "file.jpg-1" instead of "[file] (imported)-1", and when choosing to export the proposed file name is file.png by default (thus PNG file).
This is annoying because instead of being able to save the result in 2 actions (click overwrite menu item + click export button), I now need 5 actions (click export menu item, change the file name extension or select the existing file, click export button, click replace button, click export button). I can mention that my actual script is more complex, performing some preprocessing, before leaving the hand to the user to perform manual operations and save (and the time saved by the automatic preprocessing is somewhat reduced by the extra steps for saving...).
I didn't find a way in script-fu functions to explicitly import the file, and I feel that the current behavior is not consistent with the specification aforementioned, Is it expected and wanted ? Should a file loaded like this considered imported, or should there be a way to make it considered as imported with script-fu ? Or did I miss something ?
dpi does not change |
Posted by: rjhanson - 09-01-2022, 02:24 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
I use to be able to go to the "scale image" function and change the x/y resolution, lets say 72 to 300. I hit scale now, it closes, I reopen and it says that the resolution has changed, image size has not, which is a bad sign.
I Save the file to "webP" and reopen, only to find in the properties that the file is the same size and the resolution is still 72 dpi.
I would say this function is not working correctly anymore, but it was in the past.
Anyone see where I am messing up?
save color values from transparent pixels |
Posted by: zeuspaul - 08-31-2022, 05:03 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (9)
When exporting to png there is an option to save color values from transparent pixels. It is not the default. I am still a newbie with transparent pixels.
I am tracing objects with the intent of later adding them to another image. First I trace with free select and then I copy and paste the object to a transparent layer. Then I export to a png and I get the option to save color values from transparent pixels. I don't know whether or not to select this option.
When I zoom in on the pasted object on the transparent layer I see along the edge of the tracing what appears to be partially transparent pixels. If I opt to save color values from transparent pixels will the object blend better when I add the png file to another image?
Gimp channel tab on off change color selection. |
Posted by: majorfatal - 08-31-2022, 10:21 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (8)
I'll would like to know how change color selection in the channel tab.
By default dark is active selection and light grey is off selection non active.
I ll find this way disturbing.
Ill prefer to make active >light or color and inactive> dark.
How I'll could change this setting to have that I ll want.
Thanks by advance for your help and tips.
Best regards.
Win11 GIMP 2.10 artifacting/damage bugs? |
Posted by: bolete2 - 08-31-2022, 09:45 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (9)
Hello, it's been a long time since I last perused the forums. I've been greatly enjoying 2.10, I can't wait to try the next release!
I have not encountered the following problem while running 2.10 on Gimp Linux AppImage. I have had some weird bugs associated with GMIC on Linux with GIMP 2.10, but that's a different issue. This seems to occur solely with 2.10 using default features on my Win11 install.
Black "stains" will suddenly appear, usually as a result of a default filter being applied or by messing about with layer modes. Even if I undo the effect/mode change, the black spotting will not necessarily disappear, or the distortion will take on a different form. I'll attach a couple screenshots to demonstrate:
![[Image: random-artifacting-and-damage-only-solva...ayers2.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/R0qF6FZ/random-artifacting-and-damage-only-solvable-by-deleting-corruptd-layers2.jpg)
The left example was actually spurred by a simple gaussian blur with a a radius/amplitude of <10, which makes no sense to me.
I have not been able to reliably repeat these distortions, so I cannot say what the exact trigger is. It's not from something obvious like blowing out pixels with a Hard Mix mode-- and again, this doesn't happen on my Linux install of GIMP 2.10, just the Win11 one, and effects can persist even after an undo. The only sure fix seems to be deleting the "corrupted" layer(s). I can provide a link to above xcf though its 380mb ziipped. Does anyone know what might be wrong or if I've done something to cause this?
Gradient Color Dispersement |
Posted by: jediguitar101@yahoo.com - 08-31-2022, 03:01 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
How do I convert a palette, of multiple colors, directly to a gradient? I know I did this a long time ago...but now I can't get it for the life of me. I can do the "segment split"...but I want a palette of, say 5 colors, to be imputed and spaced evenly.