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  Make Arbitrary Lines Narrower - Shrink Line Width?
Posted by: Punchcard - 08-29-2022, 06:51 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

GIMP Version 2.10.32
I have a JPG file of an image of a hand-written signature.
The line is too wide.
How can I make the line narrower?
I've attached part of the JPG file.

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  Amazon photos editing issues
Posted by: rhorgan - 08-29-2022, 12:58 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (8)

Hello....I am using Mac Catalina 10.15.7

After I edit a photo using Amazon photos online editor, I can no longer edit photos via GIMP 2.10.32.
Once I download a photo that has already been edited in Amazon, regardless of the photo type, Gimp will load the photo but it will not be editable and I basically have to shut down the program. Saving the photo with a new name or as a different file type makes no difference as if the photo was locked.

The picture either opens with the Clone pointer without the circle displaying the size of the clone and changing the clone size does nothing and the you have to close down the program. The alternative is that the program opens and the picture is not displayed but rather a blank background ( image attached)

Any thoughts or ideas is appreciated


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  How to substitute all hues of a color?
Posted by: miqmiq - 08-29-2022, 01:38 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Hello, the attached capture is an expansion at the pixel level, I would like to change all the pixels with that different hues of beige in the complete image to grey #999999 for example. 

This is from an old and aged image of a book dust jacket, I am trying to erase the "paper" background in the image and then put a layer with a clean "paper", I made a bucket fill of that background paper with #999999 with the intention of at the end to change that color for transparency, but as you can see in the image are still a lot of pixels with different hues of beige left, so, is there any method/s to substitute all that different beige-ish pixels, or erase them, or make them transparent? 

Thank you.

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  GIMPCHAT down again? Solved
Posted by: Pocholo - 08-29-2022, 01:11 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

Hi guys! Is GIMPCHAT down again? I cannot get to the site, it's giving the message: This site can't be reached. Can anybody try and let me know.

Update; I was be able to connect with GIMPCHAT. I guess it was on my end.

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  Limiting overlay blend mode to a single layer
Posted by: docrob - 08-28-2022, 06:05 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

The technique of using a 50% grey layer in Overlay blend mode to dodge and burn on a layer below is well-known and very useful. However, with an image consisting of several layers, painting with white or black on this grey layer will affect all the layers in the stack below. In Photoshop there is a means to limit the effect to just the one layer below the grey layer, not all the layers. Does anyone know whether this is possible in GIMP?

OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, KDE
GIMP 2.10.32

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  help with gfig fill option
Posted by: Mando8000 - 08-27-2022, 10:57 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

Hello everyone I am new here.

I am having some issues with filling a Gfig shape I made. I'm not sure what happened I had filled the triangle before with a vertical gradient Red and white. Something happened that made it turn black and now it wont fill. The stroke is working just not the fill option any ideas?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Thank you.

                                                                                    [Image: Screenshot_(12).png?1661640047]                                                                                                                                                             

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Brick Circumscribed tangent circles.
Posted by: Krikor - 08-27-2022, 10:25 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (12)

Is there a way to get that kind of circle arrangement with Gimp?
For example, knowing the radius, or the diameter and the number of desired circles, how to proceed to create this formation without the circles overlapping (only touching each other tangentially) forming a circle of circles.

I got something very close to this using (Ottia Tuota) Markku Koppinen's replicate path along circle plugin, but the adjustment between the source path and base path was on a trial and error basis.

In the image above, Inkscape was used.

I tried with the ofn-path-to-shape plugin, but I wasn't able to get anything close.

Any suggestion?


PS.: Sorry about the title, but that's what I could come up with.

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  Image>Precision options produce big surprise
Posted by: ajax - 08-27-2022, 05:16 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

I've been using GIMP for a while now but still lack deep knowledge of some image editing concepts.  This particularly involves the difference between "Perceptual gamma (sRGB) & Linear light" found when selecting the menu item called "Image>Precision".  I've been inclined to think that this choice has to do with internal computational alternatives and that what I was really after was the resulting effect that could be seen on the display screen of the image being edited/viewed.  However, I had a recent experience where the appearance of the image being viewed when using GIMP for editing was dramatically different from the appearance of the exported image when displayed by some other viewing software.

Consider 3 examples pertaining to a photograph edited by GIMP.

First is a screenshot of a photo edited by GIMP ready for export to a standard image file as follows:


Second is a screenshot of an image (in .png format) created (i.e., exported) by GIMP of the exact same image (i.e., first shown) as follows:


Third is another screenshot of the same image (in .png format) also created (i.e., exported) by GIMP of the exact same image (i.e., first shown) as follows:


The big surprise is the difference between the second and third images shown above (that came from the exact same image as viewed within GIMP).  The difference is that "Linear light" was specified under Image>Precision for the first export whereas "Perceptual gamma (sRGB)" was specified for the second export.  When that change was made in GIMP there was no perceivable difference in the appearance being displayed within GIMP.  Nothing like the first exported image file ever appeared within GIMP.

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  how to clean dirt/yellowing from old document
Posted by: gimptime - 08-27-2022, 04:47 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

I am working on an old baptismal certificate. It has a white background. There is what looks like
dirt on some of the background, which I would like to remove. It is also yellowed to varying degrees
which I would like to fix. I have used the brush/pencil tool and painted some of those areas
with a lighter color from the background but its too slow. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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  Trying To Locate Gimp In C Drive While In Gimp
Posted by: zodiakteez - 08-27-2022, 10:34 AM - Forum: Windows - Replies (3)

I'm trying to add a custom pattern however I cant locate GIMP on my drive  through the gimp application( File-->Export-->OS©-->users>
(name)-->application Data(appdata roaming  is where gimp is stored when I search for gimp) once I click on this option the preview box on the right is empty.

I cant save the custom pattern without finding Gimp ( I can search my computer and locate the file, however when I search through the gimp app while exporting to save in gimp I can not find it).

Can anyone help?

Im using windows 11
Latest version of Gimp 2.0

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