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  Matching colour between photos using the same area as reference point
Posted by: allo - 08-22-2022, 04:37 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

I have multiple profile pictures of staff members taken with the same backdrop, but due to issues with camera exposure, the colour tones of the images all look slightly different. Given the backdrop is supposed to be the same colour in all photos, is there a quick way in Gimp to use the backgrounds as a reference to match the “colour profile” of one image to another one?

Please help!

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  Filling with white when rotating
Posted by: devinl - 08-21-2022, 06:27 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

When I increase the size of the canvas, I have the option for the new space to be filled with white. But when I rotate an image, the areas out of which the image rotates are transparent. Is there a way to have these areas be filled with white? If not, is there a quick and easy way to fill them with white?

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  Watermark Remover
Posted by: meetdilip - 08-21-2022, 01:58 AM - Forum: Other graphics software - Replies (5)

Found this on GitHub. Not sure how to use it though.


Another one


One more


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  Automation of saving files
Posted by: Cjrearl84 - 08-20-2022, 03:14 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)


I was wondering if there is some means within Gimp to automate the process of saving files?

For context, I create clipart type content, with multiple colour options etc.  I sell digital versions of the files in multiple formats (jpg, xcf, png etc).  For each artwork I create, I end up saving maybe 40-50 colour / format variants which is quite time consuming.

I was wondering if there was a way to automate the saving process through writing a script etc? 

I've some very limited coding ability (having used VBA etc) so was hoping to find a way to speed up this time consuming process. 

Thanks for your expertise!


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  No Way to Enter File/Folder Address?
Posted by: LacLaBelle - 08-19-2022, 03:10 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

(08-19-2022, 03:10 PM)LacLaBelle Wrote: I use Gimp a LOT. One of my biggest annoyances with the program is the frustrating inability to save or open files from the program by entering a speciifc file or folder path into the save or open browser. This is a standard feature on literally every other software file browser I have ever used. 

Navigating by clicking folders is fine for casual use, but I have a lot of files in a lot of places, and sometimes you have a folder open in Windows Explorer, that's a real pain to navigate to, and the only option is to click and search folder by folder to save a new project you've already started. Particularly on LAN servers, there is no way to access the server from the Gimp browser. You have to save a file locally and copy it over, then open the file externally from the Windows Explorer window. 

Bookmarks are fine if you use some common locations, but I am always using different folders and file paths. 

Am I crazy, or is there really no way to do this?

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  How to automatically rename the image when exporting? (no prompts)
Posted by: Soliip - 08-19-2022, 01:37 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (11)


When we want to export an image we get a prompt to decide where to save it and in which format. But we can't simply export it as a copy of the original image. We have to go through the whole process each time and manually rename the image. And if we want to export the same image over and over again with a modified version of it, it becomes extremely time consuming.

Is there a way to simply click "export" and quickly save the image within the same format, without any prompt at all, and that simply rename the file to "image name (1)" ? Like on windows, when we save an new image in the a folder that already has an image with same name.

I know there is the "Ctrl+ E" export option, but that will erase the original image.

Thank you.

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  Gimp changed color of single layer after export
Posted by: Bubulubu - 08-19-2022, 11:40 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Hi there! After trying several things and searching the Internet, I decided to try my luck here Big Grin

I have following issue: 
I created an artwork on the Procreate App on my Ipad, exported it as a PSD file, opened it on Gimp and saved it as a xcf file. Then I created a text layer in this xcf file with a sepecific color. But when I export that xcf file as JPG or as PNG, the color of the Text layer is different. But all the other layers I created in Procreate and not in Gimp itself stay the same. The odd thing is, that the text layer is displayed in Gimp itself the way it should, but when I display it on my Photo viewer App (I use Windows) or in my Browser, the color looks different. I thought that it's maybe due to the color Profile of the Apps, but as I opened the file in Procreate, I discovered, that all colors stayed the same, but only the text layer looks different - the text layer has the color, as it is displayed in the Browser or the Photo App. I am so confused right now... why does Gimp export only that one layer differently then the other ones and why does it change the color? It looks the right way in the Gimp App itself.

I would appreciate it so much, if somebody could help me out! Big Grin

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  Edit photoshop image text and photo
Posted by: GimpNoobScotland - 08-19-2022, 11:01 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

Hi all, hope you’re well. Gimp noob here.
I have a photoshop created image I need to edit.
I don’t have the base graphic, only compete versions. I need to edit the text and also a photograph within the image. Can anyone please how to do this?
I’m on 2.10.32

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  Starting from scratch
Posted by: Bsquared88 - 08-18-2022, 09:09 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

Where can I go to find the most basic of all tutorials here in the forum?  I'm learning from square 1.

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  how to get tool box properties back?
Posted by: DThompson55 - 08-18-2022, 01:46 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

    I seem to have lost my toolbox properties. How do I restore them?

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