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resynthesizer gimp-python Linux ubuntu 20.04 all files to install |
Posted by: PixLab - 06-08-2022, 04:55 AM - Forum: Extending the GIMP
- Replies (3)
I write this because today I almost got stuck installing the Resynthesizer plugin, and its dependencies so if it can help some one to not run across internet for a while....
Using my wife's laptop for few days now (GIMP 2.10.30 PPA from Panda Jim, Ubuntu-MATE 20.04.4 LTS just updated her laptop system yesterday after a year without update)
... and I saw that I did not have the resynthesizer plugin in GIMP, heal selection, heal transparency...
So I downloaded linux-resynth-2.03.zip from @rich2005 (thank you so much Rich) there ➤ https://www.gimp-forum.net/Thread-Gimp-2...1#pid11261
Did not work.... yet, nothing in the menu. You can let everything in the GIMP's plugin directory (no worries it will work, later ).
I did check "Python -V" Python 2.7.18 was there, so it's not python2
So trying to install gimp-python...
sudo apt install gimp-python
But Ubuntu removed it from the apt list, no more, nada, finish
I did found this discussion https://discuss.pixls.us/t/gimp-python-n...4/17769/21 but the links got a 404 error
Looks like Ubuntu get some pleasure to make it difficult for us...
Finally after some searches, I did found what's missing.
I downloaded from ➤ http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/po...e/p/pygtk/ near the bottom python-gtk2_2.24.0-6_amd64.deb
and the gimp-python from debian ➤ https://packages.debian.org/buster/amd64...n/download
Once you've downloaded all and BEFORE installing any thing ➤ You do need to install first
sudo apt install python python-cairo python-gobject-2
Then in that order Or with GDebi
cd Downloads
sudo dpkg -i python-gtk2_2.24.0-6_amd64.deb
and only then you can now install gimp-python (or with GDebi)
sudo dpkg -i gimp-python_2.10.8-2_amd64.deb
Then I opened GIMP and resynthesizer (that I left in the plugin directory) was finally there and working just fine on my test photo.
primary color channels as B&W image files |
Posted by: rtravistlh - 06-07-2022, 07:56 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (1)
From any given color image file, I want to obtain 3 individual image files as black & white (grayscale) positive images, one for each of the RGB primary color channels. In chemical photo terms, these would be B&W color separations. How can this be done?
Request: Can u make Repeat filter2,3,4,5? |
Posted by: estatistics - 06-06-2022, 11:33 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (1)
Request: Can u make Repeat filter2,3,4,5?
I found that in keyboard shortcuts, there is filters recent 01, 02...10.
However, there is only a single keyboard shortcut for filters repeat.
a) filters recent opens the Gimp menu of filters and then u must press ok in order to apply the filter.
b) However, filters repeat use the predefined filter options and reapply them. This is extremely useful and time-saving.
c) When you do repetitive work such as color editing, bluring, croping etc,
it will be extremely time-saving to reapply very easily filters with predefined settings as quickly as possible.
Do u know if any such script exists?
The vegan guy (4 years)
Help in placing object behind trees |
Posted by: Deusvult1990 - 06-03-2022, 02:38 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (6)
I am very VERY new to GIMP, so I apologize ahead for dumb questions.
I tried looking for youtube guides on my problem, but couldn't find anything useful.
Here's image of the forest I have:
I want to place this object behind the trees, on the far side, so it's barely visible (blur it with the foggy lightning too)
However, I encountered problems immediately as I have problems getting the "object" behind the trees - magic wand doesn't help as it the fog messes up tree silhouettes to select them and the copypaste above the "object".
Should I use a mask? If yes, what kind of and how? (I know how to create masks, but don't understand how to use this function in this case if it is even applicable at all)
Please, point me in a direction of a guide on how this is done or explain yourself - I appreciate ANY help
Thank you!
Rearranging the dialog boxes |
Posted by: HavingTooMuchFun - 06-02-2022, 09:56 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (6)
I HATE single-window mode, is there any way to make deactivating that PERMANENT, or am I stuck changing that setting every time I bring up Gimp?
Having the Brushes-Layers dialog box with the rarely-used Brushes and patterns on top and the constantly-used Layers on the bottom is such a nightmare that I'm still using 2.82 for every possible thing. Please tell me there's a way to rearrange it the way it is in 2.82, with the layers/channels/paths half on TOP... and ideally KEEP it that way?