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  AI to remove unwanted things from images in seconds
Posted by: Krikor - 06-02-2022, 05:05 PM - Forum: Other graphics software - Replies (1)

An option when it comes to removing parts of the image.

Did not ask for any application, etc.
I just uploaded the image and edited it very simply.

The result positively surprised me.

Editing is done in the browser at https://www.magiceraser.io/

[Image: healdelopt.webp]

[Image: healdelopt.webp]

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  Nitroshare alternative
Posted by: PixLab - 06-02-2022, 06:08 AM - Forum: Watercooler - Replies (6)

I'm using nitroshare for many years tto transfer files and directories directly between our computers on the same wifi and it was working perfectly, just drag and drop chose the computer in the list and ➤ done but I recently upgraded my kids computer to MX 21.1 and nitroshare seems to not detect the other computer on the same wifi, as well as not maintained any more (although if it works i'm ok with that, but it does not work)...

Do you know an alternative?
(Important: no online-website alternative)

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Bug Issues installing GIMP-fanim
Posted by: chatchatchat - 06-01-2022, 07:03 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (4)

So, i'm running gimp 2.10.30 on WIN7 (64bit), and i've noticed everytime i try to install a python plugin, it doesn't show up, and if i put it into the GIMP python console to see what's wrong, i get a load of indentation errors, among other things. 

Really, i just want to install GIMP-fanim. i've heard people using the same OS and version have successfully installed it, so i'm just not sure what i'm doing wrong.

The plugin's code can be viewed here, and i've posted the output of the GIMP python console here. Any help would be appreciated.  Shy

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  border around layer using stroke selection
Posted by: boardgamemonkey - 06-01-2022, 06:45 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

I want to create a border around a picture (which is positioned inside a larger picture). I am trying to use stroke selection for this.

What i do, select the background as the active layer (the picture is a separate layer on top of this). Next use the select tool to select around the picture. Then [Edit]->[Stroke Selection] to draw a border around the image. The problem is, that the border is not only around the image. But also inside the image. Now that is not a problem if the image layer is 100% opaque. Because the image layer is blocking the stroke border underneath it. But if you make the image a little bit transparant, you will see the stroke selection border is also drawn inside the image.

So how do i fix this?

In other words: I want to draw a border fully around a layer (3mm wide), but not inside of it.

Thanks Smile

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  Automatically write filename on a set of images
Posted by: GiacomoDB - 06-01-2022, 08:49 AM - Forum: Scripting questions - Replies (2)

Dear All,

I am new in this forum. I write a topic because I would ask if it is available a Script-Fu (of Python-Fu) which generates a specific set of operation made automatically.

I have a lot of images, with specific filename.jpg (or filename.png, or any extension).
I would like to:

- Open them one by one;
- Write on a specific position (which is always the same for every image) the filename without the extension ("filename"), with a specific size/color, font, etc;
- Save it and close;

Is there any Script-Fu able to doing this?
Is there an official repository of ready to use
Script-fu (or Python-Fu) scripts?

Thank you in advance for every reply!

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Sad Brand an image with a deep set icon
Posted by: CtrlAltDel - 06-01-2022, 02:02 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

Hello everyone.  I always know that whatever problem I'm having with Gimp or whatever I need help with, it can be solved here.  I have lately started creating Linux Mint wallpapers and have so far created about 100 of them over a period of a year or so.  

One I have never been able to create though is one that looks like the LM icon is set deeply in, let's say, a colorful fence.  Sorry for not knowing the proper term for this or not having an example.  I would like to take the icon and make it look like it is about to burst through the fence, or whatever else I may use as a background.  Not from behind but, from the front.  You know, sunk deep into it, almost like a horse being branded and with it having some depth? is the best example I can think of at this moment.  Sad

The image below is kind of blah.  I was hoping for something more than just changing the mode also, which is okay but not what I was looking to do.

[Image: wUstBwn.jpg]

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  bizarre pixel brush - how to recreate?
Posted by: wrongwarp - 05-30-2022, 07:30 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

hello! i use gimp as my primary drawing tool, and while trying to make a lazy 2 pixel large square brush using the clipboard (drawing a two pixel large square, copying it to my clipboard, and just using it as a brush like that) i ended up getting some incredibly bizarre brush behavior out of it.

the brush i created acts something like a weird in-between of 1px and 2px, but only when i'm using the version directly from the clipboard - if i select clipboard mask, the brush acts the way i had expected it to in the first place.

[Image: brush%20weirdness.png]
now, i actually rather like this bizarre and crunchy looking brush, but there's a bit of a problem: i can't change its color until after it's on the canvas (i could also, of course, change the color of the 2px square on the clipboard and copy that, but that's a few extra steps that can add up to a LOT of extra time spent...). i can change the color of the clipboard mask version of the brush, but that looks completely different!

i don't really entirely understand how brushes on gimp work, so perhaps i'm missing something obvious here, but - is it possible to get the look of the brush on the LEFT side of the image but still have the ability to pick its color?

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  Scan photos on smartphone n crop it on GIMP
Posted by: Stephen Liu - 05-30-2022, 04:11 AM - Forum: General questions - No Replies

Just discovered the quality of photo scanned on smartphone is not bad.

Shoot the photo on Smartphone - Samsung Galaxy S9+
Settings - Macro and optimize, no flash light
Illumination - only normal room light

Download the file on PC and run
$ mogrify -rotate -90 photo.jpeg

Open the photo on GIMP and crop it.

The quality of the positive photo is quite good.  The scanning speed on smartphone is much faster than scanning on flatbed/desktop scanner.

This new discovery changes my way scanning photos.  I won't scan photos on flatbed/desktop scanner anymore.


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  Invalid char set error when trying to batch convert files
Posted by: Zentian - 05-29-2022, 11:24 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

I'm trying to batch convert some images and am getting an invalid char set error when I do. I'm on Windows 10 and I'm using.

myconverter.scr in %AppData%/Roaming/Gimp/2.10/scripts/

(define (myconvert in_filename out_filename)
    (let* (
            (image (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE in_filename in_filename)))
            (drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image)))
        (file-heif-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable out_filename out_filename 0 0)

then a .bat file

 for /r %%i in (*.jpg) ; do "C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\gimp-2.10.exe" -i -b '(myconvert "%%i" "%%i.HEIF")' -b '(gimp-quit 0)' ; done

It looks like it's able to open the image, but then prints out 

** (gimp-2.10.exe:21188): WARNING **: 19:22:33.507: Invalid charset: `InvalidCharsetId'
batch command executed successfully
batch command executed successfully

Does anyone know what the issue could be?

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  How to resize an image so it's content would stay centered?
Posted by: guest273 - 05-29-2022, 07:29 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (10)

Hi everyone, guest273 here!

So, I'll try to keep it short:

For a Vegas Pro video project that I'm making I need to adjust an image in a particular way and I was pretty sure that it would be simple to do in gimp. It probably is, but since I use gimp only a couple of times a year I always return to it in a state where I'm struggling with the basics.

So, what I need / want to achieve using gimp:

I want to take this image with a crab logo:
(I'm still not sure which one I'll need - the one with transparency around the crab logo or the one where the logo has transparency).


And instead of it being a square pixel size I want to expand it to an easy to use 16:9 resolution.
I usually double-check resolutions using this website: https://pacoup.com/2011/06/12/list-of-tr...solutions/

Currently both of these images are 512x512 pixels. And ideally I'd like to make them either 1920x1080 or an even bigger size such as 3840x2160. Actually it's probably better to keep the image at the pixel size of 1920x1080 & to simply shrink the crab a little bit. What would be a convenient gimp set-up that would let me adjust the image size to my liking if I'd end up needing to resize it again later in such a manner that the crab logo would always end up centered in the middle?

The preferred result that I want to get with this is the crab logo staying centered at the very middle of the canvas both vertically and horizontally. Without the crab logo expanding in such a way that it would try to touch the left/right sides. For starters I'd like the logo to stay as 'big' as it is, but only the canvas to change size. (And if it's too big then change it to be smaller while keeping the same canvas size.) So far every time I've tried to expand the image / canvas the logo would end up either stretched or in a corner...

Edit: This is how I DONT want the image to turn out:

So, why do I need this for my Vegas Pro project? Well, if someone can help me understand how to achieve the effect that I want then I'd have a better understanding of how to adjust the image in gimp first!

In short, I want to use this crab logo image as a custom shape for an iris transition.

An iris transition looks something like this:

Except that my iris wouldn't be a circle, it would be this crab outline.

So the way I'd switch from image 1 to image 2 would be that the 2nd image would appear in this crab shaped outline in the center of the image and each frame it would expand for a second until the 2nd image would end up over-taking the whole screen.

So the beginning image of the crab would need to look quite small compared to a 1920x1080 resolution image and then over the span of 1 second it would "grow" to the whole screen. (This would be simply done by me zooming in to the "belly of the crab")

I don't know if there are any people here who also do video editing in Vegas Pro here, but if there are, then I'm currently looking for a help-forum where I could get an answer on how to achieve the effect that I've described.

I hope that someone here can help me with the gimp part and thank you.

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