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Last Post: bringoutthegimp!
03-04-2025, 08:00 PM
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GEGL Operation dialog whe...
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Resize used RIS.
Forum: Extending the GIMP
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03-04-2025, 05:32 PM
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Unable to find or use scr...
Forum: Extending the GIMP
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03-03-2025, 11:47 PM
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Drawing a simple rectangle layer? |
Posted by: oguruma - 04-09-2022, 08:46 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (6)
I'm learning the basics of using GIMP. I'm making a simple "color palette" for a design project.
I want to draw several rectangles, each as their own layer, and have that entire layer be the size of the rectangle.
When I click "New Layer" and draw the selection, I can color the selection, but the layer still has the size of the background layer (instead of the small rectangle, like I want).
I can manually resize the layer, but I'd assume there's a better way size the entire layer to the rectangle I want.
How do you do this?
An "Alpha" layer blending mode - need help with building |
Posted by: Ismir Egal - 04-09-2022, 05:57 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP
- Replies (7)
Hello guys,
Similar to "HSV Hue", "HSV Saturation" and "HSV Value" i want to implement an "Alpha" layer blending mode which replaces the target alpha channel with the one of the input layer.
I'm not big into programming so luckily i can just use one of the aforementioned ones as a base.
The color space transformations aren't required and we don't need to do any math so the code should just be:
operations/layer-modes/gimpoperationlayermode-blend.c (line 538):
gimp_operation_layer_mode_blend_alpha (const gfloat *in,
const gfloat *layer,
gfloat *comp,
gint samples)
while (samples--)
comp[RED] = layer[RED];
comp[GREEN] = layer[GREEN]
comp[BLUE] = layer[BLUE];
comp[ALPHA] = in[ALPHA];
comp += 4;
layer += 4;
in += 4;
operations/layer-modes/gimpoperationlayermode-blend.h (line 85)
void gimp_operation_layer_mode_blend_hsv_value (const gfloat *in,
const gfloat *layer,
gfloat *comp,
gint samples);
operations/layer-modes/gimp-layer-modes(line 584)
.op_name = "gimp:layer-mode",
.blend_function = gimp_operation_layer_mode_blend_alpha,
.paint_composite_mode = GIMP_LAYER_COMPOSITE_UNION,
However, i can't get Gimp to build. Not that it fails; it's that the problem sits in front of the desk.
The tools don't link up and the libraries don't seem to work. I've already spent way more time into setting this up then coming up with the code seen above.
Personally i don't think it's worth putting more time into trying to make the building work so
Could somebody implement these changes and upload a Windows build? (if it even works that way)
Setting this up as a plug-in would obviously be the better way but i have no idea how to do this, especially since i can't just copy and modify existing functions.
Please let me know if you can help or know a better solution
darken text issue |
Posted by: denzjos - 04-09-2022, 09:27 AM - Forum: Tutorials and tips
- Replies (2)
I wanted to darken a small text to make it more readable and discovered following issue. I typed a text and duplicated the layer a few times and the text becomes darker (this is normal). To move the darkened text I merged the text layers and the result was a normal layer with darkened text that can't be edited afterwards. The trick to edit the text afterwards is to save the drawing with the duplicated layers not merged, then load the drawing again and merge the text layers. The result is a normal layer (can't be edited). Now save the drawing and load it again. The 'normal' layer with the text is now converted to a editable text layer. When one edit the text, then the text darkness becomes as the original darkness. If the text duplicated layers are not edited, they stay darker.
Problems with circle-slash on paint bucket and rectangles ***Resolved |
Posted by: gimphusker - 04-06-2022, 10:38 PM - Forum: General questions
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Hi, I am having problems with the circle-slash problem with rectangles and paint bucket. BTW, Windows 10 Pro, Gimp 2.10.30
I want to make glossy buttons for my visual basic project and found a youtube video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecs0yk4Vasw. I have used the instructions on the video to make several buttons, but now am encountering the dreaded circle-slash error. Here is what I do: Create a new file: File=>New and set the size to 360X240. Like in the video, I use the paint bucket to make the canvas white. So far so good. Then when I try to make a rectangle (which I have done many times in the past), I get the circle-slash. Based on the help on the internet, I click on Select=>All and I am able to create the rectangle. I set the size to 240X120 with a rounded radius of 21. Then I click on Select=>Save to Channel like in the video. Then I create a new layer as per video. Unlike the video, I want to fill the rectangle with red. When I click on paint fill, I get the circle-slash error again. When I click the select=>all, my rectangle disappears. I have no idea what has changed between when I was able to do this before and now am fighting it. I really like Gimp but the problem I have with it is that I can accidently click something with my mouse and blow things up. As information, I have researched this problem on the internet and have tried what I have read to correct it: making sure there are no locks on my layers, making sure that select=> all is selected and so on and so forth. I am not having any luck. Please help me. (Let me know if I need to send pictures of my settings.) Thank you
Resize selection made by Ctrl+A |
Posted by: kiwichick - 04-06-2022, 01:06 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (7)
Sorry if this seems a silly question but can someone please explain why, when in rectangle select mode, it isn't possible to use Ctrl+A to select all and then resize the selection from that? No transformation handles are available. Is there a reason for this?
Checkerboard.. why? |
Posted by: RustyBolt - 04-05-2022, 01:45 PM - Forum: General questions
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I loaded an RGB image which I added an Alpha channel to and then decomposed it. I pasted another image into the alpha channel and then did a compose into an RGBA image. At this point the image it shows me on the screen now has a checkerboard pattern on it even though none of the channels had any transparent areas. I saved the image as a png. If I open it with a different program it appears normal. If I open it with Gimp, it as the checkerboard pattern on it.
I am new to Gimp, so I would lke to know what this is indicating and how to remove it?