Sick of changing the appearance of the transparency always by opening Edit > Preferences > Interface > Transparency.
As I'm often changing appearance of the transparency by using the background mid-tone checks, black, gray or white,
I'm looking for a hotkey to open this setting option faster than walking through the preferences menus.
I have a HP laptop running Windows 11 and using GIMP 2.10.
I was able to print photos to my old printer.
I am unable to print photos on my new photo printer CANON imagePROGRAF PRO-300.
Other photo software can print to my PRO-300 just not GIMP 2.10.
Any suggestions for getting GIMP 2.10 to print to my new printer?
Hi everyone, excuse the newbie question and apologies if it's been asked before. Can someone please explain to me how the fill option works with crop allow growing? I thought it was going to be a kind of alternative way to resize a canvas but I'm sure I'm misunderstanding something. This is what I'm doing:
1. open an image
2. activate the crop tool
3. check allow growing
4. choose a fill for the extra canvas
5. make a selection that goes outside the image boundary
6. press enter
But, no matter what fill I choose, the extra canvas is always transparent. The GIMP docs aren't really any help but they do say "Transparency will be used if there is no material to crop". If that's the case then what is the fill for? I assumed "no material to crop" was the extra canvas and that's what gets filled.
Hello! I do a lot of image work for my job and my little team really appreciates all the time and effort you all put into these plug-ins. Countless hours have been saved thanks to the work you all share and upload.
I was hoping I could find someone who could help write a small QOL edit a plug-in.
The plug-in is the Center Resize All Layers to Image Size created by Tin Tran over on
Would it be possible to have the code loop until it's Centered/Resized all layers and then delete the "Background" layer?
First I need to say: None of my team, myself included, is very good with GIMP. I'd still classify us all as novice, even after years. Some of them can barely understand what a "brush" or "layer" is and just follow a very basic step-by-step-with-pictures guide to get their basic edits done. I swear they're smart. Just... not with image work/programs.
We work with hundreds of images at a time. For the scaling/size, we typically open a new canvas with our desired size/dimensions, upload a ton of different sized images as layers, use that plug-in to center and resize all of the images to the canvas size, and then use another plug-in to export all layers as individual images. We export to a lot of different folders. Unfortunately, this means they also export the white Background layer to every folder as well. They will then go to every individual folder (sometimes a couple hundred) and delete the white background image.
It would be so much less of a headache to just have that layer deleted automatically before exporting.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Created by Tin Tran
# License: GPLv3
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY# without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# To view a copy of the GNU General Public License
# visit:
# ------------
#| Change Log |
# ------------
# Rel 1: Initial release.
#import string
#import Image
import random
from gimpfu import *
import math
#from array import array
#import sys
def python_tt_center_resize_all_layers_to_image_size(image, layer):
#convert to index mode
# pdb.gimp_image_convert_indexed(image,CONVERT_DITHER_NONE,CONVERT_PALETTE_GENERATE,colors,FALSE,TRUE,'ignored')
# num_bytes,colormap = pdb.gimp_image_get_colormap(image);
# num_bytes_per_color = len(colormap)/colors
# pdb.gimp_image_convert_rgb(image) #convert it back to RGB
non_empty,x1,y1,x2,y2 = pdb.gimp_selection_bounds(image)
if (non_empty == TRUE):
width = x2-x1
height = y2-y1
for l in image.layers:
for l in image.layers:
"Center Resize All Layers To Image Size",
"Center Resize All Layers To Image Size",
"Tin Tran",
"Tin Tran",
"August 2020",
"<Image>/Python-Fu/Center Resize All Layers To Image Size", #Menu path
"RGB*, GRAY*",
# (PF_SPINNER, "width", "Width:", 2000, (10, 3000, 10)),
# (PF_SPINNER, "height", "Height:", 2500, (10, 3000, 10)),
What if there was Undo History specific to each layer in addition to the standard global undo. Does anyone know if this exists already? Currently for pretty much every program in the world "CTRL + Z" is the hotkey for "undo last modification/action", but what if GIMP, or some 3rd party developer, made it possible for each layer in GIMP to log its own independent history? I am far from a programmer, but is it feasible to make an addition to GIMP that allows users to click on a layer and only undo the history of changes made to the specified layer?
Keep global undo "CTRL + Z", but add in a modifier for layer specific undo like a "CTRL + ALT + Z"
Would be pretty dope.
Example: I'm sure you get it already, but every so often I will have made changes to a layer, moved onto another layer, then wanted to undo some changes I applied to the previous layer, but Undo isn't layer specific, it can only go backwards chronologically, so I'll have to erase the work I want to keep on the layer I have been working on in order to undo the work I've done on a previous layer.
*of course in this case, in reality, I will not use Undo, I will delete the layer I want to reset so I can keep the work I did after making changes to this previous layer. But, also that sucks. would love something like an Advanced Undo.
Over the past several months, I've grown amused over how updates for one program can adversely impact another.
Especially in context with internet browsers Firefox, Chromium, and Konqueror. Won't go into specifics there because I appreciate this is not the place for "that", other than to say I've been watching a ping pong game where updates to "A" introduce problems to "B", breaking specific functionality...which inspires a fix, that in turn the fix to "B" wreaks havoc upon "A", and the cycle repeats.
I guess that "independence" of the open source model has it's own unfortunate consequences?
Specific to graphics software. I've been installing on separate machines, various vintages of Krita, versions 4.4.2. 4.4.8, and 5.0.2 without major difficulty ( other than the Gmic issue with 5.0.2)
When installing those,... I always notice a transaction listing claiming to remove an inkscape file. evidently it replaces said file with an updated equivalent, because my old inkscape app continues to function.
However just this past weekend, I noticed that an update for inkscape was being offered. I believe the update was from my original install of version 1.0.2-3 to a new offering of 1.1.2-3+b1
So, I updated Inkscape, and thereafter the synaptic package manager refused to install Krita (any vintage) on my machine, citing that I must fix broken packages, before proceeding.
So, clearly the inkscape update fluxxored my system in some way to prohibit the install of Krita (on new media that had never previously had Krita as a resident program)
And attempts to fix broken packages were stonewalled. I eventually ended up having to reformat, and do a completely fresh install, forgoing the update to inkscape in order to install Krita 4.4.2 Which worked fine
But my questions, is this type of conflict between programs common place? Is this the reason many of you have become advocates of "flat paks" and "AppImages" put an end to such hijinks? I think I'm about to become a believer
I am trying to install the Photolab CurveBatch plug-in, does this plug-in work with 2.10.28, I know you have to edit a if statement but I cannot get it to show in the filter menu, even after creating a folder in the plug-in folder in preferences.
I found instructions for curving text and followed them to the letter and didn't get the results that was expected. Here is the URL where I
was at:
Here are the steps I took.
1. I opened a blank ribbon banner in which I wanted to put the curved text.
2. I created a new path by clicking on the Paths Tool, entering both beginning and ending points.
3. I created a new layer and named it "Curved Text". I looked and it didn't show up where your "It's Foss Curved Text Tutorial" appeared above "Background" on the right side of the screen. In fact, nothing showed up.
4. I clicked on the text icon and adjusted the text size to 120 from 62 (or something) and clicked onto where I wanted the text to begin, which was the same place I had already clicked on in order to get that little pop-up box to come up. I then typed in my wanted text.
5. With the supposed layer still open, I right-clicked on the text and selected "Text Along Path". It created a new, curved text in hollow letters ABOVE my text. So, it didn't merge. Perhaps it was because Gimp didn't create a "Curved Text" layer above my "Unnamed" o the right side of the screen.
6. I actually moved my original text so that I could click on the new text and right-clicked on that, but there was no "Path to Selection" option.
7. I kept messing around, trying different things and suddenly I noticed there was a "Path" layer directly above "Unnamed" with the eye next to it. But there was also a second layer named "Path #1" above the layer "Path". I have no idea how that happened.
8. I decided to move on anyway with the eye still on the "Path" layer, which was my original new layer (I supposed, although it didn't have the name I gave it).
9. I selected the Bucket Fill tool, kept the color at black, clicked in the area of where the new hollow text was, and nothing happened.
10. I just now, for reasons I can't tell you because I do not know, I clicked in the original black text I put in, in step #4 above. Everything but the inside of the letters "A" and "D" turned black! So, SOMETHING worked, just not the way I expected.
So, That's where I'm at. I'm trying to make a logo for a friend's sewing school in Africa, going in places in Gimp where I've never been before, but at least I actually followed instructions. And, YES, I'm a male. LOL Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have included a photo. Thanks.
P.S. The larger ribbon behind the one with the new curved text in it was the original ribbon. The one with the text in it is a picture of the results I got from the above steps, which I just copied over the top of the original one. It took me a minute to figure that out. It's 4:50 a.m. and I think I'm a little tired. LOL