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  Help is broken and/or not installed?
Posted by: jupiter - 03-20-2022, 01:48 PM - Forum: Windows - Replies (1)

When I press F1 for help a window pops up that says 2.2 Image Window - GIMP Help Browser but there's nothing in it (empty white page). Then after about 30 seconds there's a page of help called "2.2 Image Window" but no other help pages - I only get that one. I clicked on something and got a message saying something like "You need to install help in order to use the help" but I can't do that because I don't know how - I would need the Help to tell me how to install the Help in the first place(!)

This is a brand-new installation of 2.10.30 on a brand-new installation of Win 8.1

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  Verification Window
Posted by: WHC41 - 03-20-2022, 05:34 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

I recently upgraded my iMac (12.2.1) to Version 2.10.30 of GIMP.  When I tried to open the app, I got a window that said "Verifying Gimp-2.10."  The verification never completed running and I still have the window.  I subsequently downloaded the app again, but this time the screen to transfer the app to the applications folder froze.  I managed to copy the file to the applications folder manually.  I ran the app, another verification window opened and quickly completed and the app runs fine.  BUT, now I still have the original verification window and I cannot get rid of it.  Clicking on the "x" at the end of the progress bar does nothing.  There is no red (nor green) button to close the window.  any suggestions would be appreciated.


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  Help documentation
Posted by: kiwichick - 03-19-2022, 08:43 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)

Hi everyone, As there is no direct way to contact the website, I'm not sure where I should post this but I thought here might be the place start. I don't know if anything can be done about them but I've found a couple of problems with the fonts used for the script examples in the Help documentation - both in the PDF file and on the website.

1) In the PDF file, when doing a copy/paste of the script examples, there is an error for the apostrophe. It doesn't happen with the documentation on the website because it uses a different font. Screenshot shows the difference between the pasted text and me changing the apostrophe.


This is rather problematic for newbies like me who don't really need errors coming up for nothing more than the font being used Blush I'm not sure many of us would even consider the font as being the problem.

2) On the website documentation (tried in Firefox and Google Chrome) the font size of the script examples is tiny compared to the other text and it's difficult to read. It's fine in the PDF files.


Just noticed there is also a problem with the quotation marks. Not causing an error but the results are not as expected.


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  Using foreground select tool to create transparent background
Posted by: jcamenga - 03-19-2022, 06:36 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

I want to create a transparent background for a pic using GIMP on my MAC. I duplicate the layer, use the foreground tool to select and fill my image, hit return, then initialize layer mask for selection. When I hit "add", the background does not disappear like I hoped. Attached is the image just before I "add" the layer masks. The "after" shot looks just the same. The background has not disappeared. Any thoughts?

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  Podcasting Scene Setup
Posted by: titan - 03-19-2022, 07:14 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

So... I'm very new to GIMP and anything creative.  I'm trying to setup a template for my wife.  She wants to podcast with a custom background, once or twice a week.  After all the tutorial videos and messing around with the app for a few days, I've decided to do this with the setup in the picture. layers: title, subtitle, footer, overlay, image of whatever for the wallpaper... Then, I created a channel for her host/co-host selection areas.  That way, I can just create a new layer from visible based off all her data that changes every few days, and apply a layer mask from the channel I created. 

My issue is.. I've found myself wanting to adjust the selected area in a channel that has multiple selections in it.  When I go into my channel and hit replace selection with this channel, and have multiple selections on the screen, I cannot edit just one of the selections.  Is there a way to do that? or am I stuck recreating the final channel from scratch?  I intend on making overlay channels for 2-5 people with and without sharing a desktop for OBS scenes (8 channels).

It's not horribly complicated to remake selection channels, but it takes a good bit of work to get them lined up properly (making sure the scale on each selection is right and the spacing from the edges all line up).... and it would be nice to move individual parts of the selections like I can when I'm creating them.  That way I can just click select save to channel again after I make some small tweaks.

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  Can you help me with this!
Posted by: Edward99 - 03-18-2022, 08:54 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

Good afternoon all.

God I love GIMP!  Congrats to everyone involved who designed it.  Just love it.  Use it hours a day.  I've used it solidly for about 6 months now.

I've included a pic that highlights what I'm trying to do.  Not mine, but it's a good example.  I'm trying to achieve this effect. ie:  I'm taking a google earth map.  I've drawn around the US so, there's a (aqua) line around the borders of the US.  I'd like to take everything else (but US - which i'd keep as is) and change it to a slightly faded mono color.  So ideally as I'm trying to present the picture of the US, it (and it alone) POPS out.

I'm having trouble pasting my selection. (as I say I've got an aqua border around the border of the US). So I can use fuzzy select (of aqua), or select by color (aqua), and create a PATH of the US no problem. 

I want to copy and paste (just the US) as another layer by itself (so it can stay it's color, i can manipulate the color of everything else but the US).  That's my approach to creating it.

When I select the path I've created (of just the US), it'll only copy the outlilne - NOT the contents within.  I essentially want to pick JUST the US out of this picture (via the aqua border i've created, and the path).

As I've said I've tried creating a mask with the  path, select by color, fuzzy select, whenever i copy/paste it just copies the aqua border outline I've created, not the contents within.

So frustrated.  I know i should be able to do it.  Just can't figure it out.

If you could suggest a way, please let me know.  Thanks in advance.

SUMMARY: Extract just this pic of the US out this picture, paste as a new layer. (again i have a pre drawn aqua line border around the US)  You'd think it'd be easy.

[Image: tutorial--style-single-country-step-fina...813b2.webp]

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  Making G2-continuous paths
Posted by: Ottia Tuota - 03-18-2022, 05:24 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (8)

I made a plugin which, given a path as input, creates a smooth path through its anchors. You may remember that I already made one such simple plugin:


but now I have a better algorithm. Instead of that simple plugin, this new plugin (named "G2-continuity") should be compared to the old smooth-path.exe:


That old plugin makes C2-continuous paths. The new plugin does that too, but it makes also more general G2-continuous paths.

To get the plugin, go to


scroll to the bottom, and click the right download button ("G2-continuity"). You get a zip file. Unzip it and place the one file it contains (G2_continuity.py) in your user's plug-ins folder. Then (re)start Gimp. To use the plugin: in the Paths tab, right-click a path and follow the links Tools > Modify path > G2-continuity.

A picture using the default values:


The blue path is the input path, and the red path is the path made by the plugin. So, this is another method to draw a smooth path through some given points.

We had some discussion of C2-continuity with Ofnuts in:


C2-continuity is about derivatives of the parametric representation of the curve. So, it is very mathematical. We use now another concept, G2-continuity (the 'G' coming from "geometric"), which is more directly connected with the visual appearance of the curve and independent of the parametric representation. It means that the curve is smooth and has continuous curvature. For paths G2-continuity means:

  1. At every anchor the two tangents are parallel (the same). But the handles need not be symmetric, that is, of equal length.
  2. At every anchor the two curvatures are equal. This means that the two circles of curvature at the anchor are the same.
C2-continuity implies G2-continuity but not conversely. You may think that C2-continuity is better. After all, it is a stronger condition, so it should make more regular curves, right? But it has one feature I don't quite like. Consider a straight-edge path with very different edge lengths:


C2-continuity makes at the short edge an unnecessarily prominent arc. I would like better a smaller arc, see the picture. The reason why C2-continuity gives such a strong arc is the continuity of the first derivative: it forces the handles at an anchor to be of equal length (symmetric). But I think it would be better if the handle on the longer edge would be longer and the handle on the shorter edge would be shorter, like this:


So I think that the edge lengths should be taken into account when making the handles. But then C2-continuity is no longer possible, not even C1-continuity. But G2-continuity is possible. And I think that it is this condition which really counts visually. Continuous curvature means that the curve is very smooth.

So I took the theory in


and modified it suitably to take into account edge lengths, producing G2-continuous paths (and since that can be done in infinitely many ways I had to do some ad hoc choices). I also did the case of closed strokes and added some embellishments. No need to go into further details. It was rather pleasing work to do.

Be kind enough to tell me if you find cases where the plugin works wrong.

There are two tuning parameters. I try to explain what they do though you may do wisest if you just go experimenting.

The first tuning parameter: Let us consider a straight-edge path. The tuning parameter adjusts how strongly the different lengths of the edges are taken into account; see the above pictures. Let us call the parameter K. If K=0 the lengths are not taken into account at all, just like in C2-continuity. I put K=1 as the default since I think it gives nice results.

The second tuning parameter determines how tightly the curve will bend at anchors. C2-continuity allows no such adjustings, but with G2-continuity this can be done.

The way I implemented the two tuning parameters is very ad hoc and could be done in infinitely many different ways, still getting G2-continuity. I could easily make the plugin to have 10 tuning parameters, say, but who would want it? I think 2 parameters is optimal.

There is also an option on how the end parts of open strokes are treated. This is useful only if the original path has some curvature and you want to preserve the tangent directions at open stroke ends:


This option arose from a mathematical reason. If you look at the text by Stuart Kent you see that if an open stroke has n+1 anchors (knots) then the requirement of C2-continuity gives us a big group of equations with 2n unknowns and 2n-2 equations. So, to solve the group we need two additional equations. They can be chosen freely. For those two, Kent takes what he calls "natural boundary conditions": f''=0 at each end of the stroke. It occurred to me that we could use some other boundary conditions. I chose to preserve tangent directions at the ends; this seemed neat, easy to grasp, and sometimes useful.

There are two options about using a selection. They should be clear enough, so I say nothing about those here.

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  Converting TGA to JPG
Posted by: conna3000 - 03-17-2022, 07:15 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Hi there.

I import a Splatmap as a TGA into Gimp. The TGA has a Alpha Map. I want to Copy the Layer of the TGA and save the Image as a JPG, but Copy and Paste does not work.

If i just export the Tga as a JPG i got a Blanck Image in Photoshop Elements. I have to use Gimp because of the Image Size. It is 8k and later 16k.

Why cant i just copy the Layer and put it in a new Project ? It allways paste the Alpha Map as well. I just only need RGB.

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  Filters in Gimp
Posted by: Lori257 - 03-16-2022, 05:05 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

Hey everyone! Can someone tell me in what Gimp version i can find filters Plastic wrap and Sketch? I need to make this collage

[Image: ocr]

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  Delete brush created from clipboard
Posted by: kiwichick - 03-16-2022, 07:31 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

Hi everyone, In the screenshot you can see that the first brush (Clipboard Image 17 x 17) is empty and 'Delete Brush' is not available. The next brush is from a clipboard mask and is also empty and unable to be deleted. Is it possible to remove them?


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