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  Show Canvas Boundary greyed out
Posted by: kiwichick - 03-12-2022, 08:54 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Hi there, I'm very new to GIMP so I'm not sure if it's some setting I need to change but why is 'Show Canvas Boundary' under the View menu greyed out? It's checked on and I can't uncheck to turn it off. Thanks for any help.

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  Gimp not retaining dimensions at which a file was saved
Posted by: Muzician - 03-11-2022, 10:33 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

I bring up a .jpg image, scale it to particular dimensions - in this case 2600 x 3700 px i.e. 9x12 inches @300 dpi and "Export" as .pdf

Once I export it to .pdf at those dimensions shouldn't it retain them? When I bring it up again the preview shows it as 900 x 1200 px 9x12 inches - when the import dialogue box comes up the scale usually shows it as 900x1200 px  9x12 inches. Even if I use the "scale" function again, it does this. 

I might make additional changes and use overwrite - shouldn't that still retain the same dimensions? When I then go to exit the file it always asks if I want to save changes - I assume this is a redundant query because I've already either exported as or used the overwrite function. 

Am I not doing something right?

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  Plugin to mimic brush's antialiasing
Posted by: bobb - 03-11-2022, 02:28 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)


I was wondering if there's an easy way to add a layer of shading to an outline the same way it would be automatically added when drawing with the brush (vs the pencil). I've tried the antialias plugin (doesn't work against a transparent background), the gaussian, tiled and lens blurs and the closest I've come to achieving a similar effect is duplicating the outline twice, then applying a lens blur with a magnitude of 0,5-1 to the upper layer and merging it down, but it's still not really the same effect.

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  Do you find Foreground Select to be any faster than Free Select?
Posted by: Muzician - 03-11-2022, 01:53 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (9)

I was playing with the Foreground Select tool some - but by the time I go through the process, then cleaning up the edges of the result it seems it would as fast or faster just to make careful use of the Free Select tool, with more precise control over fine details that Foreground Select will miss. 

Thoughts, experiences, tips/tricks?

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  Color management - How to identify saved color in TIFF
Posted by: IcePlanet - 03-10-2022, 06:42 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Somehow I still do not understand how colors are processed inside GIMP. Let me explain my question on one example.

I run into 'easy' task to identify color in TIFF file. Each application I used shows different values. To identify what is going on I made simple test scenario. In Corel Draw created simple image with 2 colors (CMYK: 85/30/0/100, Pantone 186C). Exported this image to TIFF and opened it in:

GIMP - 0/0/0/100 and 0/100/88/11 respectively.
CorelPhotoPaint - 85/30/0/100 and 2/100/88/9 respectively.

I have read (here) about checking color profile, and there is set relative colorimetry, CMYK profile: None.

My question is: What colors are inside the TIFF? How should I understand the different values in different programs? For now please ignore different 'render' on the same screen, which initially triggered my curiosity, but I understand this is related to CMYK - RGB conversion where much more elements are included and more or less no standard exists, but was thinking that value inside TIFF is the same regardless of used program. Or not?

GIMP is version 2.10.24

I added pictures to google drive, there are 3 pictures showing eyepicker tool and corresponding colors (visual representation of the above text).

Thank you for explanation

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  Installation de Gimp 2.10.30
Posted by: epsilon85 - 03-10-2022, 12:10 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

J'avais un souci avec Gimp 2.10.30 et les outils, c'est dire que quoique je fasse un outil restait constamment en plce, même en faisant "sélection aucune", impossible de m'en débarrasser.
J'ai donc désinstallé Gimp puis vérifier que toutes les traces étaient bien supprimées de l'ordi.
J'ai réinstallé Gimp 2.10.30 et surprise l'outil en question est toujours en place .
Avez-vous une idée et une aide pour m'aider SVP.

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  How to switch between layers?
Posted by: Muzician - 03-10-2022, 10:34 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

What I want to do is copy images off a page, paste them into the same position onto a transparent layer, make the original page all white, then merge the layers as a quick and easy way to fix the color of the borders around images as part of a book restoration project - i.e. get rid of acid yellowing, etc. 

Here's my envisioned workflow -

- Outline image using rectangle select
- copy image
- move image to transparent layer and align it with original base layer
- convert entire original base layer to absolute white with flood fill
- merge layers

This is simple to do in PaintShop Pro - just change the layer you're working on by clicking on it, but layers apparently don't work the same way in GIMP. 

All assistance appreciated.

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  GIMP installer linked to my old PC profile. Unable to change it.
Posted by: Jontheehermit - 03-10-2022, 04:38 AM - Forum: Installation and usage - Replies (1)

I just had to delete GIMP off my computer recently and right now I'm trying to reinstall the program. However, I keep getting an error because the installer is still linked to my old PC profile. I used it to first download GIMP years ago and since then I moved on to a new one and deleted the PC user off my computer. My problem is that even though I am using the current PC profile, the installer's destination is still mapped to a folder in my old one

"C:\Users\Old Username\App Data\Local\Programs\GIMP 2"

The installer is linked to a folder on a profile that doesn't exist anymore and it doesn't let me change it. As a result, I am unable to get GIMP back on my PC. I even tried going into my hidden folders and in Appdata in my current profile and tried reinstalling. The installer still does the same thing. Is there anything I can do to fix this issue.

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  copying and pasting .png to .jpeg
Posted by: Kelmaur - 03-09-2022, 09:40 PM - Forum: Tutorials and tips - Replies (2)

new here..and am having fun with GIMP

i created a logo for myself and i am trying to figure out how to copy and paste it as a whole

on top of a jpeg i want to use for the background...without doing it layer by layer

is this possible?

Thanks in advance for any help

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  Equivalent of "Dynamic object" on GIMP ?
Posted by: MrNash - 03-09-2022, 11:50 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

I would like to know if there was an equivalent of "Dynamic object" of Photoshop on GIMP?
Thank you

Sorry if this is not in the right category.

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