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  cleaning a scan of music
Posted by: warrentdo - 11-18-2021, 06:59 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (6)

Hello, I have been scanning my music A4.
I cannot find a good OMR so im scanning and cleaning up the scan.
All of the scans are 1200 dpi tiff at 1 bit.
im finding quite a few small specks. it there anything that can detect small specks and get rid of them?
Any speck that isn't connected to anything.



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  Gradient Editor
Posted by: rickk - 11-18-2021, 06:22 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Once one creates a custom gradient,  it needs to be saved to   /home/(yourdistro)/.config/GIMP/2.10/gradients.... And in Akana Peck's book Beginning  Gimp it states "once you've edited a gradient to your liking, the save button adds the gradient to your GIMP profile".

But just where is this "save" button? I've looked quite a bit, and tried gladhanding the user interface hoping to find an Easter egg...but can find nothing with a defacto "save" feeling to it.

Oddly enough, I've found that if I  hit the "duplicate this gradient" button twice, it will place a gradient.copy.ggr file in the designated directory, which works, but I'm just at a loss where I'm missing the save button..

Gimp 2.10.22

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  2.10 Gradient Tool
Posted by: gazza - 11-18-2021, 04:31 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

I am trying to follow a tutorial which requires a step using the gradient tool. For some reason, I cannot get the tool to give me a "Linear HSV" or any other colour type for that matter. I set it to linear, but the description tell me it is "Clockwise" or "Anticlockwise". Hence the gradient does not give the required Foreground to Background gradient I am suppose to achieve. Can somebody give me some advice on this please.


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  Gimp Startrail plugin instilation
Posted by: joseph@linux - 11-18-2021, 12:58 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (9)

I am trying to install startrail.py in Gimp 2.10
This is some of what I have tried:

joe@joe-GA-78LMT-USB3:~$ sudo cp startrail.py /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/
[sudo] password for joe:
joe@joe-GA-78LMT-USB3:~$ sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/startrail.py
joe@joe-GA-78LMT-USB3:~$ cd /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/
joe@joe-GA-78LMT-USB3:/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins$ ls
alien-map          file-gih            metadata
align-layers          file-glob            mosaic
animation-optimize    file-header        newsprint
animation-play          file-html-table        nl-filter
antialias          file-ico            noise-hsv
apply-canvas          file-jpeg            noise-randomize
blinds              file-mng            noise-rgb
blur              file-openraster.py    noise-solid
blur-gauss          file-pat            noise-spread
blur-gauss-selective  file-pcx            nova
blur-motion          file-pdf-load        oilify
border-average          file-pdf-save        pagecurl
bump-map          file-pix            palette-offset.py
cartoon              file-png            palette-sort.py
channel-mixer          file-pnm            palette-to-gradient.py
checkerboard          file-ps            photocopy
cml-explorer          file-psd-load        pixelize
color-cube-analyze    file-psd-save        plasma
color-enhance          file-psp            plugin-browser
color-exchange          file-raw            polar-coords
colorify          file-sgi            print
colormap-remap          file-sunras        procedure-browser
color-rotate          file-svg            pyconsole.py
color-to-alpha          file-tga            py-slice.py
colorxhtml.py          file-tiff-load        python-console.py
compose              file-tiff-save        python-eval.py
contrast-normalize    file-uri            qbist
contrast-retinex      file-wmf            red-eye-removal
contrast-stretch      file-xbm            ripple
contrast-stretch-hsv  file-xjt            rotate
convolution-matrix    file-xmc            sample-colorize
crop-auto          file-xpm            screenshot
crop-zealous          file-xwd            script-fu
cubism              film            selection-to-path
curve-bend          filter-pack        semi-flatten
decompose          flame            sharpen
deinterlace          foggify.py        shift
depth-merge          fractal-explorer        sinus
despeckle          fractal-trace        smooth-palette
destripe          gfig            softglow
diffraction          gimpressionist        sparkle
displace          gradient-flare        sphere-designer
edge              gradient-map        startrail.py
edge-dog          gradients-save-as-css.py    text-brush.py
edge-laplace          grid            threshold-alpha
edge-neon          guillotine        tile
edge-sobel          help            tile-glass
emboss              hot            tile-paper
engrave              ifs-compose        tile-seamless
file-aa              illusion            tile-small
file-bmp          imagemap            unit-editor
file-cel          iwarp            unsharp-mask
file-compressor       jigsaw            value-invert
file-csource          lcms            value-propagate
file-desktop-link     lens-apply        van-gogh-lic
file-dicom          lens-distortion        video
file-faxg3          lens-flare        warp
file-fits          lighting            waves
file-fli          mail            web-browser
file-gbr          map-object        whirl-pinch
file-gif-load          max-rgb            wind
file-gif-save          maze
joe@joe-GA-78LMT-USB3:/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins$ cat startrail.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Gimp Startrail Compositor
# https://github.com/themaninthesuitcase/gimp-startrail-compositor
# Version : 1.8
# Christopher Pearson
# www.cpearson.me.uk
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import os
from gimpfu import *

import gettext
locale_directory = gimp.locale_directory
gettext.install( "gimp20-template" , locale_directory, unicode=True )

allowed_import_types = ["jpg","jpeg","tiff","tif","bmp","png"]

def file_is_image(file_name):
    is_image = 0
    ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] # get the extension
    ext = ext.replace(".", "") # rip off the . from the extension
    if ext.lower() in allowed_import_types: # is this an image?
        is_image = 1

def get_new_image(raw_image, fade=None):
    image = None
    if hasattr(gimp.Image, "precision"):
        image = pdb.gimp_image_new_with_precision(raw_image.active_layer.width, raw_image.active_layer.height, 0,
        image = pdb.gimp_image_new(raw_image.active_layer.width, raw_image.active_layer.height, 0)

    # When using "fade in and out" we need to add a black layer to the image:
    # this will ensure the light frames (with opacity < 100) will be stacked on
    # a dark background.
    if fade != None and fade == 3: # fade in and out
        layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new(

        image.add_layer(layer, 1)
        pdb.gimp_drawable_fill(layer, FILL_WHITE)
        pdb.gimp_drawable_invert(layer, 0)
    return image

def process_dark_frame(file_name, image, layer_count):
    dark_frame = pdb.gimp_file_load(file_name,"")

    # have we got a base image to work with?
    if image == None:
        # create a base image based on the dark frame
        image = get_new_image(dark_frame)

    # get the main layer of the new frame
    dark_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new_from_drawable(dark_frame.active_layer, image)
    # set the opacity to create an average image:
    # formula taken from http://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/image-averaging-noise.htm
    dark_layer.opacity = 100.0 / layer_count
    # add the new layer and flatten down to keep memory useage down.
    # Get rid of the image we loaded up.

def create_dark_image(dark_frames):
    dark_image = None
    layer_count = 1

    images = os.listdir(dark_frames)
    for file_name in images:
        file_name = os.path.join(dark_frames, file_name)
        if file_is_image(file_name):
            dark_image = process_dark_frame(file_name, dark_image, layer_count)
            layer_count += 1

    return dark_image

def save_intermediate_frame(image, image_count, directory):
    # build a save file_name pad the number to 5 digits which should be plenty for any timelapse.
    intermediate_save_file_name = os.path.join(directory, "trail" + str(image_count).zfill(5) + ".jpg")

def process_light_frame(file_name, image, dark_image, merge_layers, image_count, subtract_skyglow, opacity, fade):
    # load up the light frame into an image
    light_frame = pdb.gimp_file_load(file_name,"")

    # have we got a base image to work with?
    if image == None:
        # create a base image based on the light frame
        image = get_new_image(light_frame, fade)

    # did we make a dark frame?
    if dark_image != None:
        # As we have a dark image we need to subtract it from the light frame.
        # create a new layer from the dark image
        dark_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new_from_drawable(dark_image.active_layer, light_frame)
        # set the layer to layer_mode_difference
        dark_layer.mode = SUBTRACT_MODE
        # add the layer to the light_frame
        light_frame.add_layer(dark_layer, 0)
        # flatten

    if subtract_skyglow != 0:
        glow_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new_from_drawable (light_frame.active_layer, light_frame)
        glow_layer.mode = SUBTRACT_MODE
        if subtract_skyglow == 1:
            glow_layer.opacity = 25.0
        elif subtract_skyglow == 2:
            glow_layer.opacity = 50.0
        elif subtract_skyglow == 3:
            glow_layer.opacity = 75.0
            glow_layer.opacity = 100.0
        # add this as new layer
        pdb.plug_in_gauss(light_frame, glow_layer, 500, 500, 0)

    # Set the light frame to layer_mode_lighten
    light_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new_from_drawable(light_frame.active_layer, image)
    light_layer.mode = LIGHTEN_ONLY_MODE
    light_layer.opacity = opacity

    # add this as new layer

    if merge_layers == 1:
        light_layer.name = "layer " + str(image_count).zfill(5)

    # clean up our temp bits.

def compute_opacities(fade, fade_in_amount, fade_out_amount, n_images):
    opacities = []
    image_indexes = list(range(n_images))

    if fade == 1:
        opacities, _ = opacities_from_fade_amount(fade_in_amount, n_images)
    elif fade == 2:
        opacities, _ = opacities_from_fade_amount(fade_out_amount, n_images)
    elif fade == 3:
        # to avoid jumps between fade_in and fade_out:
        # 1. chose a parameter to control the other: fade_out_amount controls fade_in_amount
        # 2. requires fade_in_amount + fade_out_amount <= 100
        # "less than" means that there may be a certain amount of trail where opacity = 100
        if fade_in_amount + fade_out_amount > 100:
            fade_in_amount = 100 - fade_out_amount

        opacities_in, N_in = opacities_from_fade_amount(fade_in_amount, n_images)
        opacities_out, N_out = opacities_from_fade_amount(fade_out_amount, n_images)
        # the stack is setup to use the fade out formula: we need to reverse the opacities to get the fade in
        opacities = [opacities_in[i] if i < (n_images - N_out) else opacities_out[i] for i in image_indexes]
        opacities = [100.0 for i in image_indexes]

    return opacities

def opacities_from_fade_amount(fade_amount, n_images):
    opacities = []
    image_indexes = list(range(n_images))
    N = int(fade_amount * n_images / 100.0)

    if N == n_images:
        opacities = [100.0 - (i * 100.0 / N) for i in image_indexes]
        opacities = [100.0 if i < (n_images - N - 1) else 100.0 - ((i - (n_images - N - 1)) * 100.0 / (N + 1)) for i in image_indexes]

    return opacities, N

def startrail(frames, use_dark_frames, dark_frames, save_intermediate, save_directory, live_display, merge_layers, subtract_skyglow, fade, fade_in_amount, fade_out_amount):
    #Do some santity checking before we start
    # Light frames
    if len(frames) == 0:
        pdb.gimp_message("No light frame path provided.")

    if not os.path.exists(frames):
        pdb.gimp_message("Light frame path doesn't exist.")

    # Dark frames
    if use_dark_frames == 1 and not os.path.exists(dark_frames):
        pdb.gimp_message("Dark frame save path doesn't exist.")

    # Intermediate frame path
    if save_intermediate == 1 and not os.path.exists(save_directory):
        pdb.gimp_message("Intermediate frame save path doesn't exist.")

    # create 1 dark frame averaged from all of them
    dark_image = None
    if use_dark_frames == 1:
        dark_image = create_dark_image(dark_frames)

    # Define an image to work in.
    # This will be created from the first light frame we process
    image = None
    images = os.listdir(frames)

    # reversing the list is necessary in order to be able to use the same opacity formula
    if fade == 1: # Fade in

    # compute the opacity values based on the selected fade options
    opacities = compute_opacities(fade, fade_in_amount, fade_out_amount, len(images))

    for image_count, file_name in enumerate(images):
        file_name = os.path.join(frames, file_name)

        if file_is_image(file_name):
            image = process_light_frame(file_name, image, dark_image, merge_layers,image_count + 1, subtract_skyglow, opacities[image_count], fade)
            if save_intermediate == 1:
                save_intermediate_frame(image, image_count + 1, save_directory)

            if live_display == 1:
                # If first frame display the image to screen.
                if image_count + 1 == 1:
                # Update the display

    # show the new image if we managed to make one.
    if image == None:
        pdb.gimp_message("No images found to stack")

    if image != None:
        if live_display == 1 :

    if dark_image != None:
        gimp.delete(dark_image) # we don't need this any more so get rid of it so not to leak.

    "Christopher Pearson",
    "GPL v3",
        (PF_DIRNAME, "frames","Light Frames",""),
        (PF_TOGGLE, "use_dark_frames","Use dark frame",0),
        (PF_DIRNAME, "dark_frames","Dark Frames",""),
        (PF_TOGGLE, "save_intermediate","Save intermediate frames",0),
        (PF_DIRNAME, "save_directory","Intermediate save directory",""),
        (PF_TOGGLE, "live_display","Live display update (much slower)",0),
        (PF_TOGGLE, "merge_layers","Merge all images to a single layer",1),
        (PF_OPTION, "subtract_skyglow","Subtract skyglow (much slower)",0, ["None", "Light", "Moderate", "Heavy", "Full"]),
        (PF_OPTION, "fade", "Fade trails", 0, ["None", "In", "Out", "In and Out"]),
        (PF_SPINNER, "fade_in_amount", "Fade In amount [%]", 100, (1, 100, 1)),
        (PF_SPINNER, "fade_out_amount", "Fade Out amount [%]", 100, (1, 100, 1))
    domain=("gimp20-template", locale_directory)

Any help would be appreciated Thank you

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  Speech bubble
Posted by: CaBPi - 11-17-2021, 07:38 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)


I need to use speech bubbles for a project for the first time made in blender, and was surprised it dosent seem that easy to do in gimp.

The most recent and almost only video I could find on the topic on youtube, dosent really work that well in my workflow.

If anyone can suggest a way to work with speech bubbles in gimp, I would be very appreciative ^^

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  Can you use Paintbrush with alternating colors?
Posted by: Gimpquester - 11-17-2021, 06:16 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

I was wondering if there is a feature or addon in gimp that let's you use a paintbrush with more than a single color. For example have a lighter and a darker green alternating while painting with the same brush.

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  GIMP and Select by color
Posted by: Alex.Den - 11-17-2021, 09:55 AM - Forum: OSX - Replies (2)

Dear GIMP user under MACOS Big Sur
Could you tell me please if exists GIMP version(s) where is the Tool "Select by color" does exact what does it should (yes, and successfully starts under Big Sur 11.6 of course)?
In general, it is problem with GIMP under Big Sur or it is problem of Big Sur at all?

P.S. It "works"... When mouse button is pressed selected area exist (with pink color) but when button released selection disappear.

P.P.S. Selection by color is my favorite and most useful tool.

P.P.P.S. By the way, 2.10.28 under Windows 10 works fine. At least, this tool. I have to use Windows

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  Another icon size question
Posted by: eepjr24 - 11-15-2021, 05:59 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

Does anyone know how to change the size of the color pick / color swap icon?

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  Aligning a pattern or texture from a line?
Posted by: eepjr24 - 11-15-2021, 03:47 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (7)

Angry Angry Angry

Not mad at GIMP, the forum just ate my earlier post. lol. Probably too many image examples. I will try to be more concise.

Found this post: https://www.gimp-forum.net/Thread-Roofto...p-building

Rich made a video on that one that was excellent and just wanted to shout out to Rich for doing these, they are a life saver.

So I build maps, different kinds depending on needs for gaming. At the moment, I am looking to texture, pattern or stamp buildings for about 70 cities. These were generated using the Watabou generator and thus the angles of the buildings can be quite varied. I am looking for a way to align the rooftop patterns to the angles of the roof, essentially, in a quick manner. Here is an example city:
Here are some examples I have done, which work because I played with each of them for 10-15 minutes to figure out a pattern that worked with the angle of the building. I am using filters to apply the textures right now because of speed, but I would ideally like to use real pattern images or a brush.

Hopefully I have been clear on what I am trying to do, but in summary I'd like to find an easy way to apply textures to roughly rectangular areas that align to the angle of the rectangle, rather than to the X-Y axis of the image.

Thanks for any thoughts.

- E

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  searching gimp brushes?
Posted by: jackiebean2017 - 11-15-2021, 07:23 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

I've been using Gimp for a very long time and seen it go through a lot of changes. This recent version has some nice changes like the unified window. So glad they fixed that. But some other things seem to have gotten truncated or maybe they were add ons? I seem to remember that I was once able to search brushes and actually find them easily. No longer can I search effectively, and the dropdown is so small now (not the icons, the dropdown on the brush toolbox) that I cant find anything without a hassle. I have a ton of brushes too. Is there a way to edit this somehow or resize the dropdown so i can actually read the brush names? What happened to grouping? maybe I'm remembering an add on or something, but since Gimp was updated there's a lot of functionality I'm missing and its killing my workflow because I have to troubleshoot things I shouldn't have to when there's an update. This is exactly why i work mostly on my tablet and import the psd to Gimp

Can anyone help me figure out how to fix this? I want either the brushes to be completely searchable, or the dropdown to be wider so i can see the full brush name  Angry

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