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  face on iron bars
Posted by: denzjos - 11-23-2021, 06:25 PM - Forum: Gallery - No Replies

I got my inspiration for this by Marco Cianfanelli. For this I had in mind that the parts of the face are mounted on rectangular bars that are positioned in one line.  

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  Batch Image Processing (layer manupulation)
Posted by: izwan - 11-23-2021, 01:02 PM - Forum: Scripting questions - Replies (1)


I'm kind of new using batch processing. I have about 300 pages of scanned old manuscript. Its yellowish and stained.

Normally I will clean it up by:

1. Duplicate the layer
2. Change the top layer mode to "grain merge"
3. Merge down the layer.
4. Repeat the steps until I got a much cleaner page.
5. Touch up using brush.

I was wondering if there is a scrip or command that I can use to to step 1 to step 3 on batch file. I mean, cleaning up old manuscript for family safekeeping is really hard work. If there is a batch processing that I can run and sit back. I still need to touch up here and there of course, but this will take at least 75% work load if I can automate it.

Thank you

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  Copy on image into excisting image
Posted by: Arne - 11-23-2021, 09:38 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

When im coping one image into excisting image and edit part of the copied image, there is a change of colour in the background where the removed part of the image used to be.

I have one picture,
adding a layer
adding image of stars into new layer
removing most of the stars/new image
outline of new image is still there

please see attached image

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  Compose not seeing layers
Posted by: Rowdy Wallbanger - 11-23-2021, 08:38 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

I'm a self taught GIMP user, please be gentle!
I'm painting car templates for a racing simulator called iRacing.  iRacing has Spec Maps which add Chrome and Roughness to the image.
The template contains layers for RG and B Channels.  They are setup to work in Photoshop which can handle layers in Greyscale.  These layers work in such a way that they merge to make a combination, which doesn't work in GIMPS RGB only way.
However, there is a work around which is to copy the image, make it's mode Greyscale and then Compose the R,G and B channels, adjusting the greyscale to your liking.  We export the file into the program as a TGA.

The Problem is this: If I make a fresh project this process seems to work fine.  However my old projects don't always work, when composing I only see a "Mask Layer" option.  Why is it not seeing the other layers that exist in the XCF file?
Kind Regards,

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  Pay someone to create a template for spheres
Posted by: gimphusker - 11-23-2021, 03:49 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

don't know if this is acceptable or not, but here we go. I am a very beginner to gimp.  I would like to have someone create a template for me to create spheres with specific colors.  I would pay them of course.  What I am looking for is a template that I can make spheres that all I have to do is type the hex code for a specific color  and a sphere would be created with that color.  I would like it to initially be say 400x400 and I could scale it to the necessary size.   I think I have enclosed the image that I would like to use as a starting point.  I like this sphere because I can add text (in Visual Basic) and it looks good.  Some cololrs I would be using is light coral and light blue among others.  Is this possible?  Thanks


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Photo Color Picker x Sample Point
Posted by: Krikor - 11-22-2021, 09:10 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (6)

Color Picker x Sample Point

  • Why are the values collected by Color Picker not the same as displayed by Sample point?  Huh
I was using Color Picker to find two points; each on a different image that have the same Value. (in this case I was looking for points with 85%).

But when creating the Sample points at the specific coordinates found in the two images to 85% of value, the values displayed in the Sample Point window are different from 85%. (83.9 point 01 and 86.3 point 02)  Dodgy

At first I thought it might be due to the value used for the Radius - Sample average, in the color Picker. Initially I was using the value of 4 for the radius.
But I tested it with other radius values for the same coordinates and they also didn't match the values displayed in Samples Points.

I finally gave up on Color Picker and used Pointer, which finds and records the same values as those displayed in Sample Point.
  • Am I using Color Picker the wrong way? Any adjustments I should have made? A bug? An outdated tool?

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  enlarge image
Posted by: bbxrider - 11-21-2021, 04:20 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

can't find the magic to enlarge an image copied to a layer, see attached
I started with a jpg, imported to gimp and removed the white background
copied that image to a layer and that copy operation created a new layer
named 'dropped buffer'. 

I thought I enlarged the copied image with the scale tool and moved it.

But the enlarged moved image is not an image really, its a selection outline, 
marching ants, and only that and it is actually in the layer that image was copied
to, not the created, dropped buffer, layer??

huh? this should be pretty simple....right? 

I think I don't care what layer the enlarged moved version ends up in, as long
as its the "real" image and not some ghost outline.

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  make a photo of sheet music black and white, remove grey
Posted by: carljong - 11-19-2021, 12:00 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (8)

I've been taking photos of sheet music and would like to print them.  But, when I print them the background is grey and I would like to make it white.

Is there a simple way to do that?


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  How to use white balance card with specific RGB values in gimp
Posted by: Liese - 11-19-2021, 12:12 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

I have a white balance card that has specific RGB values, 219, 220, 220. I am trying to adjust my photo in gimp so that the area of the picture with that white balance card matches its actual numbers and thereby correcting all colors in the photo. I appreciate any help I can get on this! Thank you.

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  Pixelation explained
Posted by: tillinth - 11-18-2021, 08:05 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Hi all 

I have a rather general question, but I can't find the answer anywhere. For a presentation, I'm trying to explain why symmetrical images look asymmetrical when you pixelate them more roughly. 

My hunch is that a bigger pixel includes a larger part of the image's surface, but I'm looking for a more technical, thorough explanation.

If anyone could provide me with such an explanation, that would be very useful!

Thanks in advance!

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