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  How to create this background with GIMP
Posted by: deonholt - 11-03-2021, 05:48 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Hi and thank you for your help.

I made the attached background many years ago with CorelDraw. It had a function where you give it 2 or more colours, CorelDraw then mixes them up and this is what you get.
Does GIMP have something similar? I need to create another background but with different colours.


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  Shortcuts like Photoshop
Posted by: nothing - 11-03-2021, 12:13 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

Is there a simple way to make the shortcuts like photoshop? If not, I hope the developer make it in the next update.
I also use Inkscape and the shortcut option is really helpful.

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Rainbow Hue-Saturation without effect
Posted by: Krikor - 11-02-2021, 11:44 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

I have an image formed by a gradient between red and white.
Basically the red saturation is 100% on the left and decreases as it goes to the right.

My question is about the Colors - Hue-Saturation... filter

If I make a selection on this image and apply a saturation adjustment via Colors - Saturation..., the change is visible, whether I increase or decrease the saturation.

[Image: k685ozo.png]
However, if the adjustment is done via Colors - Hue Saturation... the change is only visible if I reduce the saturation. If the saturation is increased, even to 100%, nothing is noticeable.

[Image: GupGHcW.png]
Is it a bug or is this filter behaving as it should?


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  Iconify issue ?
Posted by: meetdilip - 11-02-2021, 11:19 AM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (13)

I am currently creating icons for Windows 11. To make it have the exact size of the default folder, I took a screen shot of the Extra Large Icon and drew over it using Inkscape. It has dimensions 179x141. But when I use GIMP + Iconify script which I got from here, the resultant ICO, when applied to a " New Folder " is slightly bigger than the default folder.

I tried numerous adjustments to the file size to correct this. Even used 2 other programs called Axilalis Icon Workshop and SimplyIcon. But in the end, no matter what I do, the ICO does not give the same size as the default folder.

It would be nice to know what is going wrong. Thanks.

PS : Attaching the PNG and ICO

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.zip   179 141.zip (Size: 24.48 KB / Downloads: 238)
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  newbie add altered image to a layer
Posted by: bbxrider - 11-01-2021, 12:02 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

please see attached, I have a jpg image with white background, l think I made all the white background transparent and now want to add the altered image to the 2nd layer in the project, but can't make it happen. maybe this isn't possible? thinking it should be simple but after trying for over an hour, coming here for help. tried moving it, copy/paste it, add it, etc. but no luck yet. the attached pic explain it best I think

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  Defining GIMP 2.10.28 to Scribus 1.5.7
Posted by: LateJunction - 10-31-2021, 04:59 PM - Forum: Linux and other Unixen - Replies (4)

I have the flatpak versions of GIMP 2.10.28 and Scribus 1.5.7 installed under Linux Mint Cinnamon 20.2. I wish to invoke GIMP from within Scribus to edit an image. The Scribus preferences allow me to define (in the External Tools option) the 'Name of Executable'. While I am not sure exactly what is meant here I assume it is the fully qualified path and name of the gimp executable that is required. I know of no way of definitively finding out what either of these two items of information is - for instance, the "flatpak info -l" option for gimp does not point to an executable, only a directory with an extensive tree structure 'below' it. I have used 'find' in Nemo, discovering more than 30 paths which might be relevant, out of approx. 2,900 'hits' on 'gimp' - but none of them work. Can anybody explicitly tell what what I should be using in Scribus? Has anyone actually ever done this?

I ask this because I had a similar challenge in trying to edit Gimp preferences to correctly invoke darktable 3.6.1 - but no one has so far been able to tell me what the correct string is, or even to prove (i.e. validate their claims)  that they have actually done it, with my installed versions of the apps under Mint 20.2. I have concluded that this is not possible with Gimp in this scenario.

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  Is there any way to the reduce pixel count in images without losing quality?
Posted by: anon2101 - 10-31-2021, 01:20 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

So i just want to reduce the pixel count of an image from 16 megapixels to just under 2 megapixels. But there's a significant loss in quality of the image. Is there any way to not let this happen using gimp? Or if that's not possible via gimp, other free software or plugins that might help with this?

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  How do I create a perfect curve transform
Posted by: gib65 - 10-31-2021, 04:09 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)


A while back, I created this front cover for a book:

[Image: book%20cover.jpg]

I'm trying to remember how I transformed the second half of the title: "Great Planetary Odyssey". It was straight at first (like the first part of the title: "Captain Gabriel") but then I curved it. I'm wondering how to reproduce the same effect on a different title. I tried doing it with the cage transform tool but I can't get it to look smooth with a perfect curve. Is there any other way to have this effect besides the cage transform tool?

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  Gimp stops responding EVERY SINGLE TIME using the foreground select tool
Posted by: anon2101 - 10-30-2021, 10:41 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

Also before gimp starts responding, there's a text showing "creating alpha of unknown pixels" while using the foreground select tool. And after that gimp becomes completely unresponsive until i close the window. This happens more prominently with the matting levin engine. And from what i've seen, the global matting isn't just as impressive.

Gimp version- 2.10.28

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  Some older filters or plugins not working
Posted by: launok - 10-30-2021, 10:09 AM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (4)

Dear all,

I need some advice with filters not appearing after install.

I used GIMP many years ago and not very familiar with the new version of GIMP 2.10.

In the past I have used Photoshop filters/plugins which used to work but some of them now don't anymore.

Another strange behavior I ran across yesterday is when I install the old Photoshop Xero filters it interferes with my Photoshop Artistic sets already installed.  When I install the Artistic filters from Photoshop it automatically adds it to the Artistic filters coming with GIMP which is great.  But when I install the Xero filters and it shows up in GIMP, it deletes these extra Photoshop artistic filters from the list.  It is great that they work both in GIMP but not keeping both in the filters list together.  There seems a conflict problem between the filters although they are in completely separate folders.  As I mention I am new to this version of GIMP and not sure if I maybe install them wrongly!?

And then I have another old Photoshop filter which used to work way back in GIMP, but now install it, it don't show under the list at all.  The filter I am trying to install is called "Impressionist.8bf", and is not related to the GIMPressionist which is part of the installed filters in GIMP.  I am not sure if I will be allowed to add this filter here and will do that when it's okayed.

There are more of my older Photoshop filters I want to install but not sure if it will work or not.  I don't have Photoshop installed on my new laptop.

I hope someone have some advice regarding this conflict problem or why some old filters don't work. All advice is much appreciated.

Kind regards,


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