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  G'MIC - Output Messages withot effect
Posted by: Krikor - 10-27-2021, 03:51 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (2)

In previous versions of G'MIC I was able to make the generated layer name come out with the specifications of the filter used.

But now, using version 2.99 provided by Samj's Portable 2.10.28, I can't produce this change in layer names.

In G'MIC I go to Configuration... - Others - Output Messages, and whatever my selection does not change the output mode.

[Image: sGRGIpH.jpg]
Is this how G'MIC is working right now? Would it be a problem with my version?

Is there any solution to let me create the name of the layers with the settings of the filters used?


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Posted by: denzjos - 10-27-2021, 11:35 AM - Forum: Gallery - No Replies

Effecting chopped paths...  

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  Gmic Query
Posted by: gazza - 10-27-2021, 04:28 AM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (4)

I am running GIMP 2.10 and 2.8 very sucessfully after following a Rich2005 video. I am trying to install GMIC into both of them but just going around in circles. I have seen many blogs on the subject, but find it all very hard to digest. 
I have attached a copy of the address's to which I have tried for 2.8 (2.10 is simlar). I am not sure if I am even trying to install the correct version as I am coming up with heaps of .dll issues. I have read some of the help blogs from Rich, but when I try to follow any of the web addresses he suggests, none of them will open to the appropriate web page. 
I have also found that the GIMP version I am using (2.10.28) has some issues with GMIC, but I can't seem to find the solution to install in either version. 
Apologies if I treading over much discussed ground, but it is not through lack of trying and heaps of frustration that I have referred to the forum.

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  "rounding" grey scale image from the center
Posted by: SkyLeopard - 10-26-2021, 09:10 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Hi All,

I am trying to achieve a certain look on a greyscale/height map image for a cnc project I am working on.

Im new to gimp so Ill try to be explicit as Im not sure of exact terms.

I started with an image that only has two colors to my knowledge (or at least doesnt have a lot of colors so that if you looked at a height map of the image it would be mostly 0s and 1s.  I switched to greyscale mode and played with contrast and brightness to get the greyscale sharper.

This is where I am.

I am trying to figure out how to basically apply a filter (or modify the values of the pixels in some way ) over that grey scale image I created so that it becomes a height map where the highest point is in the center and as we move towards the edges of the image it gradually falls off in height.  so that you get a domed look but still retain details of the image.  Is this even a thing that makes sense? Is gimp the right program for this sort of thing?

Appreciate it!

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  Questions about how to use API gimp_layer_new()
Posted by: arya - 10-26-2021, 11:59 AM - Forum: Scripting questions - Replies (3)

When I read the API document of gimp_layer_new(), I'm curious about what are explicit procedure calls in the below quote. 

Quote: Other attributes such as layer mask modes, and offsets should be set with explicit procedure calls.

So I looked into gimp source code for this API usage example and find they don't set the mask mode or offset before adding this layer to the image using gimp_image_insert_layer(). 

    layer = gimp_layer_new (image, _("Background"),
                             img_a->columns, img_a->rows,
                             gimp_image_get_default_new_layer_mode (image));
     gimp_image_insert_layer (image, layer, NULL, 0);

I have the same confusion for gimp_layer_group_new() but I find the code file above calls gimp_layer_set_mode(), gimp_layer_set_opacity() and other APIs as required in the quote below.

Quote:Attributes such as layer mode and opacity should be set with explicit procedure calls. 

So the questions are: what is the explicit meaning of the two quotes? which APIs should we call and how? Must we call these APIs?
Thank you very much!

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  where/how to install "Text Outliner" plugin
Posted by: deonholt - 10-26-2021, 11:47 AM - Forum: Windows - Replies (2)

Hi. I am a brand new GIMP user for about 2 days now and I have already learned a lot, thanks to excellent YT tutorials.

Windows 10 Pro 64-bit; GIMP 2.10.28

I need to install this plugin:

I downloaded the [color=var(--color-fg-muted)][color=var(--color-fg-default)]text-outline.py[/color][/color] file. I copied it to: 
C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins

I put in the root folder and restarted GIMP. But, the plugin does not show show under filters, decor where it is supposed to be. I  am sure I did not copy it to the right place.

Can someone please advise:
1. If I did it correctly, and
2. where to put the file for the plugin.

Thanks very much.

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Photo Cannot draw over Color on the same Layer
Posted by: Gimpquester - 10-26-2021, 10:56 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

I must have changed the default setting somehow and now am clueless as to how to get it back. 

Drawing on a new layer with a color using paint brush works just fine. When I try to add a new color now however I can only draw on the empty space of the layer, and no longer over the color. It's as if the old color had become a seperate layer that's laid over my layer. See the two images attached.

Thanks for your help.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  TableGimper released
Posted by: ChameleonScales - 10-26-2021, 02:05 AM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (6)

I just published a tool for batch processing using spreadsheets:

As far as my tests go it fully works as intended but I would like to hear from some experienced users before I make a video tutorial so that if there are high-priority corrections to make I can first do that and then make a video.

If you're up for it:

Attached to this post is a test folder you can play with. The readme in the gitlab repository should guide you all the way to being able to use tableGimper with this test folder.
If not, here is a first problem to solve!

As it is, this test folder will purposefully lead tableGimper to throw you errors so that you can see what happens when you make mistakes in the csv files.
Then, the working csv files contained in the "no-errors" folder can replace the other ones to give you a working structure for tableGimper.

Looking forward to your questions and feedback.

Attached Files
.zip   tableGimper-light_test.zip (Size: 262.33 KB / Downloads: 277)
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  Missing Thumbnails
Posted by: Fortunate Aircheck - 10-25-2021, 05:34 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

O I meant "thumbnails" probably not "icons"   ...so these little thumnails, pictures, whatever you call them, have ceased to appear when a file is opened.
How does one enable them.

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  Missing Icons
Posted by: Fortunate Aircheck - 10-25-2021, 05:31 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

Been using Gimp for years. The icons that appear at the top of the workspace no longer appear when a file is opened.  Am using Gimp 2.10.28.

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