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GIMP Keyboard Shortcuts
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Toggle drawing area to th...
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  What is the ideal tile cache size for a device with 16gb of ram?
Posted by: anon2101 - 11-06-2021, 09:21 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)

currently i've it at 8.5 gb. Should i increase it more? What difference would i see in performance if i increase it?

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  Can we set our own GIMP defaults?
Posted by: GMP - 11-06-2021, 01:54 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Can we set our own GIMP defaults when we create a new XCF? One thing I always do is uncheck "draw layer boundaries". if we had this default feature I certainly would do more than just change that one thing

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Posted by: wc.smith - 11-06-2021, 12:11 AM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (2)

Looked in the source distribution for the source for gimp,pyd but didn't see it.  Where is the source for gimp.pyd?



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  Help Neded
Posted by: Zodiak1970 - 11-05-2021, 11:44 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)


I am trying to learn gimp for tshirt design purposes, however I am struggling to learn how to use gimp.

I had been using a couple mobile phone apps to create these designs basically I used an app to cut the background out and turn the image into a PNG.
then I  would use a second app to turn the image into a cartoonish image.

Then a 3rd app to apply the image on a tshirt mock up which was very easy to layer several pieces from images to text, I could move a text in front or behind the image with no complicated steps.

I'm fully aware this and far more can be done with gimp....however it seems very complicated and I am struggling to find information on how to fully do what I need.

I have seen many videos things are explained in parts nothing step for step and completely explaining the design process.

Help please,,,,, any information would be grateful.

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Wink Stubborn Memory
Posted by: Krikor - 11-05-2021, 09:38 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

Hi guys!

There is only one open image, one layer, and two paths.
However, when I use the ofn-path-inbetweener-0.2 plugin it accuses several other options of non-existent paths.


These extra path options should no longer be accessible as they were closed several hours ago.

Is there any way to clear the gimp's memory so that it doesn't load these paths (information) anymore?


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  Veikk A30 Tablet Issues After Update.
Posted by: zuki - 11-05-2021, 08:59 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

SO I updated to gimp 2.10.28, and when I try and use my tablet, I have to reconfigure it each time I load up Gimp..

After doing this several times, I've noticed that Gimp loads up a new set of Tablet Input Devices, and each time gimp adds a new device in a foreign language.
I'm saving after each attempt, and I've also selected to save on exit in preferences. This does not help/work at all..

Each time I load up gimp, Ive got to go in and re-set all my settings to 'Screen', delete the all the newly added devices that are added in chineese (or whatever). Im able to delete all the newly added devices, all but the original one.. The original devices (Eraser, Stylus, etc) are not deletable, and always default back to Disabled.

What I've tried thus far :
Re-Installed Gimp, 2.10.28.. I even Rolled back to the 2.8 version(s) and the same issue.. So I thought my Tablet went bonkers.. I un-installed the tablet Drivers, and pretty much anything to do w/ my tablet, then started over... New tablet drivers, etc.. I put the Tablet into another usb port, etc..
I even did a custom install of Gimp 2.10.28 and unchecked the Language package to see if it would hide the Chinese looking characters... NOPE..

I've tried everything I can think of and nothing seems to be working.. I worked in Gimp for a few hours last night and I DID have to reset the tablet input when it loaded up, as I had not had my tablet installed for a few weeks.. So I thought nothing of it, well.. except the chinese characters but, it worked and I moved on.. Now this morning when I went into Gimp to finish my work, I've ran into this..

Anyone have any help/tips/pointers ??

Setup : Win 10
Tablet : Veikk A30
Drivers all up to date on all devices

Thank you..

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  Text as Active Object
Posted by: ShannonC - 11-05-2021, 04:21 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Newbie here. First post. I need the text to be an active object (not as images, but editable text elements) in my text layer. How do I do this? I didn't see what i was looking for in a thread search, sorry if this has been answered before.

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  Changing the Size of dockable dialogs and more
Posted by: Gimpquester - 11-04-2021, 08:35 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (8)

Looking at the two images attached, I would like to change the size of the dockable dialogs in the top row of image 1. Furthermore I would like to change the size of other parts of the interface like the top row in image 2, which starts with 'icons' of "edit this brush" on the left and ends with "open brush as image" on the right. Same goes for the row at the bottom of image 2 or the expand symbol in the second row at the top to the right (image 2), same symbol in the top row of image 1 to the right.  

Background information: I am experiencing an unresolved bug described in this link: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp/-/issues/5475 which results in an offset when using a pressure stylus on my Wacom Cintiq 16 on a Windows 8.1 operating system. This offset goes away when I change the "size of all items" to smallest in windows display settings. ie. drag the bar all the way to the left. Now I can use the drawing tablet on a 1920x1080 resolution without having an offset on my pen, but the interface in gimp becomes so tiny that I can feel my eyesight deteriorating in real time. 

So I was able to change the size of the icons like brush and eraser easily under "edit-preferences-icon theme" and set icon size to custom.
Then I was able to manually change the font size in the gtkrc file as described here: https://www.gimp-forum.net/Thread-Charac...-text-size

Those two steps make for a much more appealing result already, but now that I'm at it I would also like to manually resize the other parts of the interface to have a full workaround. This would also include things like increasing the size of layers in the layers dialog and what have you, but adjusting what's specified in the images would make me happy.

I suppose my objective can be reached by tweaking the gtkrc file some more, but just randomly increasing values after every "width" and "height" and "size" didn't quite do the trick so I'd much rather ask for the help of a seasoned gimper who might be familiar with the code.

Attached Files Image(s)
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  lightning with gradients
Posted by: denzjos - 11-04-2021, 03:32 PM - Forum: Tutorials and tips - No Replies

Thanks to Rich, Ofnuts and Ottia Tuota for information about this issue.
Make gradients (used my spreadsheet to shift the palettes:

.7z   shift gimp palette rows.7z (Size: 30.24 KB / Downloads: 301)
Make paths (used Ottia Tuota tools / made a path + chop the path) :
Make layers (used the new gradients and the Ofnuts 'Mass render' - 'Paint along paths'):
Gif file :

How to use the spreadsheet to shift palettes :
- open a palette gpl file in a text editor
- select all the text
- copy the selection
- paste the selection in the A1 cell from the spreadsheet
- in most cases the A column contain a header with some numbers underneath, column B sometimes contain some text
Columns A and B are the original values and will not changed
Columns D and E are copies from column A and B and are used to work with
Column E is used for calculation, don't change it
Columns H and I contain the new shifted values
There is only one value one have to fill in to shift the values ; cell L1
If the shift value is greater than the length of the file then there is a warning in cell L2
After a shift value is filled in, the values in columns H and I are shifted straight away
To save the shifted values :
- select the values in column H an I (not the columns)
- File / Print (choose 'print to file' and 'print selected cells')
- save it as 'name_x.gpl' where x is a number if one make several shifted palette files
(or copy and paste the new file to a text editor and save it as file01,file02,file03......)
As an example, if the imported palette file has 256 lines with values, one can shift with value 50,100,150,200 and every time save the values with names : green01.gpl, green02.gpl.........green04.gpl.
You just have to load the original file once to do this.
To change the value in another palette, just erase column A and B and paste the new palette as described above.  

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  Color selection tool
Posted by: evigor - 11-04-2021, 02:49 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (6)

Dear all,

I'm vectorizing images with the help of GIMP. I start with an image like this:

[Image: Originale.png]then with the color selection tool I select all the lines:

[Image: Strumento.png]

ad after I export the selection to Qgis, with an apposite tool. The problem is that the selection for each line  is "doubled": one for one side, one for the other. Here a zoom:

 [Image: Ingrandimento.png]

Well...is there the possibility for GIMP (maybe with a different tool) to select with just a "line selection", right in the center of the original lines?

Thank you

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