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  how to erase snap to pixel
Posted by: denzjos - 07-16-2020, 08:53 AM - Forum: General questions - No Replies

I try to erase some things from an image using the erase tool. I want to erase pixel sharp, no blurred edges. Hardness and force are set to 100%. I've set up a grid to 1 pixel and also set snap to grid. The result is that the eraser snap to 1/2 pixel so the result is an erased area with blurred edges. Can anyone tell me how can I prevent that? 


I found the solution : I must set the dynamics to 'hard edge', so problem solved.

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  measure/record pixel coordinates
Posted by: fotomax - 07-16-2020, 06:01 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (13)

I was expecting that somehow when using measure tool I would be able to right-click on a pixel and have single pixel coordinates stored in the clipboard as a numeric string, so I can copy it to a text editor in order to create input for some other program. Is there a way to do this? Is there any other tool with the precise cross cursor that can be used in this mode?

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  Sudden crashes when opening file
Posted by: Need-support-1976 - 07-16-2020, 12:47 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Came across a strange problem that just started today. After I open Gimp, if I try to open a file to edit from one particular folder, it crashes. If I try to open files from other folders, it works fine. I've always used this one folder to store files I want to edit, so not sure what the problem is. I deleted my Gimp user folder, then re-booted Gimp but that did not help. I'm using Gimp 2.6.11. Any ideas why this could be happening or how to fix it?

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  Custom bit depth ver. 2.10.20
Posted by: PiranhaFlip - 07-14-2020, 02:25 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)


I am trying to create an image with a specific bit depth to trial something to see if I can take it to a manufacturing process at work.
Long story short, I need finer control over the bit depth of my images.

I am using GIMP 2.10.20, can anyone help me with how to create an image with bit depths that are not available on the default precision drop down list?
(File -> New -> Advanced Options -> Precision)

At the moment I need a 4 bit per pixel bitmap image.
Is this even possible with GIMP?

Thanks in advance!

[Image: b88d43f496d42141ef6c1c4aa0a41132.png]

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  Clone Tool Preview
Posted by: Digital-Magpie - 07-13-2020, 05:13 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

I'm new to Gimp and have been using Photoshop up to this point.  When I'm using Photoshop the stamp tool shows a preview of the image about to be pasted before you actually paste as shown in the attached image.  I need this to be able align the pasted image to the one I'm copying over. How to I turn that on?

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Photo Why is "Channel to Selection" brighter than same extracted channel?
Posted by: ChameleonScales - 07-12-2020, 04:53 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)

As shown below, an extracted channel (here blue) gives a brighter result when using the "Channel to Selection" context menu item and creating a mask from that selection compared to using Colors>Components>Decompose or Color>Components>Extract Component (which both give the correct result):

[Image: Go0c41f.jpg]

Extracted blue channel:
[Image: IX94zby.jpg]

Channel to Selection (on blue):
[Image: 9LQMo76.jpg]

Is this intended and what is the reason?

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Big Grin Corel PaintShop Pro 2020 Shortcuts for Gimp 2.10.20
Posted by: migf1 - 07-11-2020, 09:47 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (2)

A little while ago I posted Photoshop 2018 bindings for Gimp 2.10.20, and I justy had to do it for Corel Paintshop Pro too (PSP for short)...

Homepage (on DeviantArt)
Alternative (on gnome-look, for non-DA members)

PaintShop Pro rivals Photoshop since the beginning of time, but it only runs on Windows. If you've moved to Linux or macOS (or use them on the side) you are probably using Gimp as a PSP alternative. These keyboard & mouse bindings will hopefully get your life a little easier, until you fully adopt to Gimp's native way of doing things.

As far as I know and as of this writing, these are the most up to date, and frankly the only PaintShop Pro bindings for Gimp, available anywhere (there is also an on-line reference, as a Google Sheet).

Have a look at the included Readme.txt file for full details & instructions.

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  Brush/Gradient/Swatch sets vs singles?
Posted by: Mithalogica - 07-11-2020, 12:24 AM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (5)

New switcher from PS here (CS.5), running on MacOSX 10.13 (I know, and old version, it has to do with my Windows BootCamp - long story). Point is, I'm a bit confused and want to be sure I'm understanding correctly. 

In PS, things like brushes, gradients, patterns, etc. are stored as sets. So a brush file (.abr) or gradient file (.grd) might hold a dozen or more brushes, or elated gradients and so on. These can also be loaded dynamically, from any folder, from within PS. 

From what I"m seeing, in order to use these kinds of add-ons in GIMP, I need to add them as single items? And they all get dumped in the application package itself? That seems....unwieldy at best? 

I have roughly 3.5 GB of brushes, 250 MB of patterns, a hundred or so gradeint sets with as many as 10, 20, or more gradients each. Imagining trying to find what I'm looking for with everything individually sounds hellish, and I suspect it would slow things to a crawl.

I also keep these in my Dropbox Folder so they get updated as I add new things, and I can load them into Photoshop on any machine I'm working on. I'm guessing having GIMP itself reside on DB and be run from different machines would play havoc with the app, so how could I keep my resources up to date on multiple machines?

Am I just vastly misunderstanding how GIMP handles these resources? Halp! Thank you all!

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  How do I make those soft, fluffy things transparent?
Posted by: LittleFairyKikidee - 07-10-2020, 01:48 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Hi! I'm trying to make those frames/stamps from LINE Camera like the ones from PicsArt. Can you teach me how?

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Sad Fonts or visual problem???
Posted by: rtrenado - 07-10-2020, 10:03 AM - Forum: Windows - Replies (5)


I've just recently installed Gimp 2.10.20 at Windows 10 and when it opens the GUI some text/fonts shows wrong. Maybe a language conversion problem?  Huh 

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