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Question Slow file access
Posted by: emirkir - 04-14-2020, 10:19 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

Hello! New to this forum so I'll just ask my question...

When I click on things as "open as layer", "open", "export as" etc., (every time you open the Windows Explorer) GIMP freezes and does not respond.
After approx. 30 sec, the explorer Window opens.
This is getting very annoying and very unproductive when using many layers...
The strange part is, that I've used GIMP on this computer for a long time and I got this problem today.
I have tried to reinstall GIMP and to simply restart my computer.

I've found a solution to this on Reddit (link to the solution), but it doesn't seem to work for me as I do not have any Floppy Diskette Drive.

I'm running GIMP 2.10.18 on a Windows 10 x64 computer. 8 GB RAM, Nvidia GTX 1060 3GB, Intel Core i5-7500 @ 3,40 GHz.

Please someone help me!
Thanks in advance.

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  Hard edge eraser not completely erasing pixels
Posted by: Greybear - 04-14-2020, 09:34 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

I've set the eraser tool's hardness and force to 100 with a hard edge ticked, and still the tool leaves som shades when I try to erase, and force me to click twice to get rid of all traces of the pixels... What am I doing wrong? Using GIMP 2.10.8
[Image: Capture.jpg]

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Bug How do i fix this sprite sheet problem?
Posted by: mike206 - 04-14-2020, 07:24 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

So i'm very new to using gimp and i have version 2.10 and in this video clip you will see i'm trying to edit
this sprite sheet by replacing a section of it with another image. When i test in game all of the animations i didn't touch still move because i didn't mess with them but the area i cut out and replaced doesn't animate at all. Can
someone help me to fix this? Oh and i'm testing this in RPG Maker MV, Thanks 

*update* for some reason none of my video links worked. sorry about that so i had to upload the
video on my facebook game page so please check out the issue there, thanks


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  The wrong thing is transparent?
Posted by: ElfyTheHuntress - 04-14-2020, 11:39 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (6)

Hi all! So, I'm having a problem with transparency. I have these black text boxes that I used the screen mode to change the colors. All was fine with the black boxes after I removed the white background i could see perfectly the parchment background I painstakingly erased from around the boxes. I added a background to that. so in order the layers are: full background, text box background then text boxes. problem is it only works with the black. the colored boxes, when I remove the alpha channel, are transparent. all of them. Gray, red, blue, green, purple. All of them. 
so my question here is how can I fix that? 

here's some screen shots of a box. You can clearly see bits of the outer edge where the layer underneath shows through. the green is meant to be quite darker but because of the transparency, it doesn't cover the box as intended and it melds into the background in places.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  Image sizing
Posted by: KATHYB - 04-14-2020, 08:09 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

I am a watercolour artist and I paint various elements to be included in a fabric pattern, the size of the patter is 8inches x 8inches.  When I take a photo of each image to put into Gimp they are all 3024 x 4032 or 42 inches x 56 inches.  I need to take each image and make it fit onto the 8inch x 8inch tile and then make it repeating.

I have no idea how to do this.  When I open a new file and make it 8inch x 8inch the images dont fit on to them. 

Also, when I do size down each image, (albeit with huge loss of resolution) I cant work out how to take the cut image (not the one with the box around it) and put it onto the relevant layer. 

I am really new to all this, and I use Youtube to see tutorials about how to do this kind of thing but they don't seem to cover this image sizing problem.   I think I must be doing something wrong so I just need to know if I am or if there is no way to do it.  

I am really just a watercolour artist trying to work out how to do this stuff in Gimp - I'm not a techie or someone who uses photoshop or any other program.

Any help would be really appreciated.

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  Image Creation for 3 monitor setup
Posted by: seaweavle10 - 04-14-2020, 04:58 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

I have 3 monitors, each 3440x1440 resolution.  I've never used any image editing software before, but I have 3 images that I would like to have as my desktop background (one in each monitor).  I've watched a bunch of tutorial videos on gimp, but can't figure out how to get all the images into one canvas where they would be centered on each monitor.  Also, the images are all different sizes, which is making this difficult.  Not really sure what to do. Any suggestions?  Thanks! Smile

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  gimp.2.10.18 plugins
Posted by: jordo128 - 04-13-2020, 04:52 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (8)

Hi, new to the forum, i couldn't post a thread in the gimp 2.10 section saw it was an issue for others. 

So starting this thread to hopefully catch some plugin sources for the latest release of gimp. specifically for myself the layer effects plugin which isn't compatible with .118 as ive seen some others aren't. If i come across any I'll post them here, if anyone else does it would be greatly appreciated if you could. thanks

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  custom font
Posted by: dhugg - 04-13-2020, 04:43 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (2)


i am fairly new at gimp and i am trying to learn the features and functions as i go along.  i am running gimp 2.8.22 on windows xp at this time but getting ready to go to 2.10 on windows 10.  i am kind of learning gimp on the standalone xp machine before moving to gimp 2.10 on windows 10.

I have been trying to get started learning "custom font" plugins and scripts.

I guess my first question is can i use the custom font plugins in my 2.8.22 environment?

if so, how does one get started using this.   Right now i cant get any of the plugins/scripts to do anything (except font slab).   After running each plugin i either get nothing on the screen or i get errors where called scripts are missing or not run with correct parameters?  where does one learn about the purpose of each script as well as the order in which these scripts are to be run as well as what input parameters produces what result for each plugin/script (setup)?

seems useful in theory if i could just put it into practice??

thanks for the help......     


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  dernière et première image
Posted by: julien franceschi - 04-13-2020, 02:21 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Bonjour à tous,

Je cherche à créer une animation Gif qui serait lut en boucle.
Celle-ci comporte 10 images. 

Le problème, c'est que quand l'animation se termine et revient au début, il y a comme une saccade (l'animation n'est pas fluide ).

Je pense qu'il faut raccorder ou rendre raccordable (Filtres-Carte) je ne connais pas la différence entre les deux) avec Gimp.

En fait je cherche à faire un raccord entre la dernière et la première image.

A +

Merci pour votre aide

Good morning all,

I'm looking to create a Gif animation that would be read in a loop.
This includes 10 images.

The problem is that when the animation ends and returns to the beginning, there is like a jerk (the animation is not fluid).

I think that it is necessary to connect or make connectable (Filters-Map) I do not know the difference between the two) with Gimp.

In fact I am trying to make a connection between the last and the first image.

A +

Thanks for your help

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  Eyedropper icon detects wrong color
Posted by: Nos402 - 04-13-2020, 09:23 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Okay this is really weird and maybe I just don't understand how something works. So the way I've been "sampling" a color, is to bring up the color picker window, clicking the eyedropper icon, and clicking the color. When I do it this way, it samples the wrong color. The color it detects is not correct.

However, when using Fill, or a brush, holding CTRL turns it into an eyedropper. When I do it THIS way, it samples the CORRECT color and can fill it or paint it. So the ACTUAL color I'm trying to use is #2f00d3 but if I click the eyedropper ICON in the "Change Foreground Color" window it detects it as #0030d5 which is the wrong color. So is there an issue with the Eyedropper icon in the Change Color window or do I just not understand something here? Should the Ctrl-click detect the same color as the Eyedropper icon in the Change Color window?

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