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  Night mode
Posted by: meetdilip - 01-19-2020, 08:08 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (10)

Hope you people remember how MacOS had 2 wallpapers, one for the day and other for the night. I was thinking whether both are the same. ie, they Photoshop ed the original image as the night wallpaper.

I was trying to learn how to make a day time image look dark as in the night. I tried Colour > curve and adding a layer with black colour ( opacity 50 ). While it seems ok, I am not happy with the result. How do we do that the right way ? Thanks.

PS : I am attaching a sample wallpaper I was working on.

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  What are the Best Brushes to Draw Manga in?
Posted by: IAmACat - 01-19-2020, 04:06 AM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (1)

I am coming from Clip Paint Studio and I would like to know everything about drawing Manga in Gimp. I would like a few brushes very similar to the ones Clip Paint Studio Provides?

Is that too much to.... Meow?

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  Windows 10 problem
Posted by: kenact - 01-19-2020, 03:38 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

First, thank you for this product, I appreciate all the work that's gone into creating it.

With the latest update to Windows 10, version 1903, it's taking about 3:30 minutes for the Export dialog box to come up.

This started after




This is on a Windows 10 Home 64 bit machine with 64gb RAM and a 2.4Ghz, 6 core, 12 processor CPU

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  Add Webcam to "Create"
Posted by: mortarm - 01-19-2020, 02:43 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)


How do I add a USB webcam to the File>Create  menu?  I'm using 2.10 on Win7.


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  Draw in steps
Posted by: Mrco - 01-18-2020, 05:36 PM - Forum: Older Gimp versions (2.8, 2.6....) - Replies (3)

I need Gimp to draw in steps (spacing??), I need pencil tool to draw only every 50 pixels so I can easily draw a blueprint of a house. 100 pixels beign one meter.
How do I do that?

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Star Zoobka: Create artworks with beautiful material effects
Posted by: g017 - 01-18-2020, 04:09 PM - Forum: Gallery - Replies (1)


You know Zoobka? Smile The technique to make easily beautiful abstracts with various cool effects of lighting and matter.

The tutorial and samples of what you can do with it are there:

Some more examples (16:9 wallpapers):

Light Cruiser

Jungle Heart - Pink

Black Orchid

Golden Dream

Copper Star

And a beautiful "Alien", by denzjos:

Post here your own creations, we will love to see them!... Smile

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Posted by: yegnal - 01-16-2020, 11:15 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (2)

I'm using Gimp 2.10.14 in Windows and Ubuntu 18.04.

I am easily able to place the resynthesizer plugins into the proper plugin directory in Windows, and all the filters work fine.

Can someone explain to me why it isn't that simple in Linux, and why ?

Had trouble with Gmic as well, but after removing and purging snap and distribution installs I was able to get it working by installing both Gimp and Gmic via apt-get.

Resynthesizer via apt-get added some but not all functionality of the resynthesizer plugins namely the heal-selection filter is missing.

Again, same version of Gimp in both operating systems so why isn't as easy to facilitate the usage of these scripts in Linux..


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  [split] Gimp settings reset after Windows update
Posted by: Pat625 - 01-16-2020, 06:12 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

After an apparent windows update last night sometime, my GIMP has been reset to all the Preferences. I must make all my personal settings again. When I go through the directory of GIMP, I cannot find a folder with any fonts, but I seem to have all of them when I tested the text tool. It seems every time I have an update, something goes haywire in my Gimp Program. I also welcome any suggestions. Also, there are no scripts, plug-in, etc. that I have added. It is as though I have a completely new install.

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  Windows fonts no longer available
Posted by: scottsimages - 01-16-2020, 05:07 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)

After updates to Windows and to Gimp, I no longer have access to fonts. Arial is the only font available. I have tried a few solutions, i.e. resetting Windows font cache, re-install of Gimp, etc...nothing works. I did find an option that allows me to use Windows fonts in a separately accessible window, but the fonts are not available in the gimp text dialogs. Suggestions?

Windows 10 Pro x64 1909
Gimp 2.10.14

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  Reduce Number of Fonts
Posted by: Fauxre - 01-15-2020, 03:47 AM - Forum: OSX - Replies (2)

Hi All,

Not sure if I should post here, or in 2.10 forum, but here goes.

I'm new to this forum, bt Ive been using GIMP for family projects for years. Home movie videos, gift certificates, flyers; relatively simple stuff.  Nothing professional.  

Does anyone know if there is a way to set Gimp such that it only lists the fonts downloaded to the Gimp fonts folders?  It's a real pain to scroll pass all of the  fonts found in the systems folder that are mixed in with the fonts I've added to the GIMP fonts folder.  

My computer tech skills ended with the introduction of the 386 processor(1985ish), so Im a little out of date.
 I'm running GIMP Version 2.10.14 on MacOS Mojave 10.14.6.  

Any help is appreciated.

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