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  Painting with GIMP: g017 works
Posted by: g017 - 01-14-2020, 11:14 PM - Forum: Gallery - Replies (4)


I am a digital artist who makes drawings/paintings, photo manipulation, background wallpapers, fractals, and, since I found the method: "zoobkas". More information on the Zoobka technique here: https://www.gimp-forum.net/Thread-Zoobka...al-effects

I am also a long time GIMP user and lover, and almost all my artworks are made with it.

Samples of my paintings with GIMP:





My last work:

More at DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/g017
I am on Flickr too: https://www.flickr.com/photos/g017/

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  Re-instating missing plugins in 2.10
Posted by: Ofnuts - 01-14-2020, 09:50 PM - Forum: Tutorials and tips - No Replies

Some plugins available in previous Gimp versions are considered "deprecated" and can no longer be reached via the menus (the simple sharpen for instance), very often because there are better alternatives.

But you may have grown accustomed to the old ways...

In many (most?)  cases, these plug-ins have been kept (because they could be called by scripts).

For occasional uses you can get find the plug-in by entering "/" in the image window. This will open a search window, in which you start typing the name of the filter you are looking for: s-h-a-r... until the name of the searched plug-in appears. You then double-click the plug-in to start it. 

But if you are an aficionado and use it often, you would like to access it more quickly. There are two ways:

1) You can still add a shorcut for it using Edit>Keyboard shortcut.

2) You can even put it back in the menus:

Find your Gimp profile, and edit the pluginrc file with a decent text editor (that means not Windows Notepad Smile):

  • locate the menu label of the plug-in: Sharpen...
  • replace the 0 in the next line by 1
  • under that line insert the menu/submenu where the menu label should be added: (menu-path "<Image>/Filters/Enhance")
So the file should look like:

(plug-in-def "${gimp_plug_in_dir}/plug-ins/sharpen/sharpen" 0
    (proc-def "plug-in-sharpen" 1
         "Make image sharper (less powerful than Unsharp Mask)"
         "This plug-in selectively performs a convolution filter on an image."
         "Michael Sweet <mike@easysw.com>"
         "Copyright 1997-1998 by Michael Sweet"
         "1.4.2 - 3 June 1998"
        (menu-path "<Image>/Filters/Enhance")
        (icon icon-name -1 "")
         "RGB*, GRAY*"
         4 0
        (proc-arg 0 "run-mode" "The run mode { RUN-INTERACTIVE (0), RUN-NONINTERACTIVE (1) }")
        (proc-arg 13 "image" "Input image")
        (proc-arg 16 "drawable" "Input drawable")
        (proc-arg 0 "percent" "Percent sharpening (default = 10)")))

If you make a mistake that makes the file in-understandable by Gimp (typically, unbalanced quotes or parentheses), don't worry, Gimp will just erase it and recreate that file from scratch, which should reconstruct exactly the version that worked before you edited it).

This will even survive changes in other plugins that would cause the pluginrc file to be updated.

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  [split] 2.10.2 Missing Folders
Posted by: Kalle - 01-14-2020, 08:53 PM - Forum: OSX - No Replies

I run on iMac 2017 with 10.15.2

Today I downloaded Gimp 2.10 but I dont find the Patternfolder and Scriptfolder  inside my library. What happen.

[Image: Ska-rmavbild-2020-01-14-kl-21-43-53.png]

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  Bevel reflect logo
Posted by: jappaloe1963 - 01-14-2020, 08:10 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (2)

Bevel reflect logo werkt niet meer bij mij in Gimp 2.10.14 ... wie helpt mij?

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  G'MIC not load when filter selected
Posted by: Pat625 - 01-14-2020, 07:48 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Have windows 10, 64 bit, Gimp org's Gimp version 2.10.14.  Have never had problems with G'MIC previously but suddenly last week it would not load.  I have not added anything new to cause problems.  I deleted the current version as it was not the latest.  I installed the 1.80, would not load.  Tried both the installer and the zip files. Neither would load.  Gmic is present under Filters and shows on the plug-in browser.  On the taskbar, I have the Gmic frame showing but it is blank.  Nothing loads to the work screen.  Made sure I was using the 2.10 versions for windows.

Any suggestions as to what I should try?  Have reloaded several times with the same versions and even tried some older ones but nothing happens.  It obviously is present,  but not loading.  Looks like all the files are there.

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  Bright green turning brown when transferred
Posted by: Eternize - 01-14-2020, 05:15 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

I have an image I want to bring into another project, the image includes a bright lime-green color, hex code 05cb00 and a bright yellow hex code f3ff4d.  However, when I drag the image, copy-paste, or otherwise attempt to bring the image into my project, the green becomes a muddy brown hex code 534931 and the yellow becomes a drab light-brown hex code bca471.  It's to the point that I cannot even draw over the brown with the pencil tool because it, too, becomes the muddy brown.  I'm sure it's some setting that I simply don't know about but it's driving me up a wall.  Any help would be much appreciated.

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Thumbs Up Zoobka: A technique to make beautiful material effects
Posted by: g017 - 01-14-2020, 04:14 PM - Forum: Tutorials and tips - Replies (16)

Hi everyone

I have found a method (I call it "Zoobka", for ZOOm Blur - KAleidoscope) to easily create abstract artworks with cool effects like "neon", "plasma", "smoke"... It does not require any drawing or painting skills.

Note: all the artworks presented here are at the 16:9 format, they are best viewed at full size and can be used as DESKTOP WALLPAPERS. Some look great on my 1366x768 laptop screen. Some others, maybe not so great but they are all there to show interesting effects.

Jungle Heart

Tribal Lights

Ghost Armor

Sacred Fire

Black Star

Here is the general technique:

1. To start with, you need a simple drawing with broad strokes and fine strokes like the one found here:
This one was used for the artwork "Jungle Heart".
I use a brush preset of Krita called "Experimental Webs" but it is probably not a requirement.

Then, with GIMP:
2. Invert the B&W.
3. Apply colors. Personally I use the G'Mic filter "Plasma" set on the "Vivid light" merging mode.
4. Apply a zoom motion blur, on a "New from Visible" layer with the "Screen" or "Lighten only" mode and reduced opacity.
3b. If the result go outside the image boundaries, reduce it with the scale tool.
5. Optional but recommended: On a "New from Visible" layer, apply the "Whirl and Pinch" filter (to get long curvy lines).
You should get something like that: https://sta.sh/0x6lz6ecln5
6. Apply the "Kaleidoscope" filter ("Distorts" menu).
7. Apply a zoom motion blur, like at step 4 but with a higher blurring factor.
8. Optional but recommended: To give more richness, relief, subtlety etc to the shapes (or to radically change them), or to vary the color scheme, the luminosity etc (depending on the merging mode - usually I use "Overlay" or "Soft light"), embed in your current result a deformed, moved, flipped and/or resized of it, or a work you previously made with the same technique. Personally I have used this one for many artworks you see here:
https://sta.sh/0ae8ynrh3t8 (this is my first "zoobka")
9. Optional: Apply a zoom motion blur.
10. Optional: Apply again the "Kaleidoscope" filter.

I can explain the method in more details if anyone is interested.

Below are more examples in separate replies because of the limit of 5 attachments per post.

Some other examples of zoobka artworks.

Plasma effects:
In the heart of light (Swans' love)

Light Heart

Neon effects:



Lotus of Light

Glass effect:

Painting effects:
Secret Jungle
Reminds me of stained glass also.

Speaking of stained glass:
Mystical Star

More roses:
Love is everywhere

Rising Star
Uses the G'Mic filter "Distort lens", which is not part of the core technique.

Hearts Connection

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  Where Have I Been?
Posted by: patlaw - 01-14-2020, 01:51 PM - Forum: Watercooler - No Replies

This is my first post, and I wanted to say that even though I played with GIMP a number of years ago, I never understand it well enough to use it. Now that I've loaded version 10, I'm blown away. There is no doubt that GIMP will do almost everything I could possibly need. I've already learned about alpha channels, which are something that have always confused me. In other words, I'm excited!

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  A torus????
Posted by: respoda - 01-13-2020, 09:29 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)

Searched far and wide but as usual the info available for gimp is scattered beyond reproach.

I need to know how to make a torus in gimp, with grid.

I can do half a torus by just duplicating circles around:


But when closing the loop, there is always a hole where the outside skin with grid should be:


So instead of having the squared grid all around, you can still see the inside of the torus.

Help please. Trying to find out by myself just means wasting days of time I really need.

what i need is this :


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  How to get rid of lines in texture of image?
Posted by: Mygale - 01-13-2020, 07:44 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)

Hi all, 

I would like to recreate an old jacket. After all those years they do not sell the fabric anymore. That's why I took a picture so I can get the fabric custom print the fabric. The original fabric was corduroy, so the texture of the fabric has these vertical lines. The images (vintage cars) on the fabric therefore also have vertical lines resulting in subtle color differences between the lines. 

I'm afraid that when I print it on corduroy again the vertical lines and color differences will be intensified, which will make it look weird. 

I've been trying to remove the lines and color differences using Gimp. So far I tried the default blur filters, the smudge tool and the resynthesizer health plugin, but without any good results. Does anyone here maybe have a tip or advice on how I can better remove the lines and make the cars have a solid even color? 


Any help is appreciated!

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