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Png and tiff exports deeply dark - jpg extremely light |
Posted by: bgzordan - 04-13-2019, 07:14 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
Hallo everybody
I'm using arch linux and gimp 2.10.10.
Last week I created some retouched photographs, with many layers, as usual.
Every time I exported them in png or tiff I got them extremely underexposed with a reddish color dominant.
An export in jpg resulted in a light and overexposed image.
When uploaded to flickr these pngs they were given as created with darktable 2.
Since they had been taken into gimp from darktable, which was the software I have associated to gimp for conversion from the original nikon nef, I educatedly guessed that this ws the problem (a png export from a correctly converted nef by nikon software worked flawlessly).
Anybody has suggestion about how to save my work?
It took many hours to create this final image.
Vertical banding in layer mask |
Posted by: osdtp - 04-12-2019, 02:04 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
Every time I make any selection and add layer mask from selection with inversion I get vertical banding in whole mask. This was apearing after upgrade from 2.10.8 to 2.10.10 win 64bit
Is it bug or it is in just my settings?
New to GIMP - Some basic questions. v2.10 |
Posted by: Fennec - 04-11-2019, 05:22 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (12)
1.) Is there no shapes or arrows built-in like there is for Windows Paint? I guess if not, I have to draw them or find a .png of these shapes/arrows and import/resize?
Seems kinda strange not to have this built-in functionality.
2.) How the heck do you install fonts?
I downloaded "Bebas Neue" from dafont and dropped the Bebas Neue.otf file into: C > Windows > Fonts, and it shows up in Paint, but not in GIMP. I then removed it from that directory and double-clicked the file and hit "Install" and restarted GIMP, but It's still not showing up in GIMP either via search or manual scroll. I've tried to follow the GIMP user-manual which seems to be out-of-date. There's no "personal" folder in GIMP that I'm aware of, and there's no "fonts" folder in Edit > Preferences > Folders.
Really, why is it so damn hard to get even the basics done with GIMP? I shouldn't have to spend a few hours figuring out how to install a font when it works instantly with POS Paint.
Newby path question |
Posted by: BCosell - 04-11-2019, 05:10 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (6)
I'm using Gimp 2.8/64 on win7 [soon to be win10] and I'm a little baffled about what should be a simple path problem. Simplified, what I'd like to do with the path tool is draw something like this;
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After I do the first square I can't figure out to make a "connecting" path for the two side squares [so that each is a region I can color
and will stroke properly.
How can I make two or three or more "connected" closed paths. Thanks
Can we save custom brush settings? |
Posted by: Ritergeek - 04-10-2019, 12:27 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
I'm working on a complex project that involves using a long list of brush settings for different sections. Since I'm keeping parts separated into thirty some layers and counting, I've resorted to entering relevant brush settings in a text document so I can redo sections or replicate. Is there a way to create a palette of brush settings within a GIMP file? It's tedious and time consuming to redo opacity, size, hardness and sometimes spacing each time I switch layers!
Convert black and white photo to colour |
Posted by: plumbergp - 04-08-2019, 01:04 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (9)
I have an old primary school class black and white photo which I would like to convert to colour.
It will be great for my whole class to see the good old day in colour!
How can I select a colour A (shirt) and then change all images with colour A to another colour?
Any other tips on B & W conversion to colour will be most welcome.
P/S Tried one apps to convert B&W to colour. Result is disappointing, not much change in the colouring.