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Cut out a speech bubble from a transparent PNG image?! |
Posted by: cutoutperson - 04-15-2019, 04:50 AM - Forum: Older Gimp versions (2.8, 2.6....)
- Replies (5)
Hi there.
I have a PNG with transparent background.
I want to upload iinto GIMP.
I want to then overlay a speech bubble.
I want to then cut out whatever is in that speech bubble, and export that ... so that l have nothing that was outside of the speech bubble in the exported image.
Best l've been able to do so far merely cuts out a silhouette of whatever was in the speech bubble, minus any colours or anything like that.
All l want is a speech bubble containing a picture, that l can then paste into other larger pictures.
Seriously considering a physical paper and scissors solution right now. GIMP seems able to do anything but this. FWIW l don't for a moment think it'd be straightforward on any other art program made after 1999, when the world got unnecessarily complex for no reason!
Is this Photoshop workflow reproducible? |
Posted by: dantestyle - 04-14-2019, 05:05 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
Hey all, so there's something that I've always done a LOT in photoshop for many of my youtube thumbnails, and blog images etc.
I'll often get an image that I Want to extend the width of without changing the pespective.
So I'd increase the canvas width on one side of the image, then highlight that empty region, then use content aware fill.
Like in this image: https://imgur.com/a/vjNp36d
But I can't use resynthesizer for this purpose - it seems only useful for remving an object from an image, not filling in an empty space based on its surroundings.
Any ideas on this?
Using filters marked by a "G" in python-fu (GEGL?) |
Posted by: kolopo - 04-14-2019, 12:09 AM - Forum: Scripting questions
- Replies (1)
I was writing a python script to apply a filter to all layers in an image. When I went to try and add selective gaussian blur(took me a while to figure out that's a surface blur in GIMP) I could not find a way to do it. Doing some searching it seems the G stands for GEGL. Trying to use GEGL operation from tools menu the corresponding or similar/equivalent filter seems to be "bilateral filter". Intuitively it feels like I should be able to use any filter as long as I provide parameters with python-fu, but I guess not. Is there really no way to use these filters from python-fu?
just fyi, I'm a beginner to GIMP, and a bit familiar with python.
Maximum Image Size |
Posted by: Jasper - 04-13-2019, 06:43 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
Hello all,
What is the maximum image size that GIMP can handle without crashing/lagging. I have GIMP 2.10.8 and my computer is a Dell Inspiron 15R with 1 terrabyte of storage total (it is about a third full). I'm trying to map out the text adventure game Zork.
convert gimp files into pdf |
Posted by: gimpcam - 04-13-2019, 02:08 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
Hi everyone,
Im a student and i tried to edit a 120 pages pdf in gimp. Once i did it, i had 120 layers that i need to save as pdf, and then use an other software to merge the 120 pdf. I was wondering if its possible to save the whole layers in one unique pdf in one save, because saving the layers as pdf one by one is sooo long.
Is there an extension/plug-in for extended grid options? |
Posted by: Marscaleb - 04-13-2019, 12:34 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
This is something that keeps frustrating me.
When I'm using the grid, it will only display the same gridlines at its designated spacing without any indication of "major gridlines." Nearly every other program I use (that features a grid) will display "major gridlines" to help space out the grid better. So for example, I could have every fifth gridline appear darker or thicker, or every tenth, eights, second, whatever. The point is that I can customize the grid to give me a large grid for lining up my larger elements and a small grid for lining up the smaller elements.
But by default, I can find no such option within GIMP. So I'm wondering if anyone has made any kind of extension or plug-in or something so that I can enable this feature.
Fundamentally it shouldn't be hard to create one; all the grid functionality already exists in GIMP so it would just need to duplicate it to draw a second grid on the screen. And I can't be the only one who has wanted this.
Sure I can add guides, but then the guides will start to encumber the screen; I already use guides at certain key moments to mark boundaries on my image, and unless I could make those guides visually distinct from the ones I want to use as major gridlines I am going to get them confused with each other.